Be King Arthur From Today

Vol 6 Chapter 43: calm

After Lin Sisi's matter was settled, Lin Sizhai revoked the enchantment and walked out with Lin Sisi.

Walking in the corridor of Chaldea, Lin Sizhai and Lin Sisi received great attention.

I met several beings such as Big Dog and Finn on the way. Before they could slip away, they were directly slapped into the wall by Lin Si Zhai with a sword, and they couldn't be buckled even if they were attached to the wall.

Lin Sisi has told Lin Sizhai everything that happened in the past few days.

How could Lin Sizhai be polite when he knew that these **** dared to attack Lin Sisi.

If it weren't for Red A and several other well-informed streams, the flow would be particularly fast. It is estimated that the walls of Chaldea need to be completely renovated.

I went to Lin Sisi's dormitory on the way to clean up some servants such as Blackbeard and passed by without mentioning.

After Lin Sizhai told Fujimaru Tachibana, Matthew, Roman, Da Vinci and others that Lin Sisi was his sister, he went directly back to the Crystal Palace.

According to Lin Sisi's ability, there are very few Chaldeans who can really bully her. Now as long as the relationship between him and Lin Sisi is announced, unless someone really wants to die, there shouldn't be a big problem.

Therefore, Lin Sizhai walked with confidence.

Let Roman inform him again if something happens, and say hello to Fujimaru Tachibana and Matthew. Lin Sizhai had already returned to the Crystal Palace.

As soon as she returned to the Crystal Palace, Lin Si Zhai found Olga Marie without stopping.

What happened between Lin Si Zhai and Olga Marie. The people of Crystal Palace are completely unknown. Because they didn't know that Lin Sizhai had been to Chaldea at all.

Only Medea, the most well-informed in the Crystal Palace, and Nito who was with Lin Sizhai before Lin Sizhai was called away. Something seems to have happened between Lin Si Zhai and Olga Marie.

It's just the details between the two, Medea and Nito don't know either.

I just knew that when Lin Si Zhai came out, he was refreshed. When Olga Marie came out, her face was full of grief and anger, as if she had been treated very unfairly.

If it weren't for Lin Si Zhai and Olga Marie alone just now, Medea and Nito would be outside the door. No blushing sound was heard. They both had to think that Olga Marie had sacrificed her long-cherished virginity...

Afterwards, both Medea and Nito asked Lin Sizhai what happened. But Lin Sizhai said two words: secret.

Lin Sizhai kept it a secret, which made Medea and Nito even more curious.

I found Olga Marie, and she refused to speak.

What happened between Lin Si Zhai and Olga Marie has temporarily become a mystery for Crystal Palace for a long time.

This mystery, we will not mention here. Recently, the sensitive font library has exploded. If you don’t want this book to explode, it’s better not to go into details.

Let's get down to business.

After returning from Chaldea, Lin Sizhai was in a state of mind cultivation. That’s right, it’s the state of mind cultivation. Train your inner state of mind.

I was finally awakened by Einhardt before, liberating my true self, but because I entered the dungeon. I had a fight with a bunch of BETAs, and I was almost exhausted. As a result, Lin Sizhai took a long rest before recovering.

Now, finally back to Crystal Palace, and nothing major happened. Lin Sizhai finally had time to cultivate his inner self.

After doing everything she wanted to do, Lin Si Zhai felt very comfortable physically and mentally.

But as a price, two more days have passed.

In the past two days, Merlin did not announce the ranking results of the previous activities. While this made Lin Si Zhai feel strange, he also stepped up and did everything he wanted to do.

Because he felt faintly, there was not much time left for him.

Merlin didn't even have the time to announce the system results. There must be more important things that he needs to get out of.

From what we know so far, the most important thing to Merlin is undoubtedly the matter of the underground seal.

I don't know how long the underground seal can be delayed, but Lin Sizhai is hurrying.

Send Marda to the top and help Marda, Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen cover the quilt. Lin Sizhai stretched, walked out of the room, and went to the city wall to blow air.

"Finally out?"

Hearing the voice of Yujie who was a little dissatisfied not far away, Lin Sizhai flashed, rushed over and hugged her.


Being placed in Lin Si Zhai's arms and constantly rubbing his face, Skaha didn't resist, but gave him a sullen look.

"Okay, I won't run again."

"Hey hey..."

Feeling Lin Sizhai's somewhat dishonest hands, Skaha knocked on Lin Sizhai's forehead.

"Have you not had enough fun these days? You can't get out of bed after tossing Marda, Hei Zhen, and Bai Zhen. Haven't you finished venting yet?"

"This...isn't the master, you are very attractive. I can't help myself, I can't control myself..."

The face flushed slightly, but Skaha did not resist. While letting Lin Sizhai go up and down on himself, he also took the opportunity to ask.

"Did you go to Chaldea before? What happened there? That guy Olga Marie seems to be in a bad mood these days. Did something happen?"

"Well, something happened..."

Sighing a little, Lin Sizhai told Skaha about Lin Sisi. Skaha was also greatly surprised when he learned that Lin Sisi's existence actually existed.

However, Lin Sisi already exists, and for Lin Sizhai, the focus of attention is also Lin Sisi. Therefore, Skaha felt that Lin Sisi's problem could be slowed down for a while.

Anyway, Lin Sisi has become Lin Sizhai's younger sister. These housework can be solved later.

The priority now is...

"Si Zhai, you have been busy tossing Marda, Hei Zhen, Bai Zhen and the others these few days. So maybe you don't know, there is news from Einhardt."

"Huh? There is news from Miss Einhardt? What is it?"

The palm of his hand will be against Skaha's smooth and delicate skin, and Skaha's tights will be held high, but Lin Si Zhai's expression is quite serious.

"The subterranean seal is loose, and it is quite obvious."

"No, that's not it yet." Skaha, who was flushed and breathing heavily, explained.

"Although the number of BETA's souls was huge before, the impact on the underground seal was obviously a little unstable. But it still seems to be not enough. The seal has gradually stabilized now, and it seems that BETA's soul has been used up. I believe it will be soon. , Merlin will reappear. This time, although Merlin can't say success or failure, he definitely made a lot of progress in breaking through the seal. Si Zhai, you'd better prepare yourself mentally."

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