Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 42: elder sister? younger sister?

Lin Sisi's explosive speech made Lin Sizhai's face turn black and almost dripping ink.

It took a while for Lin Sizhai to recover from Lin Sisi's violent words.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in being your father. And I have a wife. If I want children, I will only have children with my wives, and I'm not interested in adopting them casually."

"That's good."

I am very satisfied in Lin Sisi, you continue. Lin Sizhai helplessly sighed while holding his forehead.

"But the unknown causal relationship between you and me does exist now. Therefore, even if I have no interest in making you my daughter, I do treat you as my own. Well, something like The kind of marriage. So, I thought about it. Father and daughter, you will not accept it, and I am not interested. In that case, fortunately, don't be father and daughter, it's better to be brother and sister... "

Lin Sizhai was interrupted again before he finished speaking.

"Hmmmm...that's a good idea. According to you, I'm just a female version of you. So our relationship is indeed more than father and daughter. Like siblings."

Seeing Lin Sisi accept this statement, Lin Sizhai also spread his hands and added.

"Right, our relationship is indeed more brother and sister than father and daughter. It just so happens that you don't have parents in your life. And I have. Since that's the case, it's better that we become brothers and sisters directly, so My parents are also your parents. In this way, we can be considered a family in the true sense."

To be honest, Lin Sisi was very moved by what Lin Sizhai said.

Lin Sisi, who was helpless since childhood and could only survive in Britain, has never faded away from her parents. It's just that she also knows that she is just an orphan, and her parents are just extravagant hopes. After becoming King Arthur, her heart for her parents gradually died out.

After all, with her existence like this, she can just recognize her parents or something. Not to mention that others can't stand it, she can't accept it herself.

If you change someone, say Sisi, be my sister, let my parents be your parents, etc. Lin Sisi will definitely knock out the other's dog's brain.

But now that the person who said this is Lin Si Zhai, the situation is a little different.

Now that she has believed Lin Sizhai's experience, Lin Sisi has to admit it. If it was said that the world did not know whether there were any parents, who would be more qualified to be her parents. That was not intended to be Lin Si Zhai's parents.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that her relationship with Lin Sizhai is another self.

In this case, it is not unacceptable that the parents of the other party are their own.


"Why should I be a sister, why am I not a sister? You should be younger than me, right?"

Faced with Lin Sisi's questioning, Lin Sizhai knew that she had accepted her idea. I want to be a family with myself. The only thing she can't accept now is that she wants to become her sister and he becomes her brother.

It's just that after having Vivio, the second-hand child's sister, how can Lin Si Zhai let his sister continue to increase?

Drawing Vivio's blessing, Lin Si Zhai already has a slight fear of sisters. It's not that you are afraid of being beaten. After all, fighting is not your opponent now, and will it not be in the future? Not to mention that now one-on-one, Vivio is no longer Lin Si Zhai's opponent.

What Lin Sizhai is really afraid of is being trapped. With Vivio's second-hand character and bear child's mind. Lin Sizhai was really afraid that he would not be able to hold it back if he really wanted to trick people.

If it weren't for the gentle and considerate eldest sister of Ba Mami, Lin Sizhai felt that she would definitely keep her sister at a distance, and avoid it if she could.

Now, I have finally caught a female version of myself, and it doesn't look like my smart one. It's not good to fool into a sister and experience a life with a sister, that's really stupid.

After all, you must know that although Xiaohei and Meiyou are sisters, their wife is already bigger than her sister. Compared to his wife's sister, Lin Si Zhai is more likely to experience what a real sister is like.

It just so happens that Lin Sisi is a female version of herself. It may be a bit too much to say that they are biological brothers and sisters, but they are definitely not much different.

Since this is the case, what else do you think about?

To give full play to his three incorrupt tongues, with the eloquence of fooling the dead.

Lin Sizhai was moved by emotion, understood by reason, driven by profit, and successfully fooled Lin Sisi.

"Well, indeed, there are many benefits to being a younger sister. You can mix food and drink, fight and have someone to help you. You can also be taken care of. The benefits are more than necessary. Taking care of others, it is much better to be a humble elder sister. However, I always have a feeling that I am being fooled..." Lin Sisi stared at Lin Sisi with some hesitation, her eyes sharp.

'He's obviously a idiot with bigger muscles than his brain, why is he so sharp? Could it be that she is really the same as her appearance, inheriting the ancestral intuition of Wu Nei's face? ’

With a little spit in his heart, Lin Si Zhai's head is going very fast.

"How is it possible, I said it so clearly. You can still think so, it must be your delusion. It really doesn't work, then you can be a sister, I don't mind having someone anyway Take care of me.┑( ̄Д ̄)┍”

Lin Sizhai said this, and Lin Sisi frowned instantly: "This...let it go. It's better to be a sister. It's too troublesome to be a sister or something... ..”

Lin Sisi, who longed for her family for a lifetime, weighed the pros and cons for a long time, and finally chose to be a sister.

Lin Si Zhai was not surprised by this result. Because he had already understood it from Lin Sisi's previous remarks. Lin Sisi is simply a lazy person who only likes to eat, not to cook.

Like him, Lin Sisi also revealed a sense of laziness in her bones.

Just because she was a king before, and Merlin supervised her, she had to work hard.

There is someone to take care of her now, she is the type who can absolutely lie down and never sit, and is fed by someone and never does it by herself.

Understanding Lin Sisi, this is the essence of a dry girl, is it not easy to fool her into becoming a sister?

Now, the only thing I need to worry about is how to explain it to my parents when I see them later.

You can't use "Hey, father, mother, this is my new sister who came out of the new nonsense. Let's get to know you."

Let's not say whether his parents will beat him to death, it's a little sad just for Lily.

'Forget it, take one step at a time. Anyway, Sisi has already become a real existence. You can't just let her go outside, can you? Besides, Lily's mother has been watching me, she should already know about it. In this case, Lily's mother's level should be better...'

Thinking of this, Lin Si Zhai's worries disappeared a lot.

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