"Junior, what did they compensate?" Yu

Xiaowei was really itching, and he also wanted to know what kind of compensation conditions the school and the military could give Qin Ye if they joined forces.

Qin Ye frowned, and replied with some indifference:

"Nothing, just some army points."

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui were both stunned by Qin Ye's indifferent expression.

Army points are such a precious thing, Qin Ye actually has this expression.

If Wang Cheng's reaction was calm, they could still understand it, because they believed that Wang Cheng didn't know the preciousness of army points.

But Qin Ye would not know the preciousness of the army's points, and they didn't believe it.

They didn't believe that Dean Zhou had even given this kind of compensation, would he tell him the preciousness of the army's points?

Qin Ye saw that the two of them were speechless for a long time, and probably knew what they were thinking.

So he said a little depressedly

, "I know what you think, but do you know

?" "Dean Zhou actually didn't let me participate in this points competition?"

"How can this make me excited, I've lost a lot, okay

?" "Uh......"

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui couldn't help but glance at each other when they heard Qin Ye's complaints.

From each other's eyes, they knew what each other thought, and I am afraid that at this time, they were already secretly complaining about Qin Ye's cheekiness in their hearts.

Of course, verbally, Yu Xiaowei didn't give Qin Ye any face, and she still said it without any scruples.

"Junior brother, don't you really know how much you can do?"

"The last time you entered the secret realm, you almost killed the school.

"And you're a gold-rank beast master, how embarrassed to compete with a group of bronze-level freshmen for the score card.

"Don't you feel ashamed?" Qin

Ye was also a little embarrassed after being sarcastically ridiculed by Yu Xiaowei like this.


" "Senior Sister Yu, you don't save me face at all."

"I'm a little bit stronger, but I also had a limit on how good I was in the last points competition. "

Do you know?"

"Dean, they sent me to the Advanced Secret Realm.

"If it weren't for my strength being strong enough, maybe I wouldn't be able to come back?"

No way, in order to alleviate the embarrassment, Qin Ye could only do this.

Not to mention, after Yu Shenwei heard Qin Ye say this, they really let go of their previous ridicule of Qin Ye.

Nie Xiaorui even asked with some concern

, "Senior brother, did they really throw you into the high-level secret realm?"

Originally, this matter was true, and Qin Ye did not lie.

Therefore, no matter how Nie Xiaorui asked, he Qin Ye was not afraid.

However, thinking that Nie Xiaorui still had some suspicions, he didn't care so much, and explained with added fuel and vinegar:

"Senior Sister Rui, is it not only that?" "

You don't know, the dean and they also got two golden fourth-order demon beasts and countless golden third-order demon beasts in the secret realm.

"At that time, I was taken aback, if it wasn't for Yan Hong's promotion to the next level, maybe I wouldn't have been able to come out.

"You don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time...... Next

was Qin Ye, who relied on his incorruptible tongue to tell his story endlessly.

Sure enough, under Qin Ye's explanation, the three of them gradually believed Qin Ye's words.

Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui no longer chased after him and said that he was not.

And he, Qin Ye, has also successfully transformed from a villain who covets small profits to a victim.

"Brother Ye, hearing you say this, I feel that the dean, they are too stingy not to let you participate in this points competition.

"Obviously, you are also a victim, of course, you did win a little more last time, but you are still a victim.


Qin Ye now felt that his words just now were a little too big, and he just wanted to save a little bit of his image.

Unexpectedly, now it seems that he has used a little too much force, so that Wang Cheng and the others are now beginning to sympathize with themselves.

This made him a little embarrassed for such a thick-skinned person.

Therefore, he could only smile awkwardly and

say, "Xiao Chengzi!" "

Brother knows that you care about me, but he won't say that."

"Although I am a little aggrieved, you also know, after all, it was last time I took too much.

"The school is not easy to run, and if I go in again this time, believe it or not, the school will have to compete for points again.

As soon as Qin Ye finished speaking, Yu Xiaowei said very unsympathetically:

"Senior Brother Wang, don't you believe in your Brother Ye too much

?" "Don't you know what kind of temper your Brother Ye has?"

"What he said this time may be true, but it will never be as mysterious as he said.

"So it's good if you take half of his word."

When Qin Ye heard Yu Xiaowei say this, he really wanted to jump up and scold his mother, but his reason told him.

If he really did this, then he would be completely asking for his own hardships and not admitting himself.

And Wang Cheng was also a little embarrassed at this time, could he not know what kind of person his buddy was

? But knowing is one thing, and whether he can say it is another?

Just when he didn't know how to answer, Qin Ye spoke.

"Uh... Senior Sister Yu, do you have any misunderstanding about me

?" "Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

As a result, what made Qin Ye speechless, Yu Xiaowei said directly:

"Yes, I think junior brother, you are such a person.

Qin Ye didn't know what to say now, and his face was naturally not very good-looking.

And Yu Xiaowei also seemed to see that Qin Ye's face was not good-looking, so he hurriedly explained:

"Uh... Brother, I'm talking about playing.

"Don't take it seriously.

In addition to frowning, Qin Ye really couldn't find anything to say.

Of course, it's impossible to be angry, and he's not a stingy person.

And Wang Cheng on the side was also clever enough, he saw that the scene was in embarrassment, so he hurriedly opened his mouth and changed the topic and said:

"Brother Ye, do you have any secrets to quickly find the score

cards?" "Otherwise, it is impossible for you to find so many points cards in just one day in your last points competition, right?"

Qin Ye knew what Wang Cheng was thinking, but what he wanted to say was that his method was not suitable for him.

But when he saw Wang Cheng's eyes full of expectation, he felt that he shouldn't be so ruthless.

So he changed his words and said:

"Xiaocheng, it's not your brother Ye, I don't want to tell you my method."

"I don't think you can use my method. Originally

, Qin Ye thought that he said so, and Wang Chengcheng should believe it.

But when he turned around, he saw that Wang Cheng was still looking at him with a hungry expression.

So he could only sigh and say

, "You kid still don't believe it, then I'll tell you my method, see if you kid has the ability to use my method."

"My method is also simple, which is to use the coercion of Yan Hong to let the demon beasts in the secret realm help me work. "

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