Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 12: Burning Carrot Soul

"Hmm~! Is that still fake? Although Granny Lindy said that you can't interfere too much with the independent development of those worlds. But stealing information from them is still easy. So, whether it is Assault freedom, infinite justice, or Gundam of fate, legend, stargazer, etc., we have everything in our family, although they are only design drawings and other materials..."

Vivio's proud answer made Lin Sizhai's face turn from initial excitement to despair.

"What, only drawings? What's the use of that..."

Seeing Lin Sizhai's loss, Einhardt pursed his lips and interjected: "Our family doesn't really use the real-type machines used in the earth circle. After all, the combat power is quite limited. Power or something. , and it is completely inferior to the rainbow cannon and the retreat cannon. So those things are really not artificial except for some people's personal hobbies. Not to mention the price, it is more troublesome to build and more troublesome to maintain. Therefore, most of them are drawings.

But this is the vast majority. Not all. If Si Zhai you really want Gundam, I still have one here. "

As soon as Einhardt said this, Lin Sizhai almost teleported, and came directly to Einhardt, his eyes lit up.

"Sister Einhardt, are you serious, do you really have Gundam?"

Vivio, who was pulling the bewildered unknown girl towards Lin Si Zhai, looked stunned.

"Oh, Einhardt, you're talking about the machine you stole from Aunt Windstorm, right?"

Einhardt blushed slightly.

"I didn't steal it. Aunt Hurricane built a banshee herself, and I asked her to come here. After all, isn't one car enough?"

"Eh? Is that so?" Vivio tilted her head in confusion.

'How could that be enough. Of course, things like Gundam are driven in turns! 500 cars is not too much! ! ’

Lin Sizhai, who was madly complaining in his heart, did not shout out the words in his heart. Saying this now will only make Einhardt angry. If Einhardt is offended, then his burning carrot soul (robot soul) will be extinguished in an instant.

"Sister Einhardt, didn't you say that the world of machine warfare under our family is "Gundam SEED" and "Super Robot Wars OG"? Why is the mourning banshee obviously a UC series of machine opportunities Created? Also, what is the body you snatched from Aunt Windstorm?"

Lin Sizhai, who has recovered a certain degree of memory, already knows that the Aunt Galewind in Vivio's mouth is his father's righteous sister, Yagami Galewind.

It's just that I didn't have a very clear impression of Yashin Gale at the beginning, and Lin Si Zhai didn't remember much about this cheap aunt. Only know that she seems to be a house girl. So why she would build Gundam, he is not surprised at all. He just wanted to know what the body that Einhardt snatched from Yagami Gale was.

Einhardt raised his hand, a virtual screen appeared in his hand, and put his body image front in front of Lin Sizhai, making Lin Sizhai look red, excited to the point where he was eager to try, but also patient Explained for Lin Sizhai.

"The Banshee belongs to the world of the UC Era series. It's true that our family does not have jurisdiction over this world. But Aunt Windstorm will find help. I remember the Banshee. The design drawings were created by her fooling Haruhi Suzumiya of the SOS group into a main **** space. By the way, if it's just a total drawing, there are drawings like unicorns and Xinanzhou."

Lin Sizhai did not pay too much attention to Einhardt's words. He now only sees the virtual image of the machine in Einhardt's palm.

"Strike freedom, it's actually assault freedom...Sister Einhardt, where is this machine now? Is it still in your hands?"

Facing Lin Si Zhai's fiery enthusiasm, Einhardt smiled and threw the phantom in his hand to his side.

With a flash of white light, a 18.88-meter, blue-and-white giant robot with two pairs of wings on its back appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the robot that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, the unknown girl was completely dumbfounded.

This robot is completely different from the tactical aircraft in her impression. Not to mention the overall ability and conciseness, it is only the shape with a different aesthetic and the sense of unknown technology that makes her understand. This is a completely different system from a tactical aircraft.

The emotion and discovery of the unknown girl, Lin Sizhai has no time to pay attention. He is now because the Strike Freedom Gundam appears directly in front of him, and the whole person is very excited. He rushes directly to the front of the Strike Freedom Gundam. The whole person is attached to the Strike Freedom's leg armor, and the whole person is extremely satisfied.

"Ah~! It's a Gundam, it's a real Gundam. I finally saw the real Gundam..."

Lin Sizhai's satisfaction, Skaha and his party from Crystal Palace were completely incomprehensible. They don't have Lin Sizhai's childhood, and they don't have the corresponding state of mind, so they can't fully understand.

Einhardt could understand Lin Sizhai's mood, and told Skaha and others who were puzzled a little about the special romantic feelings that otaku likes giant robots. Although not all otaku have such feelings, but Lin Si Zhai is undoubtedly one of them.

After Einhardt finished explaining, Skaha and others fully understood the reason for Lin Sizhai's excitement. Everyone was silently watching Lin Si Zhai who was excited like a child.

It's been a long time... no, it should be said. Whether it's Skaha, Heizhen, or Chief Director Okita, they have never seen Lin Sizhai with such an undisguised look of pure contentment and happy like a child.

Scarha and even Chief Okita have never seen him like this...

Looking at Lin Si Zhai like this, Skaha realized again. The burden on Lin Sizhai's shoulders seemed too heavy.

Slightly distressed, Skaha turned to Einhart and asked: "Miss Einhardt, can Si Zhai drive this Gundam now? It is rare that Si Zhai is so happy.. ..."

Begged by Skaha, Einhardt also smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, I have expected it. I took out this Gundam to let Si Zhai drive. In addition to melee attacks, the BETA in this world is only the kind of light attack just now. This level of attack is completely insignificant for this Strike Freedom Gundam. Just so, our future actions may use get it. So..."

Laughing and nodding to Skaha, Einhardt shouted to Lin Sizhai: "Sizhai, you can enter the cockpit directly. This Strike Freedom Gundam has "brain wave control" System", you can put on the helmet directly, even if you don't know how to operate MS at all, you can use it easily. "

Hearing this, Lin Sizhai turned his head happily: "Really?"

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