Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 32: wrong worldview

Mordred, the arrogant child, leaned over and shouted so loudly. Everything else was heard.

This time, Einhardt seems to have become more popular than Lin Sizhai, and was directly attacked by Tamamozen, Nero, Atalanta, Longniang, Heizhen, Baizhen , Chief Okita surrounded. Even Medea, who seemed to be lacking in nature, moved closer.

Looking at the surrounded Einhart, Lin Si Zhai was dumbfounded.

"This is really..."

Looking at Huang Weiyi, the only one who didn't get close, Lin Sizhai shook his head helplessly and said, "I made you laugh."

Huang Weiyi didn't seem to expect that Lin Sizhai would be so polite to him, so she could not help but bow her body in fear: "No, what's the matter. Seeing that everyone has such a good relationship, I am quite envious."

"Join in envy and become one of them. Don't have too much psychological burden, everyone is a good person and gets along well."

Patting Huang Weiyi's shoulder, Lin Sizhai's attitude is quite kind.

Lin Sizhai's attitude infected Huang Weiyi, and she immediately relaxed her somewhat restrained attitude.

"Good Sir Si Zhai, I will try my best."

"Well, take your time, don't rush."

"Hey, I will. But Sizhai-sama, listen to what everyone said just now. Could it be that the world where Skaha-sama and the others live, in your world, is a game? "

Huang Weiyi's eyes flickered, and her eyes were full of anticipation and curiosity.

In response, Lin Sizhai sorted out his thoughts and replied: "It can't be called a novel. It can only be said that their world is real. It's just some information about their world, captured by our world. Then it was created by some people and became animations, novels, comics, and games. If you understand it this way, it will be better."

"It turns out, I understand. This is the same as the world I am in, and its information and intelligence will appear in other worlds, right?"

Huang Weiyi asked with some anticipation, so Lin Sizhai nodded: "Yes, just like we can learn about your world from comics before, there are similar situations in other worlds. The world is not single, but infinite and boundless."

"Then why do other worlds know about things that haven't happened in our world? It's not that intelligence leaks..."

Before Huang Weiyi finished speaking, Lin Sizhai shook his head and said: "Your thinking is too narrow. You know, the world is not the only one. The existence of parallel worlds can also explain all this. You The world where BETA is located has just invaded the earth and fought with humans. But other parallel worlds may have reached the end of the war.”

Lin Sizhai's explanation made Huang Weiyi nod his head as if he didn't understand.

What Huang Weiyi didn't know was that Lin Sizhai's explanation sounded reasonable. But it's totally wrong.

In other macroscopic universes, the world she lives in was first created by people, and the world was born after gathering the magical power of willpower. Instead of the world, there is the carrier of animation, comics, novels, and games.

The relationship is diametrically opposite. It is the existing comics, animations, novels, and games that create their worldviews, and will be condensed into real and independent worlds by willpower.

This fact is currently unclear to Lin Si Zhai, because no one told him. Einhardt was the only one who really knew these things. Vivio? Of course she should know, but this arrogant child doesn't study hard, and all the talent points to the force value. She has never learned these theoretical knowledge. Therefore, she, who should have known, was smeared in her eyes and didn't know anything about it.

As the only insider at the moment, Einhardt was surrounded by Mordred's gang and asked the FGO client to guide the download, guide the game, and guide the precautions of the game. Burnt out. Where is the time to pay attention to the trivial matter of Lin Sizhai hooking up with Huang Weiyi.

Therefore, a wrong world view popularization, and so on.

After that, when Huang Weiyi guides the real birth order of the world, how will it react?

For now, let's leave that aside.

Looking at the group of people who surrounded Einhardt, looking at the relaxed atmosphere of everyone, Lin Sizhai also touched his head and smiled bitterly: "Are they too relaxed? Forgot The moon also has a beta?"

"Maybe it's because Skaha-sama and the others have no fear of BETA, so they can be so relaxed."

Looking at Skaha and others, Huang Weiyi was full of envy. Their power is incomparable to a mortal like her.

"Well, maybe. But the right thing to do is still to do. Come on, Wei Yijiang, I'll take you to go shopping on the moon. The moon is so big, and it's my first time here. Just walking around."

"Good Lord Si Zhai."

Huang Weiyi did not dare to refuse Lin Sizhai's invitation. Just when she took a few steps towards Neng Angel, Lin Si Zhai grabbed her little hand.

"Stop, stop, this time we won't drive Gundam."

"If you don't open Gundam, how do you get there?"

Huang Weiyi was stunned.

In response, Lin Si Zhai smiled mysteriously, snapped his fingers, and a figure-sized loli appeared on Lin Si Zhai's shoulder.

"Darling~! You are finally willing to let me out~!"

Holding Lin Si Zhai's cheeks, Loli's voice was greasy.

It was at this time that Huang Weiyi reacted. It was clearly on the moon, but Lin Sizhai didn't wear the tights like Skaha's. She didn't wear a Gundam driver's suit like her. Instead, he was wearing his usual clothes.

No driving suit and no helmet. Lin Si Zhai wore his usual clothes and moved freely on the moon. This fact, she just noticed now.

Found Huang Weiyi staring at herself and Lin Sizhai with surprised eyes, Lolita stood proudly on Lin Sizhai's shoulder and listened to her chest.

"Humph~! Did you notice it now? Little girl. My Darling is different from yours. With the protection of the magic suit, it is simply trivial to deal with the environment of the universe. I've been helping Darling to do things that only assistants can do, understand?"

"You're the best..."

Poke Loli's little face with her finger, Lin Si Zhai pulled Huang Weiyi to his side, and made Huang Weiyi blushing.

It seems that Huang Weiyi at this age has no experience with men and is quite shy.

Finding this, Lin Si Zhai didn't let her go. Instead, she took the initiative to hug her waist and said to Loli.

"Lori, let's go and explore the moon."

"Okay~! GO! GO! GO!"

The magic circle flashed by under his feet, and Lin Sizhai directly took Loli and Huang Weiyi to the sky above the moon...

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