Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 240: Looking for Si Zhai

The light flashed, a familiar figure gradually emerged in the light.

The magical girl Illya wearing a pink magical girl costume gradually appeared in the living room.

Not long after, the light disappeared, and Illya took the sapphire and finally appeared in front of everyone completely.

"Illya, are you all right?"

Miyu rushed over and nervously asked Magical Girl Illya.

Waving her hand, Magical Girl Illya seemed very happy: "It's all right, except that everyone couldn't see me before, I was a little sad. The rest is nothing. I didn't expect it, Miyu You are actually here. Sure enough, you came here only after receiving a distress signal from me and Ruby?"

Getting the affirmative nod from Miyu, Magical Girl Illya showed a happy smile: "I knew Miyu would come to save me!"

Hanging on Miyu, Magical Girl Illya looked very happy.

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia came to their side, took a good look at the current state of Magical Girl Illya, and asked Lin Sisi.

"Hey, Si Zhai. Is Illya's current state a Servant?"

Big question. Just, the question we need to focus on right now, is that this?"

Luvia nodded and gave Tohsaka Rin an elbow, causing Tohsaka Rin to squat down with a liver-colored face covering his waist and unable to speak. Luvia fluttered her long golden double-drilled hair and said gracefully.

"Indeed, what is more important to us now is how to solve the current situation. This little master of the Einzbern family, you can return your body to our Iraqi Liya?"

Master Ilya shook her head: "No way! Although I robbed her body, I know it's wrong. But if I don't do this, I will have no body. And maintain Berserker's existence , also need the support of magic. Without a body, my magic will be exhausted sooner or later. So, sorry, I refuse."

"The negotiation broke down." Luvia was not too disappointed. This situation was within her expectations. How could someone who can rob Illya's body with the Holy Grail so obediently hand over her body?

"Then, Si Zhai, do you have any solution?" Luvia thought for a while, and then set her eyes on Lin Sisi.

At present, Lin Sisi's fighting strength is overwhelming everyone, as long as she intervenes. Whether it is defeating Master Illya and her Servant Hercules, forcibly taking back the body and the Holy Grail. Or take other solutions, can be convincing.

After all, her existence makes everyone feel at ease.

Looking at Luvia who was full of trust and expectation in herself, Lin Sisi also smiled bitterly.

"Hey, why did you throw the question to me again? Okay, I got it..."

Lin Sisi, who originally wanted to resign, was defeated directly by Meiyou's pleading eyes.

It's not because Lin Sisi is a lo*ic*n, it's just that she is not very good at rejecting the requests of her own girls.

Touching her chin, Lin Sisi thought, "It's not that there is no solution. I just don't know if you can accept it."

"Well, the solution is actually very simple. We will take out the Holy Grail and the two Illyas, make this singularity disappear, and ease the crisis of Chaldea first. This, you have opinion?"

In response, Master Ilya shook her head: "I don't care. Originally, I just thought this world was too boring, so I made a wish to the Holy Grail. If I can leave this world and go to other more lively places The place. It doesn't matter if it disappears here. But Berserker wants to be with him."

Magic Girl Elia also shook her head: "I don't care, I just want to go home quickly, I don't want to stay here at all."

With the consent of the two parties, Fujimaru Tachibana secretly gave a thumbs up. Lin Sisi chuckled lightly and continued.

"If this problem has been solved, then we will discuss the next problem. At present, leaving this singularity point, no one has any opinion. After that, the problem needs to be discussed carefully. For now, we will leave this singularity point. After that, it is temporarily impossible to send you back accurately. Because the worlds you are in are all parallel worlds, not the same world in different eras. For this, relying on the ability of Chaldea, it is impossible to return you completely. But you Don't be disappointed. What Chaldea can't do, I have certain channels here to do it."

Hearing this, Tohsaka Rin, Luvia, and the two Illyas all looked at Lin Sisi with curious eyes.

Fujimaru Tachibana, Matthew and the others, who knew some inside information, all showed their original expressions.

"Sizani-chan, do you mean to let Shengse contact the inhibition force and send Ilia and the others back?"

Meiyou was a little excited and looking forward to it, so Lin Sisi smiled and nodded: "That's right, it's time for us to find the second sister. Take Illya and the others over there and pass the It’s just the right way to send them back to their respective worlds. After all, it’s not necessary to have a relationship, isn’t it stupid.”

"Although I don't know what happened to you recently, Si Zhai, but since you have a way to send us back, it is naturally the best. But the problem of returning, Illya's body, should be solved. How to solve it? I can’t keep Ilia going back in this state, can I? Let’s not say whether Illya is willing or not, I just can’t deal with her parents’ questioning.”

Facing Tohsaka Rin, who was complaining, Lin Sisi shook her head in disgust: "I know I'm worried now? Why did you go earlier?"

Tucao return to Tucao, Lin Sisi is not completely helpless. Without continuing to complain about Tohsaka Rin, Lin Sisi continued.

"About the body, um, I have a solution here, of course, just for your reference. We can use the Holy Grail to return Illya's body. Then use my sister The skills and abilities here can help this Ilya-chan (Master) recreate a body. Of course, it will take time, but I can guarantee that it is a body that is no different from the original. Well, it is best to let Yili Liya provides some body data, so it is more convenient to make. What do you think?"


PS: I went on a blind date again today. Then, the woman didn't come. I sat alone in the box for more than an hour, blue and thin mushrooms...

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