Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 4: Merlin credit overdraft

Seeing that a bunch of familiar IDs in the forum are still active, Lin Sizhai is relieved.

Someone hits Merlin to attract firepower. For his current situation, it couldn't be better.

You guys go to attract Merlin's firepower, I secretly backstab in the back, ready to give Merlin a fatal blow.

This arrangement is great.

Lin Sizhai can't wait to cheer up these few King Arthurs who are familiar with ID, making them even more crazy to attract Merlin's attention. Then he'd be better off here.

[Cough, since everyone is looking forward to it, then I will not sell the lawsuit. As a bonus, this time I will also open a copy. But unlike before, this time not everyone is separated. Instead, everyone is in one copy, doing activities. Of course, as a benefit, in this dungeon, killing each other in any form is prohibited. All are in the same camp. Please all King Arthur work together to defend against a common enemy. 】

"Forum Area"

No. 9527 King Arthur: Mom, why is this scene so familiar?

No. 1328 King Arthur: Hiss...I also feel a little chill down my spine...

No. 10086 King Arthur: Dude, is it too late for me to commit suicide now?

No. 7488 King Arthur: It must be too late. When was the last time we let all of us defend against foreign enemies together, who still remembers?

No. 77 King Arthur: It seems like a month ago, when we participated in the battle of Athena.

No. 9527 King Arthur: Mom, when it comes to Athena's defense, my stomach hurts. Last time we were running in groups. Shouldn't he be beaten again this time?

No. 1328 King Arthur: I think it is not a possibility, but a certainty. We must be beaten again.

No. 10086 King Arthur: It's okay to be beaten. It's easy not to be killed. We didn't die last time, but I'm afraid we are really going to die this time.

No. 7488 King Arthur: Don't say it, I'll have a good meal first. If I don't eat it now, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it later.

No. 77 King Arthur: Go Go Go Go


The pessimistic views of the King Arthurs in the forum area did not surprise Lin Si Zhai.

After all, there is a lesson from the goddess guarding battle, even Lin Sizhai still has lingering fears about this activity of jointly defending against foreign enemies.

Last time, relying on the power of the holy sword, I defeated two god-level enemies.

This time, if there is such an enemy, it will be difficult.

It's not impossible. After Vivio and Einhardt beat up... no, after special training. Lin Sizhai's strength has made a qualitative leap. Now let Lin Sizhai confront the Orochi and Kaguya Otsutsuki that he encountered before, and Lin Sizhai can also defeat them directly without relying on the holy sword to explode.

Just the result of this, it is likely that Merlin will draw attention from these troublesome King Arthur.

As soon as Merlin noticed the movement on his side, he knew that he was digging a tunnel and planned to study the seal under the ground. There is a good chance that Merlin will be angered.

Although I will meet Merlin sooner or later, that is also a matter of the future. It's too early to meet Merlin.

Lin Si Zhai also wants to accumulate some strength.

The odds of winning against Merlin are not high.

Thinking of this, Lin Si Zhai has made up his mind. Don't be too pushy this time. You must limit your own strength to the level before the special training. Otherwise, once exposed, the trouble will be big.

In Lin Si Zhai's thoughts, Merlin's voice came again, and the tone was quite helpless.

[Cough, this time is really a benefit...forget it. Since everyone does not believe it, it is useless to say more. Well, let everyone directly enter the copy world and experience it. After 10 minutes, everyone can use the previous teleportation array to teleport in the main control room of the castle. Except for King Arthur, the number of companions is limited to 10 people. Everyone has 30 minutes to prepare. After the 30-minute time is reset to zero, the teleportation will be forced, please pay attention to King Arthur. The above is all the content of this welfare activity. I hope you all have a good time in the welfare copy. 】

Merlin's announcement ended, and the forum area was instantly swiped.

Just now I can still see those few madly complaining about Merlin, saying "I don't believe it." "A fool believes in you." "The same trick, we will not be fooled a second time." etc. speech.

This is why Merlin gave up the explanation just now.

In fact, I don't blame these King Arthurs, let alone Lin Sizhai who already knew that Merlin was not a good thing. Even the King Arthurs who are swiping the screen in the forum area actually don't believe Merlin's nonsense at all.

From the posts of King Arthur, Lin Si Zhai can know that Merlin has no credibility at all.

There are a lot of posts on the screen of "What's good for the last meal?" .

Of course, Lin Si Zhai will not be as pessimistic as they are. But also quite vigilant.

This dungeon is definitely very difficult.

With a solemn expression, Lin Sizhai looked at Skaha: "Master, this dungeon can only take 10 people, do you have any ideas? Who do you think I should take?"

Skaha, who was thinking, nodded when he heard Lin Sizhai ask himself.

"According to the previous experience of Athena's defense battle, this time will also be a group battle. Si Zhai, you need not question your own combat ability. But considering that you are too showy, it will attract Merlin's attention. So, try as little as possible this time. Let us handle the battle."

Lin Sizhai nodded: "Well, I plan to do the same. Merlin seems to have a certain understanding of the Servant. If it is just the Servant's Noble Phantasm, he will not be too surprised even if he sees it. So, Who should we take with us this time?"

Skaha looked around at the crowd and pondered for a moment: "Since it's a group battle, the scope Noble Phantasm is naturally indispensable. As a scout to observe and collect information, Atalanta is indispensable. Her Noble Phantasm It is also a group attack type, you can bring it with you.”

Atalanta nodded: "Understood."

Skaha: "Well, then..."

"I am me, my father is not going to fight, then I will go. I will help my father to clean up all the enemies!" Mordred raised his right hand and shouted excitedly.

"Well, Mordred."

"Oh yeah~!"

Mordred jumped up excitedly.

Lin Sizhai doted on this with a smile and made no comment. In fact, Lin Si Zhai knew that Skaja would definitely choose Mordred. After all, this bear child can fight and resist, and still has a lot of momentum. It's a pity that she doesn't go. It's just that before Skaha said, she jumped out on her own. This bear boy really can't be idle for a moment...

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