Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 18: start gradually

"Okay, master, stop making trouble."

waved his hand and asked Skaha to scare the three of Jianse, Lin Sizhai corrected the topic.

"According to the habit of the kings of Arthur, their existence will not be known to the countries of the world for too long, maybe even the general public will know that there is a king of Arthur's strength in this world. Group. The contact between King Arthur and the local forces is unavoidable. Even we may be found. After all, we have a big guy here."

Pointing to the Strike Freedom Gundam behind him, Lin Sizhai's meaning is clear at a glance.

There are giant robots like Strike Freedom Gundam, and it is not realistic to hide their whereabouts. And in terms of the strength of Lin Sizhai and others, there is no need to hide, nor does it bother to hide.

They don't want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean they are afraid of trouble.

Others don't know, Jianse and the others don't know, what level of power is behind the two sisters, Lin Sizhai and Vivio?

Even the rival God Gundam, or even the stronger Strike Freedom Gundam, can be taken out as a toy, and the three of them will not be surprised if they take out any planetary-level killer. After all, the family property is the dimensional level.

This kind of small scene is simply trivial...

This is also the reason why the three of them dare not pretend. It's good to hug Lin Sizhai's thick thigh well, they just want to lie down and win, and don't want to cause trouble. Calling 666 after Lin Sizhai was what they wanted to do most.

Seems to see the salted fish psychology of the three of Jianse, Skaha also smiled and shook his head, and did not tease the three of them. The three of them are so well-behaved that they won't have to play after being too amused.

Conditioning her mind, Skaha looked at her surroundings and asked.

"Si Zhai, are we going to use this place as a base now? In your opinion, we don't need to contact the local forces now, and we will slowly earn points here, right?"

Lin Sizhai nodded: "Well, that's what it means. I have no interest in saving Japan. The terrain here is good, we will go to the back of the mountain to set up a camp and rectify it here. Just clean up the nearby BETA. If it is dropped, you can use this place as the core and start to brush the points in a diffuse manner. When the BETA is finished here, we will slowly brush in another place.

Although we don't know what Merlin is up to now. But it's not that the point store has never been used. It's good to get something to use. And I also care about ranked settlements. If this settlement is still the first place to send the Golden Grail, then maybe I still have to fight for it. "

Glancing at Tamamo before, whose eyes were shining, Skaha knew that Tamamo must also want to get a body. If nothing else, the difference is that the Servant cannot have children, but it is possible after gaining a body. It's worth letting Tamamo stop fighting.

After all, what kind of wife is a wife who cannot have children? The concubine is about the same.

You can't even be a wife, so what kind of a good wife?

Of course, this is not what everyone thinks. It was just an idea from Tamamo before. At least Skaha himself didn't care about it. Whether she can have children or not will not shake her position in Lin Si Zhai's heart. That is, people who have a lot of flowers and intestines in front of Tamamo, will care about this.

See through, but don't tell, know that Lin Si Zhai wants the Golden Holy Grail to enter the special copy to obtain the Little Holy Grail, so as to obtain more flesh for everyone in the Crystal Palace. Skaha didn't argue more about this kind of thing, but nodded and replied: "Okay, then arrange for everyone to go out in batches to clean the BETA and earn points. With AOE Noble Phantasm Servants as the core main force. Let's brush as much as possible. ."

Skaha looked at Vivio and Einhardt: "By the way, do you want to brush points too?"

Einhardt, who knew Skaha's subtext, waved his hand: "Let's forget it, we don't have any demand for the items in Merlin's store. Toys, or give them directly to Si Zhai. Now that we are together, instead of wasting our points, we might as well give all the opportunities to you. Anyway, we have always focused on hiding, and being too showy is not in line with our policy. "

After successfully persuading Einhardt to show her intention not to divide up Lin Sizhai's points. Skaha looked at the three of Jianse.

The three of Jianse were about to shake their heads to show their loyalty, when Lin Sizhai patted Skaha on the shoulder: "Master, Jianse and the others should let them do it themselves. Japan is so big, it should be enough. Everyone on our side has enough points. When an area is finished, we are changing places."

With Lin Sizhai speaking, Skaha didn't say much. Lin Si Zhai, who is the eldest brother, wants to take care of the younger brother, and she will not go too far. At most, let Atalanta and Mordred, who are the main output, be quicker.

Skaha nodded, turned to the three of Jianse and said, "You three should all come in in the form of fusion knight factors?"

Seeing the three people nodding, Skaha also took the opportunity to say: "Then the three of you are in a team of three and take care of each other. If there is anything that can't be solved, come back to us."

With Skaha's words, the three of Jianse nodded happily.

Originally, they had already given all the scoring opportunities to Lin Sizhai to paddle.

Now they have a few points to exchange things, they are naturally quite happy.

Of course, the big head here must be Lin Sizhai's. After all, Lin Sizhai's outrageously strong Servants will not be mentioned. Just the big killer of Lin Sizhai's Strike Freedom Gundam is a powerful weapon. With something like this around, a little soup is enough for them.

With enough self-knowledge, the three of Jianse are very content and happy.

In a harmonious atmosphere, Lin Sizhai and others soon began to set up camp.

Camping preparations were commonplace for King Arthur. All kinds of one-off buildings were thrown out by Jianse and the three of them not long after. Houses rose from the ground.

Its speed and amazing effect made Huang Weiyi, a local resident, stunned.

For these things, Lin Sizhai and others just took a look.

Just curious now.

When Lin Si Zhai was in harmony and set up camp. The earth countries of this world were surprised to find that a group of strange people dressed in strange clothes appeared one after another from the beam of light soaring into the sky. Then, in the form of special effects in various movies, he launched a charge on BETA.

The BETA that they hate, in the hands of these weirdos, fragile like a toy...

All King Arthur has descended on the earth, the first war has started......

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