Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Chaldea riot

Although Roman said with a sad face, Olga Marie didn't buy it.

"How come I don't know about Si Zhai's transgender change? Why didn't you tell me before? Such an interesting... big thing, even hide it from me. Even Lin Sisi went to Chaldea You still don't tell me about this kind of big thing. Now that I can't figure it out, are you thinking of me again?"

Olga Marie's face was full of displeasure, and Roman had a toothache.

'How do I know about this, you don't know, your Heizhen, Baizhen, Meiyou, Xiaohe, and two Illyas, things that so many people know. How do I know you don't know? ’

Of course, Roman didn't say it out loud.

Now I have a request, and this person is Olga Marie, the head of Chaldea.

As soon as this kind of death sentence is exported, it is difficult for Roman to guarantee that he will not be hammered to death. Although Chaldea is seriously short of manpower now, many things need the help of Servants. The staff of Chaldea will definitely not dare to kill. But Olga Marie has an order, and it is estimated that a few people will obey and give Roman a few times. Even if it doesn't hurt or itch, it's uncomfortable after all.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Roman can only keep complaining and pouring bitterness on Olga Marie.

In the end, Chaldea is her own property, and now that such a big thing has happened, Olga Marie doesn’t want Chaldea to really collapse like this.

Under Roman's gossip, Olga Marie finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll find a chance to talk to Si Zhai. But you'd better not expect too much. After all, that's Lin Sisi, who is exactly the same existence after the gender change of Si Zhai. I I can't guarantee how Si Zhai will react when she finds out about her existence. You'd better prepare yourself mentally."

Facing Olga Marie's remarks, Roman did not flinch. Instead, it was a shattered expression.

"It can't be worse than it is now. Director, you should hurry up and tell Si Zhai. As long as he can come over and attract Lin Sisi's attention, I will be grateful ."

Romana revealed misery in her helplessness, and a tired gesture in her misery. It made Olga Marie feel guilty.

She didn't forget that Chaldea is like this, and she also has a responsibility. If it wasn't for her blind trust in someone, Chaldea wouldn't be like this. She herself will not become this half-dead look.

In the end, it was because she believed in the wrong person, and this was the result. In the end, Roman was just someone who helped her clean up the mess.

She is actually very grateful for Roman's dedicated leadership of Chaldea.

Although she was reasonable and unforgiving, Olga Marie ran to inform Lin Si Zhai as soon as she closed the communication.

What is going on on Olga Marie's side, Roman doesn't know.

Roman only knows that now he is really bitter.

Then why is Roman working so hard? What happened to Lin Sisi in Chaldea?

This is about to start after Lin Sisi came to Chaldea and officially settled in.

Because Lin Sisi was summoned by Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew in the Lingji Summoner, and officially logged into the Lingji, the official servant of Chaldea.

Therefore, its existence cannot be concealed.

It was less than two hours after being summoned, and everyone in Chaldea knew. Lin Sisi, who was disguised by Lin Sizhai not long ago, has become a brand-new independent existence.

Although in the eyes of a group of Chaldeans, its essence seems to be a coincidence. But they couldn't bear the same name, and their experiences were almost the same.

So everyone in Chaldea directly regarded Lin Sisi as a female Lin Sizhai in a parallel world.

If you saw Lin Sisi dressed up in disguise by Lin Sizhai before, everyone just admired it on the surface and longed to get close. Now that the real Lin Sisi appeared, their inner desires directly became reality, and they gave and acted.

The most straightforward is the Celtic gang.

You Xiaogang... No, it's Fergus. Fergus formally invited Lin Sisi to "come a shot", and Lin Sisi slapped it with the holy sword in a rage, and fell into a severe coma.

The dating invitations initiated by people were also directly rejected by Lin Sisi and flung away with a sword.

Finn and Diarmuid were also photographed later.

The carnival of the entire Chaldean male servants began.

As if everyone had negotiated, everyone changed their way to initiate a date with Lin Sisi and "come and send" an invitation. There are even marriage proposals. (Note: It was Finn who proposed.)

All male servants in Chaldea were dispatched to pursue Lin Sisi. This group of people can be described as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

However, Lin Sisi sternly rejected these behaviors and directly slapped everyone away.

As a result, explosions occurred from time to time in Chaldea, and public properties were destroyed. Although after the incident, the male servants who made troubles and troubles will spontaneously repair Chaldea. But there are too many such things that can't be held up, and there will be more than a dozen outbreaks in almost a day.

Don't say that Lin Sisi, who is himself, is very annoying, even Roman is exhausted because he wants to deal with the aftermath.

Of course, if these people really like Lin Sisi, they want her to be their partner, and they are really courting. Even then, Roman felt that he could still bear it.

But such people are very few in this group of male servants.


Others, such as Emiya, Robin Hood, La Er and others. It was simply that he wanted to hook up with Lin Sisi, so he could look back and get angry with Lin Sizhai, seeing how embarrassed he looked.

Faced with these apparently impure motives, Roman is reluctant to deal with the aftermath every time.

This group of people is just looking for something, and it hurts to be idle.

This is why Roman asked Olga Marie to find Lin Si Zhai.

Not only to let Lin Sizhai quickly attract Lin Sizi's attention, but also to let Lin Sizhai clean up the gang of troublemakers.

If you don't calm down this commotion well, the ghost knows what Chaldea will eventually be rebuilt in the process of destruction and reconstruction.

By the way, there is a pyramid outside Chaldea. It was built by La Er himself, and he said it was his residence.

Roman doesn't know what others feel, but Roman himself feels sore...

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