Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 31: give me one too

"Yada, as expected of Si Zhai."

I heard Lin Sizhai say that the first five-star Servant he had drawn in the game was himself, Mr. Okita couldn't be more happy. Although she doesn't know how many stars the highest Servant level in the game is. But a 5-star Servant is amazing when you hear it, isn't it? and.....

"Huh? Si Zhai, doesn't this seem to be similar to when we first met? I remember, I was the first Servant you summoned, right?"

Because Mr. Okita is wearing a helmet, he can't touch Mr. Okita's head. Lin Sizhai could only pat her hand instead, and replied, "Yes, it's exactly the same, so I always feel that I can meet you, Chief Secretary. Maybe it's because we are very fateful... "

"I love hearing this, Miss Okita is a great victory~!"

Holding Lin Si Zhai's arm, Mr. Okita smiled quite happily.

Chief Okita was the first to react, and the second one was Hei Zhen.

Heizhen snorted coldly, rushed to Lin Sizhai, and asked with a bad expression, "Then who am I? Also, how many Servants am I?"

Lin Sizhai's eyelids jumped: "Wife, you are the fourth Servant I have drawn. By the way, you are also five stars."

"The fourth?"

Seeing that Heizhen was a little dissatisfied, Lin Sizhai quickly explained: "It's not that I don't want to be the first to draw you, it's just that the operation didn't open your card pool at the very beginning. I can't draw even if I want to. The first time the card pool opens, I will frantically draw you. It will be drawn within 5 minutes, wife, we are also very destined."

Hearing this, Heizhen's face became a little better: "Hmph, I don't care if I have fate or not, I don't care anyway. But I want to ask, what is the highest star of this game? How many stars is the village girl?"

"FGO's Servant has a minimum of 1 star and a maximum of 5 stars. Bai Zhen is also a 5-star Servant."

"Tsk, the village girl is also a five-star..." Hei Zhen seemed a little upset.

Bai Zhen already knows her sister quite well, and she doesn't care. She has also responded. It doesn't matter to her that she becomes a character in the game.

Others also reacted after the trouble between Chief Okita and Heizhen.

What makes Lin Si Zhai very reassured is that everyone is not dissatisfied with this. Just a little curious.

"Migu? So, Tamamo has also become a game character? Master, you have drawn Tamamo, right?"

"Um, as far as Yu and the performer are concerned, Yu must also be there, right?"

Facing Nero and Tamamo's inquiries, or rather pressing. Lin Sizhai replied with a clear conscience: "Yes, there are, and both of you are five-star."

"As expected of the Master, he is the man who should be Tamamo's husband. Whether in the game or outside the game, Tamamo always wants to be the Master's exclusive wife and mother."

Tamazamae looked quite happy with her big tail sticking out of her tights.

"Um Um~! You deserve to be the performer. Yu announced that this place will be Rome from now on. Wherever there are performers, it's Rome~!"

Nero's tyrant declaration, no one pays attention.

"Puppy, what about me? How many stars am I?"

"Four stars."

"Eh???? Why are you all five-star, and I am the only four-star? I'm not convinced, I'm not convinced!! There is a shady secret, there must be a shady secret!!"

Long Niang's cry, Lin Si Zhai is now out of control and comfort. He glanced at Atalante, his exclusive cat, because there were other people, and he smiled and said, "You are also a four-star."

Atalanta frowned, maintaining the coldness on the surface, looking dissatisfied. It seems that she is very unhappy that she and Long Niang are the same level of star.

When Long Niang heard that Atalanta was also a 4-star, she immediately became spirited.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be a four-star Atalanta. I'm not the only one being shady."

"Shut up, you're too loud."


Dragon Lady was having a good time with Atalanta, while Mordred quietly came to Einhardt and asked quietly: "Einhatsan, since you are If you know this game, do you have it in stock? Also, how many stars do I have in the game? Has the father appeared?"

Einhardt smiled slightly, and took out a tablet and handed it to Mordred, who was a treasure: "Of course, Artorisan is a popular character in this game. Form. A lot of them are almost able to form a team and fight a Holy Grail War on their own."

"Wow, there really is, 3Q~! This is a picture book? Oh, so many fathers... Oh, this is me, and I am also a five-star? Tsk... The old woman is also a five-star... ah~!!"

Being kicked by Skaha, the tablet fell directly into Skaha's hands. Mordred rolled several times on the moon before standing up and shouting: "Bastard, who kicked me, stand up!!"

"Huh? Do you have any comments?"

Being stared at by Skaha, Mordred shuddered, and hurriedly whistled: "Hey, the moon is so wide..."

Ignoring Mordred, who was obedient. Skaha pulled the illustration down, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Not for others, she saw two herself. One is her with a gun-level posture. That is her current form. The other one is the self who kills the rank.

I think of the other self that Lin Sizhai, Marda and Mordred met in the summer singularity before. Skahar immediately understood what the other self in a swimsuit looked like.

Secretly decided to go back and make a set of identical swimsuits with runes, Skaha exited the book page. Get a quick overview of the game as a whole.

Scarha soon had a general understanding of the game called Fate/GrandOrder.

But only roughly. In order to learn more about the game, Skaha did not hesitate, and said to Einhardt: "Can you copy me this game? I want to play it alone."

"Of course, if you want to play, just download a client directly. I remember that Merlin's store has mobile phones, tablets and other technology items. You ask Si Zhai to help you get a few. I will help you modify the network connection again, and you can play anytime, anywhere."

Speaking, Einhardt suddenly thought of something, and reminded Skaha: "By the way, this game is a game of krypton gold drawing cards. If you want to If you want gold, remember to tell me. I will help you recharge. Of course, this account will definitely be counted on Si Zhai's head. After all, you are his women."

"It's nature."

Skaha readily agreed.

Hearing the conversation between Einhart and Skaha, Mordred, who had stopped whistling, rushed over in an instant: "Einhardtsan, give me one too. !!"

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