Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 17: Task

Using the super dragoons to block the light behind him, Lin Sizhai took the girls to find a small hill where no one had BETA and landed.

BETA did not pursue the Assault Freedom. It's not that they don't want to, but they simply can't catch up.

Not to mention that this one only has a free shell, the interior has been changed to a magic version of the magic machine god.

Even if it was the speed of the original strong attack, it was not the BETA crawling on the ground that could catch up to the ground.

Get rid of BETA's pursuit and land on the hill with everyone to rectify. It was also at this time that Lin Sizhai had time to look at his mobile terminal.

No accident, Merlin must have arranged a task for them, King Arthur.

————Task interface————

Copy: ? ? ?

Difficulty: ? ? ?

Main Quest: None

Joint crusade mission: Fighting foreign enemies together

Quest Requirements: Destroy all BETAs on Earth

Quest Rewards: According to the ranking order of the number of kills, the settlement and rewards will be made.

Tips: Killing all levels of BETA will get corresponding points. Points can be exchanged for rewards in the Points Mall.


The task panel is fairly short and easy to read.

But when she opened the Points Mall, Lin Sizhai knew that this dungeon event was similar to the previous Athena Guard battle.

The rewards are the same as before, but the strength of King Arthur is very different from before.

If there are no various super bosses like before, then with the current strength of King Arthur, it is not difficult to complete the task of destroying all BETAs on the earth.

After all, King Arthur is not like a native human in this world, and needs to rely on cumbersome tactical aircraft to fight BETA.

The skill is more flexible, the strength is stronger, and there is no ammunition limit. King Arthurs who have their own supply lines against BETA have less advantage than tactical aircraft against BETA.

Judging from the current task panel, this dungeon seems to be really a welfare activity.

But, in terms of Merlin's character, is it really like this?

Lin Si Zhai doesn't quite believe it.

However, the situation is unclear now, and Lin Sizhai doesn't know what medicine Merlin bought in the gourd.

Stepping out of the cockpit of Assault Freedom, Lin Sizhai, who was addicted to driving high-speed, gradually calmed down from the excited state.

Get together with Skaha and others again, Lin Sizhai thought.

"What the **** Merlin is doing, we don't know yet. But according to the mission information, all King Arthur is a united front this time, just like the previous Athena Guard battle. Then all the current King Arthur's The focus will be on the BETA eradication. Master, do you think we should also do something in this regard?"

When asked by Lin Sizhai, Skaha did not answer the first time. Instead, let Longniang take Huang Weiyi to the gang to rest for a while to stabilize her emotions. She just got close to Lin Si Zhai and looked at the mission statement.

"Well, the current situation does make all King Arthur's focus on BETA. But we also have to be vigilant. For King Arthur in this world, the enemy is not just BETA. Humans will also be our enemies."

Hearing this, the three Jianse, who are also King Arthur, were stunned.

"Eh? Why are humans in this world also our enemies? Aren't we helping them to eliminate alien creatures like BETA?" Jianse looked puzzled.

"That's right, from a standpoint, we are here to help them. Even if they don't know good people, they can't help BETA to deal with us, right?" Ji Se was also puzzled.

"Is there any misunderstanding?" Mo Se asked in confusion.

Tamazao shook her head slightly mockingly: "No, no, the three of you still don't understand people's sinister. Let me ask you a question. In the case of the alien invasion. Suddenly, a group of strange people with unknown origins, but with extraordinary abilities, appeared in front of us and mingled with the aliens. Are you grateful to them for helping you, or are you curious about where they came from, or whether Thinking about how to get from them the reasons why they are so powerful?"

Being asked by Tamamo before three times, Jianse and the three were silent.

They're not really stupid either, being King Arthur for so long. It's not that they don't understand people's sinister hearts. It's just that in the face of such a big right and wrong situation, they can't imagine how despicable the human rulers of this world are if they are not awakened by Tamamomae like this.

At this critical juncture of the survival of civilization, how could they still reject foreign aid? Are they really not afraid of civilization being destroyed here?

Although the three of them did not ask this question, how could someone as smart as Lin Sizhai, Skaha, Tamamozen and others not think of it?

Lin Sizhai smiled and shook his head: "It's not that they don't worry about the destruction of civilization, but their pure greed, blinded by power. If BETA doesn't hit them, they won't care. How much the frontline soldiers sacrificed. These are just a number to them. They only care about their rights. Believe it or not, this is the truth. In order to make their power more secure, they will definitely take action against King Arthur .But the movement should be relatively small, after all, they are not stupid. If they offend King Arthur too hard, they will also be counterattacked. After all, King Arthur's individual strength is too strong for the people of this world."

Tamazao hugged Lin Sizhai's arm before, wagging his tail and chuckling: "That's right. For this reason, the best way for the rulers of this world is to win over King Arthur and give them Support, or thank them for their pretense, to trap some King Arthur pieces. Then in some specific places, dig out the secrets of King Arthur. Therefore, there is no need for the three of you later, it is best not to touch the world's Those in power. That's no good for you."

Knowing that Lin Sizhai wanted to take care of these three younger brothers, Yuzaoqian was very considerate and took the initiative to remind the three of Jianse.

As Lin Sizhai and Yuzaoqian said so clearly, the three of Jianse nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would not provoke the rulers of this world.

"But with the habit of King Arthurs, they must have made a lot of noise. The temptation to have a point mall is there. Even if King Arthur does not attack each other, he will grab more points. A conflict arises. Once the King Arthurs open fire with all their strength, the movement will definitely not be small. After all, few King Arthurs who can survive now are fuel-efficient lamps. Right."

Seeing Skaha looking at the three of them with a half-smile, the three of Jianse shook their heads quickly.

Just kidding, no one knows. Don't the three of them know Lin Sizhai's foundation? Say they are not fuel efficient lamps?

Huahua shelf lifts people high, but it also depends on who is lifting it.

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