Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 5: candidate

I decided to put on Mordred, the bear child, Lin Si Zhai looked at the others.

Everyone who was swept by Lin Si Zhai's eyes sat up involuntarily.

Seeing this scene, Lin Sizhai is also thinking about who is better to take. After all, the number of people is limited. Now is not the time before, there are not many people in Crystal Palace, and you can bring them casually. There are so many people now that they have to think hard.

Finding that Lin Si Zhai was troubled, he didn't think for a moment, whispered with the magical girl Elijah for a while, raised his hand and said.

"Si Zhaini sauce, Illya and I will stay at home."

Hearing this, Lin Si Zhai thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Well, that's fine. Merlin is probably going to make trouble again this time. It's safer for you to stay here."

'And in the dungeon, killing is unavoidable. If possible, I still don't want Miyu and Ilya, two innocent children, to have blood on their hands. ’

Thinking of this, Lin Sizhai looked at Youzhen and Xiaohei: "Youzhen, why don't you stay too, Xiaohei, too. The danger of this operation is unknown, it will be safer for you to stay behind."

"Well, I listen to Master Sang." Youzhen agreed very obediently.

"Mum... well, since Oni-chan said so. Then I will take care of Miyu and Illya."

Xiaohei pouted slightly dissatisfied, making Miyu's face full of black lines, and Magical Girl Illya even rudely spit back.

"Didn't Meiyou and I take care of Xiao Hei? You are always making trouble, right?"

Being pointed at the nose by the magical girl Illya, Xiao Hei looked disdainful: "Che, with you children, there is nothing to explain."

"Aren't you a child too, Xiao Hei?" The magical girl Illya stood up suddenly.

"Hum~! I'm not the same as before, Illya." Xiao Hei shook his head proudly, making Miyu's eyelids jump.

"What's the difference between you and before?" Magical Girl Illya looked at Xiao Hei in confusion.

He raised his eyebrows proudly to Meiyou, and after making more black lines on Meiyou's face, Xiao Hei replied: "I found that being a child has limits, Illya! "

"Nani?" The magical girl Ilya was stunned by the sudden burst of momentum from Xiao Hei.

"So I'm not a kid!!"

"So, what does this mean!!"

Covering her face, she motioned Atalanta to stop these rioting children, Lin Sizhai was helpless, but also a little guilty.

Others may not be able to hear Xiao Hei's implication, but that doesn't mean Lin Sizhai can't hear it.

Indeed, Xiao Hei still looks like a child now. But after Lin Sizhai's treatment, Xiao Hei can no longer simply be called a child.

Well, I can't say too much here, so as not to be harmonized. In short, everyone can understand it~!

For fear that Xiao Hei would slip his tongue and say something he shouldn't say in front of everyone, Lin Si Zhai looked directly at Medea.

"Medea, this dungeon, come and help me. I'm worried about Merlin's tricks. With you, at least I can feel at ease."

When Lin Sizhai said that she needed herself, Medea's eyes lit up and she smiled like a flower: "Hi~ Sir Sizhai, it's a great honor."

Turn her head to look at Skaha, Lin Sizhai continued: "Master, too, I need you this time."

Skaha smiled lightly: "Of course I know that. I originally planned to go by myself and put on Medea by the way. But since you have spoken, Si Zhai, the rest of the staff, you Any plans?"

In response, Lin Sizhai shook his head: "No, Master, do you have any recommendations?"

Skaha didn't care either, he already knew this, Skaha had taken it very lightly for a long time. Her realm has surpassed that of everyone present.

"Well, yes. Now there are me and Medea, Mordred, Atalanta, a total of 4 people. You can take 6 people with you. Marda directly PASS, Let her stay behind. All the little guys don't go. In this case, Bai Zhen, Hei Zhen, and Chief Secretary, all three of you will follow and act with us."

Hei Zhen raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Hmph, isn't this a matter of course."

Bai Zhen pulled Heizhen helplessly, but she knew that she had run away with Heizhen this time, which had already made many people dissatisfied. If this continues, even Hei Zhen and her will be targeted: "Alter...Okay, I see."

The Chief Secretary of Okita raised his eyebrows, his face full of excitement: "Is it finally time for Miss Okita to show her skills? Don't worry, this time Si Zhai does not need to fight, we will eliminate all the enemies. Hello to Miss Okita~!"

Skaha nodded with a smile, looked at everyone, thought for a moment, and called again.

"There are still three places, I will give them to Tamamo Mae, Nero, Elizabeth..."

Before Skaha finished speaking, the three people who were named stood up excitedly.

Well, the strangeness began to hum: "Well, it is indeed Skaha, as expected, the sunshine is unique. Yu will definitely defeat all the enemies for the player~!"

The rice tank monster also began to keep up: "Mi tank~! This is of course, as a good wife, I don't follow the Master's side, then what is a good wife~!"

Elizabeth also wagged her big tail quickly: "Is this the rhythm of going to the dungeon world for a concert???"

Looking at the excited three people, Skaha shook his head with disgust.

"No, the reason why I handed over the last three places to you is just because I don't want you to stay in the Crystal Palace. If Si Zhai is not here, I'm afraid Tamamo and Nero will demolish the Crystal Palace. So, you two have to follow Si Zhai.

Elizabeth, don't laugh, you give me a little self-consciousness. When you enter the dungeon this time, you are not allowed to act alone for a minute. I don't want to hear from the Chaldeans complaining that you're adding more work to them. If you come up with another singularity, I will hang you up and let Si Zhai smoke, do you hear? "

The three who were reprimanded by Skaha were all dumbfounded. They didn't seem to have thought that it would be for this reason that the quota was given to them.

Tamazao turned her face away on the spot: "This is slander, Chi Guoguo's slander."

The Flower Nero's face was also a little unbearable: "Although Yu is a tyrant, but he is not cruel enough to tear down the base of the performer, and Yu will not be so foolish."

Elizabeth was tearful, holding her big tail, and squatting pitifully on the chair: "Woooooo... I didn't mean it, who knew the Holy Grail could be so easy to pick up what......"

Ignoring the three, Skaha turned his head to look at Semiramis. Taking a deep look at her, Skaha finally ordered Nito.

"We are not here. All matters of Crystal Palace will be handed over to Marda, Nito, Marie, and Semiramis to discuss together before making a decision."

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