Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 258: The Mystery of Lin Sisi's Birth · Solution

The matter is now completely understood.

The existence of Lin Sisi was created by Gaia and Alaya with a "wish force" of unknown origin.

The birth of Lin Sisi was just an accident.

But this accident involved a lot of things, which made Lily and Wuhe Qinli quite uneasy.

Perceiving that the atmosphere was not right, Wenwen held his notebook and asked cautiously: "Then what, can I go first? This matter doesn't seem suitable for me to mix... .."

Wenwen just wanted to leave, but was bombarded on the wall by Wuhe Qinli's scorched annihilation ghost, which slowly slipped down like a fly.

"If things are not clear, no one should leave."

Wuhe Qinli's feeling was approved by Lily.

Lily let go of Gaia at the same time as she nodded. Sitting on the sofa, brows furrowed, he mused.

"Each 'Wish' is owned by a specific owner. There is no "willing power" without the master. This is the power born from the prayers of all beings. Unless the object of this "wish power" has completely disappeared, the "wish power" will not be in an ownerless state. And even if it is the "wish power" in the state of no owner, even if it is used to shape a brand new existence, it will also shape the existence that belongs to the object of this "wish power".

From this logical point of view, the "wish power" that can be created by Lin Sisi must belong to Lin Sisi, not to others. "

Wuhe Qinli nodded: "According to the setting of Ouni sauce and our general, it is right. But the current situation is that before Si Zhai disguised as Sisi, this The wishing power has already floated in and was captured by Gaia and Alaya. A completely non-existent existence can actually obtain "wish power". Isn't this too unreasonable? "

Lily frowned: "This is the real trouble. Sisi is now an independent existence. This is troublesome, but the most troublesome is the "willing force" that shapes her existence. What's the history. If I don't understand this, I will never feel at ease. The world line is completely sealed, and there is only the present of our time line. The existence of Sisi must be known before it can be known. Except for Layla, it is impossible for no one to know that Si Zhai actually spawned the existence of Sisi. What's in here..."

Looking at Lily and Wuhe Qinli, who were frowning and thinking hard, and Gaia and Alaya who were full of fear. Xiaohong complained strangely.

"What else is there to think about? We don't know, it doesn't mean others don't."

Lily froze for a moment and looked at Xiaohong: "What do you mean?"

Wuhe Qinli was also puzzled: "Xiaohong, now, apart from Sister-in-law Leila, who would have known in advance of the appearance of Sisi, and created such a large group of Sisi's birth? Willingness?"

Xiaohong touched her head strangely, looked at the expression of a fool, looked at Wuhe Kotori, Lily, Gaia, Alaya, and even Wenwen who got up secretly.

"Is it worth thinking about? Of course it's that perverted lo*ic*n."

Wuhe Qinli froze for a moment, then looked surprised: "Ouni sauce?"

Lily pondered for a while, then shook her head quickly: "This is impossible. Although I don't know where Si Zhai's father is now, but Leila deliberately went so far to block it, just to cause this timeline and The only one in the world. And his own research on the power of time is not as strong as Leila, and at most is equal to Homura. He is good at fighting, but not good at research. That is not a fighting idiot who is better than Saiyan, how is it possible. …”

Lily didn't finish her words, Xiaohong shook her head and interrupted: "No, I'm not talking about Si Zhai's dad, I'm talking about another perverted lo*ic*n."

This time, Lily and Wuhe Qinli were stunned: "The other?"

Xiaohong nodded as a matter of course: "Yeah, it's another perverted lo*ic*n. Didn't the perverted lo*ic*n say it before? He in another world will take him and Cinderella's guardian. Has everything after the encounter with the madman been written into a book? Since that guy can write one, of course he can write the second one. In our world, except Cinderella, no one can know about the Sizhai change in advance. Cheng Sisi. It is estimated that the perverted lo*ic*n will not work. But the perverted lo*ic*n of another world can.

That guy can record things in our world, and he himself is a novelist. So, why didn't he know in advance that Si Zhai would become Si Si?

According to the interpretation of "Wish Power" by the perverted lo*ic*n. If the perverted lo*ic*n in the other world knew in advance that Si Zhai would become Sisi, wouldn't this group's strength be well explained?

The perverted lolicons in our world can use "Wish Power" to do so many nonsense things. He in another world can record all this, can't he contribute a little "wish"?

Besides, the perverted lo*ic*n of the other world is some fiction, as long as he is not too bashful. A little bit of people see, that should be able to contribute part of the will to Sisi, right?


Lily, Wuheqinli, Gaia, and Alaya heard the explanation of Xiaohong's thinking, but it was too nonsense.

But according to the settings, it seems to be realistic.

After all, Xiaohong's explanation seems to be really explainable...

After a while, Wuhe Qinli held her forehead and sat on the sofa with a confused face: "No way... Could it be that this is really another The world's novelist, Ernie-chan and his gang of readers made it out?"

Lily also had an absurd look that didn't know what to say: "Although it's nonsense, it seems to be the best explanation. He in this world can rely on him alone" "To get out Kaelin and Fett, he in another world, maybe, really can... After all, there has been a precedent for recording things in this world. "

Wenwen had a look of understanding at the moment: "Oh, this. I understand this. Isn't it just to record the experience of Si Zhai? If you write a small hand, write a side story, no Can you explain it well?"

Alaya secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "So, it should be like this, right? Lin Sisi's "wish power" comes from another completely different dimension universe, right? "

Although helpless, Lily and Wuhe Qinri nodded.

Everyone agrees with this explanation. Although it is nonsense, it is helpless. Who makes more nonsense, they have all experienced it...

After a brief silence...

"Gaia, watch!!"*2


In the unknown space, I recall the cry of Gaia's little loli...

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