Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 13: It's not Gundam at all

When Lin Sizhai happily boarded the cockpit of the Strike Freedom Gundam like a child, and put on the "brain wave controller" as the core, that is, when he was driving a helmet. The data of this assault freedom was refreshed in front of Lin Sizhai.

Look at this lot of operation methods and attention, as well as descriptions of various weapons. Plus the detailed parameter setting function of the body. Lin Si Zhai was simply dazed.

Stopped in place for a few seconds before Lin Sizhai manipulated the strike to move freely.

Pinching his palm, Lin Si Zhai felt that the control of the Strike Gundam was no different from his own body. This almost non-existent delay effect is astonishing for the existence of Lin Sizhai, whose physical quality far exceeds that of ordinary people. You know, Lin Sizhai's reaction speed is completely unmatched by ordinary humans.

Even if it's just one second, Lin Si Zhai can do a lot of things. But at such a speed, this assault freedom can be directly fed back to the body with zero delay.

The technical background contained in this made Lin Sizhai wake up for the first time. This Assault Freedom, which Einhardt snatched from Yagami Gale, probably only has a shell that still looks like Assault Freedom. Everything else, it is estimated that it has been completely replaced.

Not to mention, this transmission nerve reflex system alone is what the original attack freedom did not have.

And this all-weather cockpit is also not available in the original freedom of assault.

Standing on the spot without moving, Lin Si Zhai quickly called up the parameter data of this Assault Freedom.

Lin Sizhai was completely speechless after reading it. Just as he guessed, there is only one shell left in this assault freedom.

Everything inside has been completely replaced.

Well, there are too many things involved, and the explanation is complicated, so most of them are omitted here. Just one point.

Because this Assault Freedom was modified by Yagami Gale, it has a special system, the magic power amplification system.

In other words, as long as it has magic power, it will have a little magic of the magic technology mastered by the Macross Administration. Then these magics can be perfectly reproduced through this assault.

And these magics will also be amplified and amplified through the magic power amplification system specially installed by Yagami Gale.

Simply put...

"This is not a strike freedom at all, this is not a Gundam at all. This tower is a magic machine god!!"

Lin Sizhai's frantic rants were directly transmitted by the external speakers that attacked freedom, making everyone on the ground not knowing how to rant.

Atalanta trembled her cat ears with a bewildered face: "Why did the Master touch me? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Skaha patted Atalanta on the shoulder and comforted: "No, it's nothing to do with you. Si Zhai is just swearing. But to be honest, this is the first time for me. I heard Si Zhai swearing."

"What a coincidence, I too..." Chief Okita nodded in agreement.

In the complaints of Skaha, Okita, and Atalanta, Einhardt also waved his hand, unfolded a virtual screen, and connected to the cockpit of Assault Freedom , let Lin Sizhai's figure appear in front of everyone.


In the cockpit, Lin Sizhai looked at Einhardt on the virtual screen and sighed helplessly: "Sister Einhardt, I understand everything you said. I understand that it has been transformed to this extent. However, this completely different freedom of attack makes me completely unacceptable. This is not a real Gundam at all.”

Listening to Lin Sizhai's words, Einhardt couldn't help but spit out funny: "Don't make trouble, don't talk about Gundam I want to be the same as real. You dare to say Unicorn and OOR Gundam , OOQ Gundam is a real type? That's about the same as a super type."

Tucao, Einhardt smiled and shook his head: "Okay, let's go to this place first. This is not a place to chat. Let's find a safe place first, and slowly We're done talking. Vivio is not interested in these topics, if you are interested, I can chat with you."

"Hey, Gundam or something, it's a toy. Instead of playing with these toys, it's more interesting to go to a master to compete."

Vivio's complaints, Lin Sizhai simply ignored. With this second sister, who is a child both physically and mentally, I really can't communicate.

The boy's steel soul and romantic feelings for the giant robot, how could she understand...

Let the Assault Freedom Gundam kneel on one knee and put his palm on the ground, Lin Sizhai told everyone through his impressions.

"Then everyone, let's go to the palm of the Strike Freedom Gundam first. Let's move directly by flying."

Skaha and the others jumped on the steel palm that attacked freedom without hesitation. However, when someone was pulling him towards the free hand, the unknown girl reminded in a panic.

"Well, please be careful not to fly too high. If it exceeds a certain height, it will be found by the BETA of the light species, and there is a risk of being shot down."

Listening to the unknown girl's words, Einhardt smiled disdainfully: "Don't worry, a mere light attack can't hurt this raider freedom at all."

Involuntarily, he pulled her onto the palm of the attacking freedom, and Einhardt asked the girl, "By the way, I never had a chance to ask before. What's your name?"

"Your Excellency Alien, my name is Huang Weiyi."

The girl who called herself Huang Weiyi was quite respectful to Einhardt's question.

Through the various performances just now, Huang Weiyi also reacted. These strange people who descended from the white beam of light should not be so-called gods. Rather, it looks more like an alien. Of course, Huang Weiyi wouldn't be foolish to believe Lin Sizhai's nonsense, thinking that he is really an Ultraman from the M78 Nebula.

Being able to take out such an unknown body that is much more advanced than a tactical aircraft at first glance, their alien identity is actually hammered.

Well, Huang Weiyi thinks so.

Looking at the respectful Huang Weiyi, Einhardt hesitated: "Huang Weiyi?"

"Hi~! Your Excellency Alien, is there any problem?" Einhardt's slightly surprised expression made Huang Weiyi a little puzzled.

Just not waiting for Huang Weiyi to continue to ask questions, the assault freedom was launched directly.

The wings spread and the body starts. For the first time, Assault Freedom soars in this already occupied city. …

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