Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 9: strange crowd

"What is this...?"

Looking at the huge beam of light that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, the girl was stunned.

Such an abnormal surreal phenomenon appeared in front of the desperate girl.

The girl foolishly thinks that this is probably a heavenly soldier sent by God?

Although this is very unrealistic and very unscientific. However, the girl who has been completely shrouded in despair hopes that her fantasy is true.

In this desperate age, in this desperate world.

Perhaps, only God can truly save the world...

The girl was thinking...

This sudden white light from the sky attracted the attention of the girl and the monster named BETA.

The monsters stopped rushing towards the girl, but instead slammed into the beam of light.

Because the beam of light that suddenly fell from the sky blocked the way between them and the girl.

A dozen fighter-level BETAs rushed straight towards the beam of light.

However, before the dozen or so fighter-level BETAs were completely close to the beam of light, they suddenly split into two, turning into two days of rotten flesh and falling to both sides. The impact caused by the charge caused the two altars of rotten meat to be carried by inertia, rushing directly from both sides of the beam of light, sliding for a long time and finally stopped on the left and right sides of the girl.


Looking at the dozen or so fighter-level BETAs who died suddenly, the girl lost her voice.

A fighter-level BETA that is regarded as a catastrophic enemy by humans. To be killed so easily?

Just now, what happened?

The girl doesn't know.

What is this beam of light?

The girl doesn't know either.

But there is one thing the girl knows. This beam of light might be able to keep her alive.

In the girl's hopeful comment, the beam of light gradually disappeared.

The beam of light that illuminated the entire night sky disappeared.

But in front of the girl, in the direction where the beam of light disappeared, some strangely dressed men and women appeared.

Let's not mention those men and women, basically every one of them is far beyond the average line.

The outfits on these people are enough to shock the girl.

Because, she found that the men and women who appeared in the beam of light were all dressed in medieval European style, all kinds of armor.

There are all kinds of swords, swords, guns, flags, and none of them are modern clothes.

Who are these people?

The girl is in doubt.

However, the girl's doubts did not end there. More doubts, along with the words of these men and women, made the girl completely dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, what kind of world is this? Why were we attacked by monsters as soon as we arrived? And it's still such an ugly monster?" A soldier girl in a military uniform?

"Jesus, calm down. With Big Brother Shuither around, we won't be in danger. Don't worry. Besides, I don't think these monsters want to attack us, but rather I'm going to attack this young lady." This is what a blond boy said.

"Well, that's what I think too. But fortunately, Big Brother Water Jet slashed those ugly monsters to death. It's really disgusting to let them rush over. Big Water Jet, you know What kind of world is this here?" This time, it was a girl with dark hair and brown skin.

After the three finished speaking, their eyes all focused on a man dressed as a knight in a blond silver robe and a blue robe.

Looking at the man who was obviously dressed as a medieval knight, the girl had a word popped up in her mind at first glance.


Yes, the prince.

And it is the Prince Charming who only appears during the call.

Handsome, tall, majestic, dignified, with extraordinary temperament. These adjectives combined, isn't it Prince Charming?

On the ground, the girl looked at the prince charming man who appeared in the desperate situation. For a time, she was a little crazy.

The behavior of the girl caught the attention of a purple-haired woman beside the prince charming. She poked Prince Charming's arm with her elbow and teased.

"Si Zhai, let you deceive another one."

Being said by a spontaneous woman, the prince charming in the eyes of the girl, that is, our protagonist, Lin Si Zhai smiled bitterly.

"What does it mean to be tricked by me again? I didn't do anything at all, okay?"

"Hey hey hey, Master of course didn't do anything. It's just a simple hero to save beauty, what's so great. Right, Master~!" please.

However, in Lin Sizhai's eyes, she was just teasing.

At the same time, it was at this time that the girl who looked at Lin Si Zhai stupidly realized that. The pink-haired woman who spoke just now was actually wearing a kimono. Moreover, on the top of her head and behind her, there are fox ears and a few large fox tails that are obviously not human.


The girl's exclamation made Tamamomae's face suddenly boast.

"Hey, little girl, pay attention to what you say. What is a monster? This good wife fox is a **** of eight classics! It's not a monster..."

"Aren't your gods in Japan no different from monsters? I remember you in Japan seem to have a saying called eight million gods. These eight million gods, I am afraid they are not all mountain spirits and wild monsters Bar?"

The speech of Hanami Nero's marriage made Tamamo before suddenly angry: "You tyrant, do you want to quarrel?"

"Hmph, Yu Cai will not be disrespectful in front of the performer. Such unbeautiful behavior, only you and other mountain spirits and wild monsters will do it without understanding the rules of etiquette."


Tamazao angrily glared at Hanami Nero, the grinding of his teeth made Lin Sizhai smile bitterly.

Also let the girl look at this beautiful woman who is called a tyrant, but wearing a somewhat revealing and weird wedding dress.


"Yes, formally Yu, Yu is the tyrant of Rome, Lu Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Unknown maiden. For the beauty of Yu Be amazed at the capital. The posture of Yu, the beauty of Yu, but the Kui Bao that does not exist in this world~!"

Listening to the extremely narcissistic words of the flower bride Nero, the girl was stunned.

However, the more ignorant is yet to come. Because, she saw a girl with a strange tail and two horns on her head.

"Puppy, where the **** is this place? Those three monsters really want to shine..."

Hearing this strange woman's words, the sluggish girl suddenly recovered and exclaimed: "Run! That's a fortress-class BETA, their light, but even a battleship can't carry it Stay, run!"

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