Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 34: Decided, go to Mars!

Lin Sizhai's words made Huang Weiyi a little curious.

"Master Si Zhai, are you planning to invade the military's system and forcibly obtain the required information?"

Lin Sizhai smiled slightly: "Of course, this kind of thing should be very simple with our current level of technology. I believe that not only me, but also the other King Arthur who came with me. Many people think this way, and it is not impossible that some people have already put it into practice. But I think, maybe there is no need to be so troublesome?"

"Trouble?" Huang Weiyi tilted his head, puzzled.

"Yes, it's trouble. After all, since BETA is not a threat to us, what do we care about where they go? When the BETA on Earth is cleaned up, I and other King Arthur will leave. To It doesn't matter what kind of wild beast BETA is, it has nothing to do with us."

Speaking of this, Lin Sizhai found that Huang Weiyi's expression was a little frozen. Lin Si Zhai shook his head with a smirk, and patted Huang Weiyi's little butt.

"Of course, this is the opinion of the vast majority of King Arthur, and it does not represent me. In any case, this is a world where Wei Yijiang was born and raised. Although the ruler of this world is a little dead, I hate it very much. But the vast majority of the people are innocent. Let them suffer the consequences of the BETA counterattack under the inaction of the future rulers. I will not accept such a result.

So, Wei Yijiang, are you interested in going with me until Huanglong, destroying all the BETA nests in the solar system? "

As soon as Lin Sizhai said this, Huang Weiyi's face instantly turned from cloudy to sunny, and his little head nodded quickly: "Mmmm, one library and one library!"

Standing on Lin Sizhai's shoulders, Lolita shrugged indifferently: "Well, Sizhai, you are happy. But since you have decided to clean up the BETA in the solar system, let's go to the next stop. Where are you going?"

Lin Sizhai's eyes fixed: "Go back, drive Gundam. Then we go to Mars. I remember that during this period, the BETA colonies in the solar system should only be the earth, the moon, and Mars. As long as the nest on Mars is cleaned up , and then let the King Arthurs clean up the nest on the earth. There is no BETA on the moon, and I believe that the earth can remain safe for a long time. Give the human beings in this world some development time, I believe that the next time BETA will make a comeback again, they will also I won't be pressed and beaten by BETA as before."

Lori hugged her head in both hands: "I don't care anyway."

Take Loli and Huang Weiyi back to Gundam's place of stay. Lin Si Zhai found that a group of Servants such as Vivio, Einhardt, Skaha, and Chief Okita had formed a group and seemed to be playing games.

Looking at the crowd, Lin Sizhai thought for a while, and finally shouted to everyone: "Okay, everyone, don't rush the game for a while, go back and play again. Now we have business."

Hearing Lin Sizhai's words, Chief Officer Okita, Skaha, Heizhen, Medea and other servants put away their mobile phones and gathered around Lin Sizhai.

"Si Zhai, do you have any new plans?"

Holding Lin Si Zhai's arm, Mr. Okita's face was red and he was in high spirits.

Seeing that the Chief Director of Okita was so excited, Lin Sizhai nodded and asked curiously, "Boss, why are you so happy?"

It was not the Chief Director of Chongtian who answered Lin Sizhai, but Mordred, who was full of resentment: "Of course she's happy, just one shot ten times, directly three five-star servants, **** Europeans Ein Hatsan is right, such seals should be killed directly!"

Chief Secretary Okita raised his head proudly and hummed: "I know you are envious, just say it straight. Miss Okita is different from before. From today, Miss Okita will definitely rise up~ Oh, by the way, Si Zhai, why did I search for a long time, but there is no card pool from Miss Okita? I want to beat myself."

"The card pool, except for the fixed plot pool, is open alternately. Your exclusive card pool, I remember it as a nagging event bound to Nobunaga. Have you asked Ein Hatsan about this event? If it has, you can start with a lucky bag or other means."

"Oh, so..."

Unwittingly approaching Lin Si Zhai, Medea was full of resentment: "Master Si Zhai, why do I only have three stars in the game?"

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone that Medea held in front of him, looking at Medea in the game, Lin Sizhai was a little ashamed: "This, Medea, this is all the operation's pot. I remember You have a four-star form..."

"I know that, I got it. But that little girl's film is a black history, and it must be sealed... Sure enough, there is still a chance in the future, it is more convenient to go directly to the operation what?"

Biting her gloved thumb, Medea looked gloomy.

"Well, those are all good, Master, Tamamo, I am indeed the woman loved by the world. I have successfully drawn myself, you see, it is the two treasures."

Holding Lin Sizhai from behind and wrapping Lin Sizhai's neck with a plump European pie, Tamamo before also seemed very excited.

"Hmmmm, I know, Xiaoyu is very powerful, very good... Huh? Why is Nero in such a low mood."

I noticed Nero, who was standing in the corner with his own black shadow, dejected and silent. Lin Sizhai turned his head to Tamamo before and asked, "Nero is nothing like her normal her. At this time, she shouldn't come here to show off like you guys, and keep saying "Um~! Yu got himself too." Even in the game, the place where I am is also Rome~!" or something like that? "

Tamazao shook her big tail and snickered: "That stupid tyrant was hit. Her body in the game only has four stars, and she is five stars in her bride form. But that It seems to be a limitation. She didn't have the chance to draw not to mention her own body. Instead, she drew the ancestors of the previous generations of Rome. Then, she accidentally drew the first generation of Roman gods, and found that the ancestors had only After 3 stars, she said that she was so devastated."

"Oh, so..."

Knowing why Nero was so depressed, Lin Sizhai gave Nero a pitying look.

I have to say that some characters with strong settings may not have a high star rating in the FGO game. Such as ancestors, such as great heroes, such as Lu Bu...

"Okay, you all give me a little bit, everyone should stop. Si Zhai, you called us here just now, what's the matter?"

Skaha's light drink made Lin Sizhai quickly turn his attention back.

"Oh yes, I was almost confused by you guys. I'll talk about the game later. I've decided to go to Mars to clear BETA's lair there, and when I get enough points, it will also be counted as a reward. The people of this world do their best. After all, BETA is a threat to them anyway.

This is the hometown of Weiyijiang again, I think I still have to do something..."

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