Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 250: Invitation to practice

Lin Sizhai told Einhardt of his ideas to seek feasibility.

Einhardt thought for a while, and replied uncertainly.

"Whether the restriction device can help the Servant to refine the magic power and improve the magic power. I am not sure about this. After all, I have never tried it before. The existence of the Servant is Gaia and Alaya I take care of it myself. We haven't interfered. So the effect is unknown. But since Si Zhai you said so, I can help you get a batch of restraint devices that can be worn and removed at any time. How much do you want?"

"I don't know much about this either. Everyone's magic benchmarks on my side are not the same. Well, I'll go back and make a table, Miss Einhardt, you can help me look at it. According to Everyone's magic power level, configure the corresponding magic power limiting device, can you see it?" Lin Si Zhai thought for a while and gave a plan.


Find out a plan for the wives to improve their magic power in the future, Lin Sizhai is in a good mood.

Several problems that I have come here have been satisfactorily resolved. Lin Sizhai's impression of Einhardt has been raised to a very high level.

Well...about four or five times that of Vivio.

If possible, Lin Si Zhai really hopes that Einhardt is his second sister, not Vivio.

However, this kind of thing is already doomed. Lin Si Zhai just thought about it.

Anyway, the relationship between Vivio and Einhardt. The second sister and the second brother-in-law seem to be similar?

"Oh yes, the magic power limit. Sister Einhardt, do you have a magic power limit as well? What is the magic power limit level of my second sister?"

"I didn't, because I didn't come out on a mission, just to take care of Vivio. So there is no magic limit on me."

Einhardt compared her hands in front of Lin Sizhai, so that Lin Sizhai could see clearly that there was no ring in her hand that looked like a magic power restriction device.

"As for the magic limiting device on Vivio, I remember it was A-level?"

Einhardt looked at Vivio, and Vivio hummed twice.

"It's S-rank~! Three batches of mages have died in this mission, and the A-rank mages come to give food. So I specially set the magic power limit at S-rank. In other parallel worlds, when I was 9 years old, my magic power was only S rank. Setting this rank can just be used to deceive that bad old man Merlin.”

Lin Si Zhai's eyebrows twitched slightly, he could already hear something else.

It seems that Vivio also exists in other parallel worlds. And Vivio seems to know this, and has a certain degree of understanding of himself in the parallel world.

Thinking of this, Lin Sizhai couldn't help but wonder, is there another self in other parallel worlds?

If there is, what will the parallel world look like?

Lin Si Zhai couldn't help but be curious...

"Second sister, what is your current magic power level. I mean when you first met me and fought with me, your magic power level. If there is no magic power limit, your magic power level How much is it?"

Hearing Lin Si Zhai ask himself, Vivio finally got off Einhardt. Proudly straightened out a chest as flat as a steel plate.

"S-rank oh~! When I first met my brother-kun, I used S-rank magic to fight my brother-kun. That's why I said at the beginning, my brother-kun, you are too weak. So big, yet so weak. Your teacher can't do it."

Shaking her head, Vivio looked at Einhardt in a whim: "By the way, Einhardt. Since my brother is so weak, why don't we train him? The eldest sister only said that my brother-kun will solve Merlin's incident. But she didn't say that we can't help him in this kind of thing. With me and you to train my brother-kun, I will definitely be much better than his useless teacher."

Vivio was full of excitement, but Lin Sizhai was full of confusion.

"Second sister, are you sure you didn't change your way and want to beat me again?"

"How is it possible, brother-in-law, you think too much. How could I possibly think that."

"Can you look me in the eyes when you say this?"

"Then I have to thank you, second sister?"

"You're welcome, we are a family. You are welcome, brother."

"I.... forget it."

Give up and Vivio are arguing over this issue. After all, her mental age is only 9 years old now. I really care too much, but I feel tired.

Seeing Lin Sizhai's helplessness, Einhardt bowed slightly apologetically to Lin Sizhai, as if he was apologizing to Lin Sizhai.

In response, Lin Si Zhai also shook his head.

I was like this even when I faced Vivio. I really don’t know how much Einhardt had to clean up when others faced Vivio.

Thinking of this, Lin Sizhai has a better sense of Einhardt.

'To have such a second brother-in-law is really a blessing that the second sister has cultivated in her lifetime...'

Lin Sizhai sighed in his heart...

On the other side, Einhardt was also a little tired.

'I'm so tired...this is Vivio's younger brother, don't be too rude. Unlike other people, he can't just beat him up. I'll try harder...'

"Si Zhai, I think Vivio's proposal, maybe you can seriously consider it. Don't be too busy to refuse. My magic level is SSS level, Vivio has no magic power limit, magic level It’s more SSS+. In the face of us, you can release the magic as much as you like. I know your magic level is very high. In the face of others, you must suppress the magic in order to achieve the effect of training. But when facing us, you don’t need to Suppressing the magic power. You need to face Merlin in the future, and you should at least try to explode the full amount of magic power in advance, or even a high-level battle with insufficient magic power.

More, air combat, space combat, blitz, time truce, teleportation, you'd better experience it.

According to my research on Merlin during this period, Merlin has at least two laws of time and space.

You don't have much experience in combat with this ability? "

Einhardt said it seriously, and Lin Sizhai also listened carefully, so he fell into contemplation.

"Sister Einhardt, do you and the second sister have the ability of time and space?"

Einhardt shook his head: "Unfortunately, neither Vivio nor I know the laws of time and space or special abilities. We don't have this talent. We are quite experienced in power, the ability to forcibly break time and space.

Through magic tools and specific training rooms, we can simulate an environment with similar abilities to a certain extent.

Si Zhai, do you want to try it? "

Faced with Einhardt's request, Lin Sizhai was moved...

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