Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 249: Mana Limit

He nodded gratefully to Einhardt, Lin Si Zhai thought for a moment, and suddenly said.

"That's right, Miss Einhardt. Ilya, who is our master, seems to have some problems with her original body. If you find her original body, can you help her? Solve the problem? Her body has been adjusted by the Einzbern family since she was a child, and it seems that she will have a good life in a few years."

"Well, I probably know that this Illya is from that world line. Don't worry, this kind of problem can be solved by our technology."

With Einhardt's assurance, Lin Sizhai was relieved.

Different from Vivio, who is obviously a bear child, although Einhardt looks young, her maturity and stability make Lin Sizhai dare not treat her as a child child.

"Sister Einhardt, what do you think of Merlin's actions during this period?"

Being rubbed against her face by Vivio, Einhardt's little face was a little red. But when he heard that Lin Sizhai had a question, he still answered calmly.

"Merlin undoubtedly has a conspiracy, Si Zhai, you may or may not know it. The selection of King Arthur here is actually not the first time. Before, we were under the jurisdiction of the Super Dimensional Time and Space Administration. In the dimensional world, someone went missing. We received a report and sent people to investigate, but all the mages we dispatched lost contact here. Therefore, we speculate that Merlin had at least one selection of King Arthur, and the scale was not small. Only that time, there should be no survivors. At the same time, because of the regulations of the Administration, we cannot conduct a strong search on Merlin, who has the right to manage this world. For this reason, Vivio came here alone. I also came here after chasing after her."

Hearing Einhardt talking about herself, Vivio also bulged her cheeks and muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"Who made the mages of the Administration so useless. After sneaking into three batches, none of them came back alive. In order not to cause fearless sacrifices, of course I have to come by myself. As for defense, In the Administration, no one is my opponent."

Vivio's somewhat smug expression made Einhardt sigh helplessly.

"Don't be so proud. Merlin's strength is completely unknown, in case you are discovered. You are likely to be attacked. Although your defense is recognized by the Authority, in case You are good or bad, how can I be like Dad... Mommy Naiba will explain?"

Although Einhardt's change of mouth is not obvious, the speed is quite fast. But Lin Sizhai was keen to discover it.

Einhardt consciously avoided mentioning his father's attitude in front of Vivio so that Lin Sizhai understood. To mention my father in front of my second sister, I'm afraid it will irritate her.

While lamenting that the **** had left holes everywhere, Lin Sizhai also admired Einhardt's thoughtfulness and gentleness.

If Einhardt is not a girl, maybe he will really become his second brother-in-law.

Although they are now unclear, the relationship between attack and receiver seems a bit strange...

But these don't care about Lin Sizhai's affairs, and Lin Sizhai doesn't want to worry too much.

"Hey, I have a secret weapon here~! Even if I can't beat that bad old man Merlin, I can still escape. Besides, I also bring the device to lift the restriction. It's really not good, I'll just lift the restrictions."

Lin Si Zhai was a little curious when she heard Vivio's words.

"Restrictions? What restrictions? Are there any restrictions on the second sister?"

"Well, there are. No matter it's me, as long as everyone who goes out to perform tasks under the jurisdiction of the Administration, has a limit of magic power~!"

Vivio said she was happy, Einhardt just shook his head lightly and explained to Lin Si Zhai.

"In addition to certain personnel, most people in the Administration will have magic power restrictions. Because the world strength of most worlds is limited. Without restrictions, many mages will easily lead to various This is a kind of trouble. Therefore, everyone's magic power is usually limited. Of course, unlike the old administration, we are all wearing magic power limiting equipment to limit magic power. As compensation, this magic power limiting device will have a certain amount of power. Tempering magic power and enhancing the effect of magic power. Many wizards wear them even in the bureau, in order to exercise the control of magic power and save the consumption of magic power."

Speaking, Einhardt took out what looked like a ring and handed it to the curious Marda.

"A very ordinary ring." Marda was a little puzzled.

"Try it on."

"Just try it."

As soon as Marda put on the ring, her expression suddenly changed.

"This is..."

Einhardt smiled lightly: "Is the magic limited?"

Marda's expression was a little dignified: "The magic power is completely restricted, and some parts cannot be mobilized at all. Is this the so-called restriction?"

Einhardt headed: "You are a Class A Mage Restriction Device, it will limit the magic power of Mage to Class A state. The excess part cannot be used at all. Of course, as long as you pick it up It's still usable after it comes down. It's just that this kind of device has a record in the bureau. If you take it off without permission, the bureau will have a record. It's easy to record a fine, or throw it into a specific prison to think about it."

"Migu~! There is such an item? But the A-level magic power... Marda, how many restrictions have you received?"

Faced with Tamamo's question, Marda felt her own magic power and replied, "It's only about 80% of normal."

Tamazao nodded before: "Marda, the benchmark of A-level magic power, was suppressed to 80% of normal, does that mean that the A-level magic power of mages is the A-left and right magic power of our servants assessment?"

"The difference between a wizard and a follower is a bit big, so it can't be completely generalized, but your guess should be similar. The magic power restriction device of our administration has not been used by the follower. "

Einhardt's words made Lin Si Zhai narrow his eyes slightly. This magic power restriction device made him have some other ideas.

As we all know, Servants have a constant amount of mana stored. The amount of magic power depends on the size of the spirit base. Unless the body is directly obtained, the size of this spiritual base will basically not change when the Servant is summoned.

And Einhardt just said that this restriction device can temper magic power, it seems to be able to improve its control over magic power and improve the quality of magic power.

If this is the case, can it be worn by all his wives?

As long as the limit is adjusted, everyone can get the tempering and training of magic. This seems to be a good choice to improve the overall strength of Crystal Palace...

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