Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 39: meet

Walking in the corridor of Chaldea, Lin Sisi was in a bad mood.

Since her arrival in Chaldea, she has received a warm welcome.

At first, she thought it was her king Arthur's reputation that even Chaldea knew.

But who would have thought that this group of people who warmly welcomed her, although it was for the name of King Arthur, was right. But not for her name, but for another person's name.

And in this Chaldea, King Arthur is not the only one, but there are several. And each of them is Arturia, which is essentially a person, but in astonishingly many forms.

These are the little things, of course.

What really annoys her is that the male servants have been getting more and more annoying recently.

It's not a matter of courtship or marriage, but someone even made her figure. It doesn't matter if you make a figure, but you dare to show it off in front of her. In the face of the Servant who did not know whether to live or die, who was called Blackbeard by Matthew, Lin Sisi almost killed him without a sword.

The mood of being raised by the black beard is extremely bad, and Lin Sisi can only wander around Chaldea, wanting to relax.

Huh? Why don't you go back to your room and stay? Or go to the lounge dedicated to Chaldea?

It's not that she doesn't want to, it's that she can't.

Her dormitory has long been blocked by a bunch of male servants, waiting for her to go back. There was also someone waiting for her in the lounge. She doesn't want to see those annoying guys anymore, so she can't go.

"Merlin, it's no fun here..."

Waiting for a soft sigh, Lin Sisi helplessly leaned against the wall.

"Speaking of which, who is that King Arthur named Lin Sizhai? Why do so many people like to call me Lin Sizhai. My name is obviously Lin Sisi."

"Si Zhai...Ah no, Miss Sisi, you are here."

Brows rose slightly, Lin Sisi turned her head and looked at the red A with a subtle smile

"I don't know why, but I always have the urge to punch you."

Looking at Lin Sisi who silently took out the holy sword, Red A hurriedly stepped back, raising her hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything."

"I know you are not malicious, you are just deliberately angry with me, right? Okay, don't say it, I will not agree to your request, I have no interest in falling in love with you. A man who treats me as someone else's stand-in doesn't deserve to be the object of my love at all."

Lin Sisi, who had a bad expression, raised his sword and walked towards him. Hong A seemed to recall some bad memory, and hurriedly stepped back again.

"No no no, this time I'm just here to pass a message, will you listen to me and say it well?"

"Oh? Send a message? Okay, then you can say it. Anyway, I will listen to the last words of the dying person." Lin Sisi stopped, looking at Red A with a dark face .

"No, our existence as Servants is an existence that has passed away. Last words, we have long passed the time to leave that kind of thing... Looking at Lin Sisi, who was about to pick up the sword again, Hong A quickly waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I won't talk about these head offices. I actually helped Roman with a message. Roman seems to have something to do with you, and let you go to him. He Waiting for you in the infirmary."

Listening to Hong A's words, Lin Sisi tilted her head slightly: "Roman? That doctor in Chaldea? What does he have to do with me? As Servants, we shouldn't need his care. ."

Staring at Red A with a sullen face, Lin Sisi rushed in front of Red A with a single stride and put the holy sword on Red A's neck.

"Say, are you guys doing some tricks again?"

A few black lines hung on her forehead, Red A not only sighed and muttered: "If I knew earlier, I would not agree to accompany Cuchulainn and the others to make a fool of yourself..."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"No no no, it's nothing, there's really no conspiracy this time. This time it's Roman looking for you. He seems to have something to do, but he didn't tell me the specifics. Neither do I I know. In short, I brought this to you, whether you go or not is your own business, not mine. "

In his hand, Mo Xie instantly projected the holy sword and pushed it out, and Red A instantly escaped from Lin Sisi's attack range.

Facing Red A's departure, Lin Sisi did not stop her. If she really wanted to stop it, Red A couldn't have escaped so easily.

In the end, she didn't really kill Red A. After all, everyone is a servant of the Chaldean master Fujimaru Tachibana. Looking up and not looking down, it's hard to explain if you really want to start on Fujimaru Tachibana's side. That's why she stuns people at most and doesn't kill people.

If it weren't for these, the male servants of Chaldea dared to molest her so wildly and frequently, and even ran to block the door of her dormitory. She had already been killed.

She is not the rigid King Arthur of Arturia. King Arthur, who struggled from the grass roots, as long as she can kill her opponent, she doesn't care what method she uses.

"What on earth is Roman looking for?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out, but Lin Sisi fortunately gave up thinking.

Adhering to the idea that soldiers come to block water and cover, they are all friendly troops anyway, Roman should not be as out of tune as those male servants. Lin Sisi soon came to the infirmary where Roman was.

Opening the door of the infirmary, what caught my eye was not Roman's lazy figure. Instead, it was a handsome man with dazzling blond hair.

Looking at the man with blonde hair and silver armor that he had never seen before, Lin Sisi squinted slightly and looked around.

Soon, she found Roman.

Roman sat in a chair beside him, drinking tea. The relieved expression on his face made Lin Sisi quite strange.

However, Lin Sisi was even more strange. The man with the blond hair and silver armor was looking at her with a bewildered expression at the moment. As if seeing something incredible, the whole person was completely stunned.

Lin Sisi didn't care about this strange man's strange reaction. She didn't know him anyway, and she didn't come to him.

Ignoring the strange man directly, Lin Sisi walked up to Roman and asked bluntly, "Roman, you asked me for something, what's the matter?"

Roman glanced at someone who was stunned and motionless, sighed and nodded: "Well, there is something. Come, let me introduce you to someone. This is helping Tachibana. Lin Si Zhai, another world king who has a lot of work with Matthew, and who takes care of us Chaldea a lot."

As soon as Roman said this, Lin Sisi was instantly stunned, and then became angry.

Suddenly turning back, the holy sword started directly.

"You are the culprit who caused me so much trouble, Lin Si Zhai?"

Lin Si Zhai turned back and looked at Lin Sisi who was full of anger. The whole person hadn't recovered from the shocking fact.

"You...really called Lin Sisi?"

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