As soon as Qin Ye reached an agreement with the school, Dean Zhou Jianming said

, "Which little Qin classmate, the school is ready to reopen a points competition."

Qin Ye knew what Dean Zhou Jianming was going to say, but he deliberately said

, "That dean, when will it start."

"I'll be there on time. Qin

Ye's words almost shut Dean Zhou up.

kept complaining in his heart:

"You kid, do I mean to let

you participate?" "Can't you hear that I'm going to let you not participate?"

But on the surface, he didn't make any movement, just looked at Qin Ye with some embarrassment.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course, Qin Ye also saw Dean Zhou's embarrassment, but he just deliberately pretended not to know.

He also deliberately opened his mouth

and said: "Dean, what's wrong?"

"Could it be ......

" Before Qin Ye finished speaking, Dean Zhou Jianming thought that Qin Ye was going to say that it was inconvenient for him to participate, so he interrupted him and said

, "Yes, that's what it means."

Seeing Dean Zhou's impatient appearance, Qin Ye was a little confused.

He hesitated for a moment before he spoke,

"That'...... That dean, I mean to say that I can enter the primary secret realm this time. Dean

Jianming will be even more embarrassed next week, and Commander Han Cheng on the side even squirted out the tea he drank in his mouth.

looked at Qin Ye with a strange expression.

He didn't know where Qin Ye came from, and he could say such things without blushing and heartbeat.

In his heart, he secretly complained to Qin Ye and said

, "Don't you kid know that you just came out of the high-level secret realm, and you almost collapsed the school's point pool?" "

Why do you still have the face to say such things here now."

"Is it because you are shameless?" Dean

Zhou Jianming was more speechless, he was already frightened by Qin Ye's brazenness.

I didn't dare to speak casually anymore, for fear that Qin Ye would be cheeky and say something earth-shattering.

The scene was embarrassing for a long time because of Qin Ye's words.

In the end, Dean Zhou Jianming really didn't want to see Qin Ye, so he cheekily said

, "Okay, Qin boy, I won't talk so much about you."

"I'll just tell you.

"You don't have to participate in this points competition, I don't think you should have any opinion. "

Dean Zhou Jianming doesn't plan to leave Qin Ye with any time to react now.

When he said these words, he wished he could finish them in a second.

And Qin Ye was even more confused, because he found that he didn't even have a chance to interject.

Even after Dean Zhou finished speaking, he was invited out without waiting for him to react.

Qin Ye, who felt bored, did not stay, and after the matter was settled, he returned to his dormitory.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he returned to the dormitory, Wang Chengcheng told him that the school would reopen a points competition tomorrow.

However, this time the points competition is no longer ten days, but nine days.

Before he could react from the shock, Wang Chengcheng asked again:

"Brother Ye, do you have any plans for this point competition?"

Qin Ye was almost laughed to death by these words, thinking that I didn't even have the qualifications to participate, so what could I think.

And Yu Xiaowei, who was sitting on the side, saw that Qin Ye's face was a little ugly, and couldn't help but ask curiously

, "Senior brother, what's wrong with

you?" "Why do you feel that your face is not very good?"

"Did something happen?"


"Senior sister, you are so careful, I don't have anything to do."

"Of course nothing happened, I just thought things were fascinating. "

Well, that's how much I thought about it.

Yu Xiaowei didn't delve into Qin Ye's meaning, although she knew that Qin Ye must have something to hide from them.

But she still chose to believe that Qin Ye would not lie to them.

Nie Xiaorui didn't think about it so much, knowing that Qin Ye would go out early in the morning, so she couldn't help but ask: "Senior brother, I don't know if you went out early in the morning, is there something wrong?"

Facing Nie Xiaorui's question, Qin Ye didn't

hide anything this time.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he explained:

"Senior Sister Rui, it's nothing, it's just that the dean asked me to talk about the scorecard I found in the secret realm last time. "

Uh... Junior brother, to be honest, how many points medals did you find in the secret realm last time?

"Don't lie to us, I don't believe that the Dean will go out of his way to find out about the hundreds of points medals.

Qin Ye also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he simply confessed directly:

"I know that I can't hide it from you, senior sister."

"Actually, the fact that the last points competition ended so quickly really has something to do with me.

"We knew it had something to do with you.

"Because we really don't know anyone else who has that ability but you.


" "That's Senior Sister, you think too highly of me, I believe that there will be no shortage of people with this ability."

Just when Qin Ye and Yu Xiaowei were touting each other, Wang Cheng on the side suddenly exclaimed:

", I'll just say!" "

Brother Ye, you must be the most awesome." Faced

with Wang Cheng's reaction, which was obviously half a beat slower, Qin Ye didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this time, Yu Xiaowei suddenly spoke, breaking this embarrassing situation.

Yu Xiaowei opened his mouth and said

, "Senior brother, you should have a lot of points medals this time, otherwise it would not have alarmed Dean Zhou."

Qin Ye didn't hide anything

, and said, "It's not too much, just more than 10,000 pieces!"

Now Yu Xiaowei and the three of them are not calm, they can barely stabilize their minds when Qin Ye said a few hundred pieces before, but now it is different.

The impact of 10,000 pieces is too great, Rao is that they are calm, and they can't resist such an impact.

"Learn... Junior brother, you're too powerful, aren't you!"

"Then aren't you a millionaire now?"

Nie Xiaorui's sudden stutter in front of him, Qin Ye was also speechless.

He thought for a moment and said

, "Senior sister, this is how much you think, do you think the school will exchange all my points for us at once?"


Nie Xiaorui reacted at this time, as if this was really the case.

If the school can take out all the points at once, then it will be fine.

The whole school's points mall is not messed up, and after thinking about this matter clearly, they are more and more curious about the school's handling methods.

So he continued to ask

, "Then junior brother, did you go to Dean Zhou today to deal with

this matter?" Qin Ye was not curious about why they knew about this matter, so he directly said

, "Yes, the school plans to exchange my points for me in installments." "

Do you agree?"


" "Wouldn't it be a loss for you to agree like this?" "

No, the school and the military didn't know for what reason, but they actually joined forces to deal with this matter.

"So they compensated me. "


Hearing Qin Ye's words, the three of them were stunned.

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