Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 239: two ilia

With a cold face, she closed the communication. Lin Sisi felt very tired.

This Elizabeth is really a pot that can’t be opened and lifted.

But if you really want Lin Sisi to go back and blame Elizabeth, that's not going to happen. After all, it's his own idol. For cute things like Longniang, Lin Sisi is also pretending to be outside. The big deal is to go back and tune and teach. It's impossible to blame anything.

To sort out her mood, Lin Sisi roughly sorted out the reason for the incident.

At present, it is known that Elizabeth found the Holy Grail in the previous singularity of the Round Table Domain, and was brought to this singularity by the Holy Grail.

Here, Elizabeth met Elijah and Hercules, who only had a conscious state and no body. During the pursuit, Elizabeth dropped the Holy Grail and escaped. And Illya got the Holy Grail and stayed here.

Afterwards, Illya in the magical girl Illya world blew up the gem sword because Rin Tohsaka and Luvia were killed. As a result, the three were thrown into this singularity. And encountered Master Illya.

Just because of unknown reasons, the magical girl Illya was possessed by the master Illya and took her body away. The ruby ​​was also bounced off.

I didn't know the principle before, but now I want to come. Master Illya must have relied on the power of the Holy Grail to forcibly attach to the magical girl Illya.

And because Magical Girl Illya is not the first generation owner of this body, her resistance may not be very strong. This may also have something to do with Master Ilya's success in taking away her body.

After all, the original owner of the body was the little black from the Lin Sisi family.

Of course, it's useless to say this now. What really matters is where the current magical girl Illya is. What happened to her after her body was taken away.

This is the most critical place right now.

After sorting out the language, Lin Sisi looked at Illya: "Illya sauce."

"Nani?" Illya looked innocent.

"...You only had a conscious body at first, right? Where did your current body come from?" After hesitating, Lin Sisi finally asked this question.

This issue is precisely what Miyu, Xiaokuo, Luvia, and Tohsaka Rin are concerned about.

Everyone turned their attention to Illya, Illya replied innocently with a sweet smile.

"Well, after I came to this world, my body disappeared. It was only then that a person fell from the sky. She actually looked exactly like me. Although she was dressed strangely, I was the first I knew right away that the body was right for me. So, I made a wish to the Holy Grail that I wanted that body. Then, I had the body."

Illya's admission made the faces of Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, Miyu, and Kuro a little ugly.

Lin Sisi was not surprised. Because she had guessed it before and was prepared in her heart. And even if you didn't think about it, Meiyou was mentally prepared. Lin Sisi would not expose all his thoughts on his face because of this.

I winked at Tohsaka Rin, asking her to control the others and not act rashly. Lin Sisi asked Illya in a friendly manner.

"Then, Illya-chan, who looks exactly like you, the original owner of this body. How is she now?"

It seems a little surprised that Lin Sisi can face herself with a smile as always. Elijah looked at Lin Sisi for a while, then replied slowly.

"She's very good. Although she was very noisy at first, but after a long time, she stopped being noisy. Although now because of the arrival of Miyu, she started to be noisy again. But she is like this , I don't hate it either. After all she and I are Illya at heart. So, I'm happy to be friends with myself in another world. You see, she's screaming right now. Although you can't hear it already."

Illya pointed to the empty space beside her, and said with a smile that Luvia and the others frowned.

The expression on Lin Sisi's face did not change, she just thought plainly.

'According to Ilya, she seems to have obtained another memory of herself. Is it because of occupying the body, the memory obtained? Or did another Ilya say it herself? Or is it because of the power of the Holy Grail? ’

There are too many possibilities, and Lin Sisi is not good at guessing.

However, as long as Magical Girl Illya still exists, it will be easy.

Turn her head to look at Ruby next to Meiyou, Lin Sisi commanded: "Ruby, cooperate with Sapphire and check to see if you can detect the existence of Illya."

Ruby: "Good!"

Sapphire: "Got it!"

Any hesitation in the beauty tour, ruby ​​and sapphire agreed very simply.

Flying directly into the air, the two magic dresses quickly danced. An unknown detection magic was cast by them.

A visible detection ripple rippled in the living room.

This time, everyone saw it.

If it wasn't for the detection magic that gave her the outline, even Lin Sisi would not have noticed it. In such a close place, another Illya is actually here.

However, now everyone is not happy about finding Magical Girl Illya. Because she lost her body now, she couldn't communicate with everyone at all.

This situation must be resolved.

Thinking for a while, Lin Sisi suddenly raised her head and asked Ruby.

"Ruby, can you use your contract with Illya to force her to transform? I remember that if you fill it with magic, you can temporarily build a Servant with you as the core body, right?"

When asked by Lin Sisi, Ruby looked a little surprised: "Eh? Can you do this kind of thing? I haven't tried it."

No. I have data on this, so I can try it out. But if it takes shape, I won't be able to provide Miyu-sama with combat power. Miyu-sama will temporarily lose the power to transform into a magical girl."

Lin Sisi didn't care about this, and Meiyou replied first.

"Don't worry about me, I have Sizani sauce, very safe. Sapphire, you need to find a way to provide Illya with a body first."

With Meiyou's order, Sapphire did not hesitate.

"Okay, Miyu-sama. Illya-sama, please hold me, and I will start the spirit construction technique."

In the eyes of everyone, only a more silhouetted magical girl, Illya, held the sapphire.

In an instant, the light appeared, illuminating the whole living room......

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