Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 14: find map

Writing in a posture of attacking freedom, and reading it as Gundam, Lin Sizhai took everyone to the sky, and then asked slowly.

"By the way, where do we go now?"

Looking around with the main camera of Assault Freedom, Lin Si Zhai found that the whole city had fallen into silence. There was no light at all, and the whole city was as quiet as a dead city.

Of course, this is actually a dead city.

There are 3 As long as the BETA of the serge level is squatting here, there will be no living people here.

Well, Huang Weiyi, who just stumbled into this place with a tactical plane, is not counted, she is not from this city.

At the same time, Lin Sizhai is also trying his best to recall the plot related to "muv-luv".

"muv-luv" is not a single work, but a relatively long series. There are several works in the series, but Lin Sizhai did not play related games because of translation problems. The reason why he knew about the work "muv-luv" was only because he had seen the only animation work in the series, "Muv-LuvAlternativeTotaleclipse".

In this work, the heroine is the young girl Huang Weiyi who was rescued by them now.

It's just that Huang Weiyi hasn't grown up yet, and there are still several years before the animation starts.

But Lin Sizhai doesn't care about the so-called plot blindly. Because this world, like the Xingyue world, is a huge world. A series of worlds consisting of several games, animations, and novels.

In this world, the so-called plot in a local area can only affect a local area.

It is unrealistic to want to rely on this so-called plot to refer to the whole world.

Fortunately, even if he just watched the only animation of "muv-luv", Lin Sizhai has a certain understanding of this worldview.

He doesn't have any interest in the so-called plot, and at his current level, it makes no sense to follow the so-called plot. Not to mention that it's still years before the plot begins.

In terms of Merlin's bad taste and the development of this world. Since their group came to this world from King Arthur from another world, the so-called plot of this world has no reference significance.

The reason why Lin Si Zhai recalls the plot now is to get a little useful information from it. Because according to Lin Sizhai's memory, he vaguely remembered that it was impossible for the heroine Huang Weiyi to die here.

After all, the heroine died several years ago in the beginning of the plot, which is too nonsense. Moreover, Lin Sizhai did not remember that the heroine Huang Weiyi had died in the early stage.

Huh? Later? Lin Sizhai didn't finish the animation in the later stage, so I didn't have any impression at all.

But even if I don't have an impression, it doesn't hinder my deduction of the so-called plot.

According to Lin Sizhai's opinion, the heroine Huang Weiyi may have lost all her companions and tactical aircraft here, that is, her own body, and encountered certain danger.

But before the plot begins, she must have been rescued from the city. This is the beginning of the story a few years later.

The situation is completely different now. If it wasn't for Lin Sizhai and the others who happened to land here, Huang Weiyi, the heroine, would probably be buried in BETA's mouth, and the fragrance and jade would be destroyed in advance.

This is obviously contrary to the development of the anime plot routine, which makes Lin Sizhai wonder if there is a problem.

Why should there be a rescue to save Huang Weiyi, but it did not appear? Did something unexpected happen?

With doubts, Lin Sizhai directly activated the detection radar for the freedom of the attack.

As soon as the radar was turned on, Lin Si Zhai saw the entire radar area, and the energy reflected only one of his strike freedom.

This proves that there are no other organisms around except for the freedom of assault.

Of course, there may be other reasons such as different energy reflection ratings. Lin Sizhai didn't care too much.

After all, this freedom of attack is already a magical machine **** in Gundam skin. According to the level of the magic machine god, it may not be a strange thing that the level of the tactical machine is so low that it cannot be detected.

Lin Sizhai is using radar detection, and Skaha is also thinking about where to go.

And Einhardt briefly asked about the world view and situation, Skaha narrowed his eyes and asked Huang Weiyi: "Little girl, where is your military base here? "

Suddenly being asked, Huang Weiyi was a little caught off guard, and in a panic, Huang Weiyi replied hesitantly for a while: "This, that, I don't know the specific direction. My There is a map in the tactical plane, and I fly according to the map..."

Hearing this, Skaha's eyes lit up: "Where is your tactical plane parked?"

"Over there."

Under Huang Weiyi's guidance, in less than half a minute, Lin Sizhai found a tactical machine that was completely immobile.

Let the raider land freely beside the tactical plane, Lin Sizhai asked curiously: "Master, what are you going to do? Export the map through this tactical plane, and then go to the Japanese military base?"

Skaha smiled and waved his hand: "How is it possible. Our group of people of unknown origin rashly approach the military base here, and will definitely be attacked. The reason why I want a map is to want Avoid contact with them directly. Although we are not afraid, there is no need for this. After all, as long as we can complete the task, it is the same everywhere, and the people here cannot help us at all. Also, do you need supplies for your assault freedom?"

This question was asked of Einhardt.

Einhardt shook his head: "No need, let's not say that the modified assault freedom itself is a semi-perpetual motion machine. It can be supplemented by the magician's magic power, just Enough to replenish the consumed energy."

"Well, in this way, there is no need for us to contact the local forces in this world."

Skaha's understated attitude made Huang Weiyi ask a little cautiously: "Why?"

Skaha smiled contemptuously: "Because they have no use at all except to cause trouble. In the face of the life and death of all mankind, the people here still have the heart to play all kinds of intrigue. If you say something ugly, people in your world are actually dead."

"Huh?" Being said so suddenly, as a native of this world, Huang Weiyi is somewhat unacceptable.

But Einhardt briefly introduced about BETA, which is actually the essence of cosmic miners, plus the situation that the entire solar system and even the Milky Way are occupied by BETA.

Huang Weiyi was immediately desperate.

Humans have not even rushed out of the earth, and they have directly faced miners from the universe who can occupy the galaxy to mine minerals. This civilization level is too different to fight at all...


PS: To explain briefly, BETA can be understood as the N times degraded version of the Zerg in StarCraft.

The specific situation will be explained later. For readers who have not read it, I will also take care of it so that everyone can understand it.

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