Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 8: despair

In the sky above the dark and dead city, a huge robot was flying precariously over the city.

In the cockpit of the robot, a short-haired girl wearing a yellow and black driving suit was crying inside.

She seemed to have just experienced something tragic, and the whole person looked quite sad, decadent, and even a little desperate.

Because of the girl's cry, her giant robot flew improperly, and accidentally hit a building.

The roar of the collision between the body and the building. The girl was shaken by the force of the collision in the cockpit. After a while, she recovered.

"Fuel, out of..."

With a pretty face of pear blossoms and rain, the girl looked into the cockpit, representing the energy meter, and the color of despair gradually emerged on her face.

But soon, the girl didn't know what to think. The despair on his face gradually disappeared. Full of hatred and desire for survival, the girl's body and mind were occupied.

"I can't die here. I want to avenge everyone..."

The hatch was opened actively, and the girl climbed out of the giant robot that was unable to move.

Take out a pistol, the girl seems to be planning to defend herself?

Before leaving the giant robot, the girl pressed the distress signal.

Although the girl also knows, in this place that has completely fallen. Even if this is Kyoto and Tokyo, the core of neon, there is not necessarily anyone who will come to the rescue. After all, the battle is now completely lost.

However, the girl never gave up hope.

Pressing the button of the distress signal, the girl began to walk on foot under the control of her desire to survive.

Run all the way down from the crashed building. The girl patted her chest happily.

"Fine. There don't seem to be any enemies here. In that case, I might be able to..."

Suddenly, the girl's voice stopped.

Frightened, she covered her mouth with both hands, and the girl saw it.

Just behind the building she crashed, another robot of the same style as the giant robot she had just stanced was lying there.

The four were completely destroyed, and the huge firearms as weapons were also destroyed, turning into a pile of parts scattered all over the place. What's more, the huge physical knife that seems to be a melee weapon of a huge robot has been broken into two pieces.

This huge robot has been completely scrapped, and the cockpit part has also disappeared.

There seems to be some violent force that ripped the entire cockpit off the robot's chest. The direction in which the parts were twisted made the girl understand this very well.

The most important thing is that the girl recognizes the painting logo on this machine.

The logo on this is a special logo printed by one of her training camp companions.

In other words, the pilot of this machine used to belong to the same training camp as her.

And now, the driver may have...

The girl covered her mouth in horror, and the tears could not be stopped again.

Today, she saw too many deaths, too many friends. Even her instructor was shot down in the initial evacuation.

The defensive front of the Japanese Empire has completely collapsed.

This is very clear even to her.

However, driven by the desire for survival and revenge, the girl stood up again.

"I want to live, I must live. I want to avenge everyone, I can't die here..."

The girl started to move. Although the city has completely turned into a dead city, the once prosperous streets have also been shattered. But the girl still knew where to go.

However, before the girl took two steps, she noticed that there were bloodstains on the ground.

As soon as she used a tactical flashlight, the girl saw it on the dark ground. That's human blood. It seems that someone is injured.

According to the guidance of blood traces, the girl found that not long ago, there seemed to be wounded passing here. The blood on the ground hasn't dried yet, so it shouldn't be too long.

On this day, the girl saw too many life and death. She didn't want to go any further.

She did not run away alone, she chose to find the wounded. If she can find the wounded, perhaps, she can live with the wounded.

With such a naive idea, the girl followed the blood trail to the underground parking lot of a building.

However, in this parking lot, the girl's face gradually panicked.

The wounded, she found. Moreover, that person, she is still very familiar. A comrade-in-arms in the same training camp as her.

However, she is dead now.

The body was torn in two, and in the mouth of a huge monster, it was being eaten.

The terrified tears on the face of the dead comrade-in-arms made the girl understand what horrific treatment she suffered before her death.

Tears are still flowing, but the girl is reluctant to watch and has no time to watch.

The light of the tactical flashlight made the two-man tall monsters notice her.

She must leave now, otherwise, she will be buried here like this dead comrade in arms.

I don't want to die here, no matter how sad and painful, the girl still separated and ran away from the underground parking lot.

She didn't want to stop a single one, and the rapid sound behind her made her understand. The monster has caught up.

Stop and die.

This equation is deeply imprinted in the girl's heart, making her unable to stop.

However, in the run of the maiden. Suddenly, a huge roar made the girl's face full of despair.

A monster as tall as a thirty-story building walked out from the side of a building.

The roar just now was actually the footsteps of this monster...

This huge monster blocked the girl's escape.

However, this is not the most desperate, the most desperate is that the girl used a tactical flashlight to look around, she was shocked to find. There are actually three such large monsters, and they are nearby, in the form of a triangle, and they stay quietly.

Looking at this scene, the girl stopped running away, and directly sat on the ground with her legs apart, her hands trembling on the ground.

"There are three as long as the serge....No wonder...dead, all dead. Rescue troops will not come here. This is a trap... ..." Hongmeng Pavilion 29831⑥35④

The girl already understands that the reason why these three monsters with a height of 50 meters are standing still here is that they are in ambush. Troops from ambush humans came here to the rescue.

As soon as the human army appears, they will start to move, causing a surprise blow to the human army.

These things, the girl now understands, but is powerless to manage. Because she was already surrounded.

There is a huge fortress-level enemy in front, and then there are the chasing soldiers that just alerted. She lost her body, she was powerless to fight, and she had nowhere to run.

Also, even if the organism is there, she doesn't think that she can survive in front of three stopper-level monsters and a bunch of fighter-level monsters. Hongmeng Hall 29831⑥35④

You must know that just one stopper can destroy a brigade and let a base fall. Not to mention that she is only one person now.

Sitting weakly on the ground, looking at the monster that kept rushing towards her, the girl collapsed and cursed loudly.

"Damn BETA!! Even if I die, I will not die by your hands."

Raise the pistol and aim it at her head, the girl intends to commit suicide. She doesn't want to die at the hands of these monsters named BETA, she doesn't want to be eaten by these monsters like everyone else.

Just as the monster was more than ten meters away from the girl, just as the girl was about to pull the trigger of the pistol and end herself, the mutation was prominent.

A ten-meter thick white light fell from the sky, piercing the dark night sky, illuminating the entire city...

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