Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Disgraceful

Huang Weiyi was a little shaken by this shocking fact.

Lin Sizhai, who was in the raid on freedom, also took the opportunity to ask.

"Second sister, according to what you said, the BETA race is actually very weak?"

Vivio nodded, Einhardt also interjected: "Yes, and not very weak, very weak. Si Zhai, you should know about "StarCraft" and "Macro Stronghold" "The three worlds of "Super Robot Wars OG"?"

Lin Sizhai: "Well, I know. What's wrong?"

"Since you know these three worlds, you should also know that in these three worlds, there are actually alien invasions like BETA, and civilized races similar to bugs, right?"

Faced with Einhardt's question, Lin Sizhai was a little surprised: "Sister Einhardt, do you mean the three civilizations of the Zerg, the Zerg, and the native species?"

Einhardt nodded: "Yes, it is these three races. Because of the business of our administration. People in the administration have been in contact with these three civilizations. When these three races were compared with the BETA, it was found that this BETA was useless.

Neither the Zegers have the ability to devour genes, improve evolution, and use the ethnic group as a record to improve memory and evolve.

There is no Macross fortress cosmic Zerg crossing the universe, and the powerful physique of a single wormhole.

It does not have the ability of native species to interfere with space and other strange things.

This BETA group, let alone compared with the super Zerg of these three vertical and horizontal universes, even some Zerg civilizations of other worlds are stronger than it. At least other Zerg have at least one phagocytic gene and the ability to evolve.

It can be said that the BETA group is just bullying the human beings who tend to dig their own graves in the remote areas of the world.

It was really put into the world the day before yesterday, and it would be wiped out in minutes.

What's more, the magistrate of the administration who had a good thing once caught a BETA and threw it to the queen of the Zeg tribe, but they were directly disgusted and killed. Saying this thing doesn't need to be swallowed. Gene chains are worthless. "

Listening to Einhardt's remarks, Lin Sizhai finally knew how lame this BETA group was.

A colony planet needs a race that relies on meteorites.

A race that has not changed for tens of millions of years and cannot evolve at all.

A race that cannot use technology, can only fight with the flesh, and cannot go further.

A race that has absolutely no cosmic combat power and most of them do not have the ability to fly.

Such a **** race can actually push a human civilization that is even a Gundam, that is, a tactical machine, to this level.

It can be said that I am not afraid of the most shameful, only more shameful.

In front of this humiliating BETA clan, this Earth human who only fights infightingly is even more humiliating...

At the same time, Vivio groaned in surprise.

"I'm going, isn't it? In this comic version of the world, BETA has been pushed back by humans, rushed out of the solar system, and went to trouble the BETA creator? Is this BETA too embarrassing?"

Hearing Vivio's words, a group of people surrounded Vivio and looked at the virtual screen.

Sure enough, in this comic, the humans in the tactical plane have already rushed out of the earth.

BETA seems to have been completely beaten.

Although why things in his own world are drawn in the form of comics, Huang Weiyi is very strange.

But now it is magic, another world, and the information of mages pops up one by one. Huang Weiyi also got used to it.

Isn’t it a person from another world? It's nothing, she's used to it.

As long as you hold the thighs of this group of people, BETA doesn't need to care or worry. Didn't you see the disdain and disgust these people had for BETA?

Although Huang Weiyi, a resident of this world, also feels a little ashamed...

Simply went through the comics in front of Vivio, and Skaha was a little strange.

"Since this world can push back the BETA in the future, how can they be beaten head-on at this stage? Even if there are people from other countries, it won't be completely defeated, right? They Isn't there a tactical plane?"

In this regard, Einhardt explained.

"So far, although the number of betas in various campaigns is large, it is limited to the number of tactical aircraft. With the original number of billions on the earth, the number of BETA is really not enough to see .

It is only because of the physique, and the world's technology tree is completely crooked, that the current situation is caused.

At this stage, the tactical aircraft team really wants you to be defeated, or because they are out of ammunition and food. A tactical machine has a magazine of 2,000 rounds of ammunition, and the total ammunition of the whole body is about 10,000. However, these ammunitions are intended to defeat armor that is relatively large in size and has a certain resistance to live ammunition. The power is really not enough.

Because of these reasons, the tactical machine can't beat the BETA.

This is why I said the world's technology tree is crooked.

In this world, humanoid weapons like tactical aircraft have been born for quite some time. Look at other worlds that can create humanoid weapons. In the past ten or twenty years, energy weapons, the so-called beam guns, beam cannons, and beam sabers, have been developed no matter what. Even if it doesn't work, the anti-beam coating should be there.

But unfortunately, the human infighting in this world is about to get out of the dog's mind.

Instead, they are studying something called G element extracted from BETA body.

I really don't know.

The sequence is completely reversed. "

Listening to Einhardt's rant, Skaha generally understood.

"In other words, as long as this huge humanoid weapon can be built, and there is a certain research on beam weapons. The civilization that solves the lethality of BETA and the problem of ammunition carrying. It can be easily resisted, even Reverse the BETA civilization?"

Einhardt nodded: "That's it. That's why I said, BETA is very shameful. Just figure out the composition of light-level light, get a shield with a layer of beam coating, in the middle level In the airspace, the tactical aircraft will not be able to run away at all..."

Einhardt didn't say anything, he felt that the sky behind the assault freedom was bright.

Zizz ......

Some harsh voices sounded behind him, because he couldn't see the back of the assault freedom, Chief Secretary Okita asked: "Si Zhai, what happened?"

The old **** Lin Sizhai replied: "It's nothing, just being attacked by BETA with light. But the intensity is really low. I didn't even use the super dragoon to deploy the beam barrier. Directly I blocked it with the surface armor of the Super Dragoon. It's too embarrassing... Although my Assault Freedom is more like a magic machine..."

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