Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 5 Chapter 259: Planetary Sealing Technique

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

After finally returning to his Crystal Palace, Lin Si Zhai almost had the urge to cry when he saw a bunch of wives welcoming him.

The ghost knows what he has been through these days.

When they grow up, Vivio and Einhardt in adult mode are both first-class super beauties. The completely different eyes of different colors add a bit of unique beauty to them.

If I stay there for a few more days, Lin Si Zhai doesn't even know if he will suffer from female phobia.

He hugged Heizhen, whose face was flushed red, Lin Sizhai rubbed Heizhen's cheek and sighed: "Sure enough, it's still my own wife..."

Being surrounded by a group of people, Hei Zhen pushed Lin Si Zhai a few times with a flushed face. After finding that she couldn't push it away, she snorted and said deliberately.

"Si Zhai, if you are like this, I will set fire to you."

He rubbed Heizhen's face, and secretly wiped a handful of Heizhen's European style, making Heizhen almost let out a black dragon wave. Lin Si Zhai opened his hands and shouted.

"I, Lin Sizhai, come back alive!!"

Skaha, who originally wanted to speak some words to Lin Sizhai, frowned upon hearing Lin Sizhai's words.

"Si Zhai, what have you been through these days?"

"Master~! It's great to see you."

Pushed over and hugged Skaha, smelling the fragrance of Skaha, feeling Skaha's soft body, Lin Si Zhai almost didn't want to let go of Skaha.

Looking at Lin Sizhai, who was obviously wrong, Skaha, who was held by Lin Sizhai in his arms, was not as twisted as Hei Zhen. He just waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Gently patted Lin Si Zhai's back.

"Alright alright, you're back. As long as you come back, it's better than anything. Well, it's almost time to let me go. Although I don't mind, other people will probably be very Mind. Si Zhai, if you don't want to be hit by a hatchet, you'd better restrain yourself."

Listening to Skaha's words, Lin Si Zhai looked up at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who were still in the Crystal Palace and kept tapping their palms with a wand. After Lin Sizhai was stunned for a short time, he was pushed away by Skaha in silence.

There was no panic, she fluttered her long hair, and Skaha waved his hand: "Si Zhai has returned, so don't stand at the door stupidly. Let's all go in. Don't hinder Sasaki from watching the door."

Sasaki Kojiro, who was hiding in the corner holding the wine gourd, had a black line on his face: "Don't say it as if I was going to drive you away. It's clear that you are here to greet the Master.... ..”


Looking at the scarlet magic gun stuck on the side of the forehead and nailed directly to the wall. Sasaki Kojiro shut up knowingly.

For Lin Sizhai's harem, he, the gatekeeper, can't afford to provoke him, how much more can he afford? slip away...

Being surrounded by a group of people, it took several hours for Lin Sizhai to calm down from the state of being so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Of course, in order to reach this state. In front of everyone, he rubbed everyone in his arms.

For the first few, Lin Si Zhai hugged him quite naturally.

The latter few were simply instigated by Xiao Hei to do so.

Because when he was holding Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei reminded Lin Si Zhai.

"Oni-chan, if you don't want to be hacked or beaten to death or poisoned to death, it's best to hug everyone present and explain it by thinking about all of us. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. Seriously serious."

Although I don't know what Xiaohei means. But considering that Skaha seems to have said before that he seems to be at risk of being hacked. Lin Si Zhai hesitated for 0.01 seconds, then obeyed obediently.

After all, he definitely won't suffer from this kind of upright and open-minded behavior of eating plums and tofu.

Although Tohsaka Rin and Luvia resisted a little in the middle, they were still forcibly hugged by Lin Sizhai in the same embrace.

Of course, Lin Si Zhai will definitely not treat them like others. Just a simple hug.

Illya just hugged her like a brother. Even though the magical girl Ilya also blushed, she was much better than Tohsaka Rin and Luvia.

Finally, Nito.

When holding Nito, Lin Si Zhai always felt that Nito looked at him in the wrong way. Because when Nito was hugged by him, he hugged him in turn. It seems that physical contact is not shy at all. Lin Sizhai immediately felt the softness of Nito. Lin Sizhai couldn't help but feel a little crazy...

After hugging everyone and calming down, Lin Sizhai finally sat back in the conference room and drank a sip of the black tea brewed by Lolita. Skarhardt took it out of the warehouse on the sofa.

"Inhale... exhale..."

We have never seen Lin Sizhai in this state. Anytime before, except for resting in a private room. Lin Sizhai has always been a very reliable leader, which makes people feel at ease.

Lin Sizhai, who is now so decadent and lazy, with an air of "I don't want to move", has never been seen before.

This made everyone not only a little curious, what Lin Si Zhai experienced these days.

Lin Sizhai also seems to know that everyone is curious about his experience these days and wants to know what he has experienced.

But for this question, Lin Si Zhai is not ready to answer. Explode with full force and use all the power that can be used, whether it is the shield of timing, the power of the heart, or various other means. After everything is used. Even if they can suppress Vivio or Einhardt alone, they will still be beaten unilaterally by the magical combination of the two, which is really impossible to say. so humiliating...

And the single suppression of Vivio and Einhardt was done this morning. A few days ago, all kinds of fancy styles were hanged and beaten.

This kind of thing, Lin Si Zhai can't say it at all.

In desperation, Lin Si Zhai could only turn a blind eye to the curious eyes of everyone, and instead asked Olga Marie.

"Director, did anything happen during my absence?"

In this regard, Olga Marie really nodded and replied: "Some Si Zhai. I passed the instrument you brought back from your second sister before. We have detected that this earth's Come on, there's something hidden."

Lin Sizhai heard the words, and also came to the spirit: "What is hidden?"

Olga Marie looked solemn: "A huge sealing technique covering the entire planet. This planet is a planet sealed by humans..."

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