Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 33: Girl capture

Lin Sizhai held Huang Weiyi and flew to other places with Loli.

This point, since Lin Si Zhai took off, the Skaha group have already noticed.

But since it is not the first time that Lin Sizhai has hooked up with other girls, and the newcomer Huang Weiyi really needs to be taken care of by Lin Sizhai. Plus the newly acquired games are really attractive. Combining these three points, neither Heizhen nor Tamamo-mae nor Nero made a statement on this.

Isn't it just a moment alone with Lin Sizhai? What to envy.

Although she said so, but Einhardt felt that since Lin Sizhai left with Huang Weiyi, the resentment of the servants around her seemed to be a little heavy.

'How did this fellow Si Zhai deceive these female servants and make them so determined? ’

Somewhat curious and confused, Einhardt was finally liberated from a group of female servants, and was pulled by Viviola to let her explain the game of FGO. It turned out that it was Vivio who saw that a group of people were playing here, and she felt envious, so she ordered one too. It was found that Vivio, who was not planning to play the game, was a little misguided. Einhardt was both helpless and somewhat relieved.

Since Vivio left her adoptive father, Lin Sizhai's biological father, she hadn't had much fun. Now that I finally have this thought, how can I make Einhardt refuse?

For the sake of his good friend, Einhardt had to endure the helplessness in his heart, hurry up, and explain everything about FGO to her.


On the surface of the moon, Lin Sizhai held him in his arms. The initial shyness gradually faded, and Huang Weiyi gradually indulged in the comfort of flying in the air without relying on Gundam.

Although she doesn't rely on Lin Sizhai now, she can float briefly under the extremely low gravity of the moon. But floating and flying are different in the end.

Even wearing a Gundam driver's suit, she has a sense of comfort in which all the cells are excited.

Flying has been a long-standing dream of mankind.

Now that it is realized, how can she not be excited and unhappy?

Although this time it was on the moon, in space, and wearing a Gundam pilot suit. But as long as you follow the thick thigh of Lin Si Zhai, there will definitely be more and more good days like this in the future.

Thinking of this, Huang Weiyi, who already felt helpless, felt that she had support again.

Being held by Lin Sizhai and flying for a while, Huang Weiyi gradually became tired of the barren environment on the lunar surface.

The atmosphere was a little dull, and after a little hesitation, Huang Weiyi took the initiative to speak.

"Master Si Zhai."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Lin Sizhai, who was looking around, heard Huang Weiyi's voice and couldn't help but looked down at the soft girl in his arms.

"Well, can I play the game that Skaha and the others mentioned before? I want to learn about other worlds."

Huang Weiyi's tone was a little embarrassed, as if she was a little apprehensive about making such a request.

Lin Sizhai didn't think too much about this, and replied simply: "Okay, it's not difficult. I'll go back in a while and I'll talk to Sister Einhardt. I'm playing this game. You can join this opportunity to have a good relationship with everyone faster. If you want to integrate into this circle, I think this is a good reality. Before, I was worried that you wanted to destroy BETA, but I didn't care about this. I’m distracted. So I’m not too embarrassed to mention it. But since you’ve brought it up now, I’m relieved. Wei Yijiang, don’t be in a hurry for revenge, don’t be blinded by hatred. There are still many beautiful things in the world that can be worth it. Cherish, don't live in the past..."

Listening to Lin Sizhai's persuasion, Huang Weiyi was stunned, as if she did not expect Lin Sizhai to be so thoughtful about herself. Huang Weiyi, who was young in age and experience, heard Lin Sizhai's persuasion after a while, hugging Lin Sizhai's body dizzy and nodding.

Huang Weiyi's attitude of completely listening to Lin Sizhai's decision made the loli on Lin Sizhai's shoulders shake her head.

How can the experienced Loli not see that this little girl has been almost attacked by Lin Sizhai. ,

Although she had been done ideological work by Skaha, she was psychologically prepared and knew that she would follow Lin Sizhai in the future. It was her deal with Skaha. But if possible, what girl doesn't want her future husband to be a good man who can be considerate and take care of herself?

Now that Huang Weiyi can be attacked so quickly, there is also the factor of her own half-assistance.

But these loli don't know, she doesn't know what Skaha did before.

In the eyes of Lolita, this little girl named Huang Weiyi is a bit of a nympho, and in Lin Sizhai's persuasion, she directly listened to the words of persuasion and concern as love words. Being attacked so easily, is it not a nympho?

Just because the object of her **** is Lin Si Zhai, her man. She doesn't have much to say. After all, it's not a shame to fall in love with Lin Si Zhai. If this was a shameful thing, where would she and the Skaja gang go?

He shook his head helplessly, rubbed Lin Si Zhai's cheek, Lolita took the initiative to change the subject, not giving Huang Weiyi too many opportunities to act like a spoiled child.

"Darling, I just scanned it with wide-area magic. I found that there is no BETA biological reaction on the moon. Should we expand the range?"

Hearing Lolita say something serious, Lin Si Zhai also patted Huang Weiyi's little butt, making Huang Weiyi blushing and bowing her head. This is the answer.

"No, BETA is not a big problem anyway. If it's not for earning points, an enemy of this level is not an opponent who needs to be vigilant at all. But then again, I remember that BETA originally had a relationship with humans The encounter is on the moon, right? The moon doesn't have a single BETA? Is it all going to the earth? Weiyi, do you know anything?"

"Sorry, Si Zhai-sama, I don't know too much. I have been trained in the base tactical aircraft before, and I don't know any other information. But BETA is an encounter between the moon and the lunar landing personnel. , I still know about this. This is a major event that changed the status quo of the earth, and it was mentioned in the base." Because he heard Lin Sizhai calling his name, Huang Weiyi took the initiative to explain.

Just this answer, it seems that even Huang Weiyi feels a little ashamed, and is quite embarrassed to say.

Fortunately, Lin Si Zhai also understood her previous situation and said nothing thoughtfully. Just patted her on the shoulder.

"It's not your fault. According to those in power, soldiers don't need their own thoughts, they are the best soldiers. It's normal not to disclose this information to you. But they don't I'll tell you, it doesn't mean we have no way to know..."

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