Regarding the pursuers hanging behind him, Su Qi didn't seem too flustered.

For this matter, he had expected it.

He snatched the Ice Soul Snow Lotus and was hunted down by all parties.

This is what he expected.

As long as you snatch the Ice Soul Snow Lotus, then this is the inevitable result.

No matter who it is, as long as they snatch the Ice Soul Snow Lotus, they will do the same.

Unless it has the power to suppress everything.

Such as epic existence.

But obviously, Su Qi is not an epic existence.

There is no epic existence present.

Taotie rushed into the clouds.

Shuttle among the clouds at an extremely fast speed.

He kept shaking the pursuers behind him.

With Taotie's speed, the number of pursuers soon decreased a lot.

There are only half-step epic-level Xuenv and a few king-level peaks left.

"Hand over the Ice Soul Snow Lotus, otherwise you won't be able to escape.

Xue Nu said coldly behind her.

At the same time, chains of ice continuously emerged and came towards Taotie to block them.

But they were all easily dodged by Taotie.

Or use the ghost lock to fight back.

For a while, Xuenv and other creatures had difficulty chasing and killing Taotie.

You can only hang behind your back and continuously attack and try to block it.

510 Su Qi knew very well that going on like this was not an option.

Taotie is a king-level existence.

It didn't take long to just break through to the king level.

In terms of its own spiritual power reserves, it is definitely not comparable to Xuenv and other king-level creatures.

If things go on like this, they will definitely be caught up.

It's time to fight back.

After such a long chase.

A considerable part of the pursuers behind him had already been thrown off by Taotie.

Originally dozens of king-level creatures.

There are only a few left now.

Plus a half-step epic Snow Maiden.

Although it is still quite difficult to deal with.

But compared to the beginning, it needs to deal with dozens of king-level existences.

This is already a pretty good result.

There is a lot less stress to deal with.

There were only a few king-levels that were originally in the tens of numbers, but now there are only a few.

Now is the best time to do it.

If you don't do it again, the spiritual power that has been dragged to the pass will be consumed again.

It would be troublesome to get started.

Taotie immediately turned around.

The black light flickered on his body, bombarding a creature at the peak of the king level.

It was directly dragged into the realm of Taotie.

And Taotie's main body also disappeared in place at this moment, and entered the interior of the Taotie domain.

Looking at the suddenly disappearing Taotie and the suddenly disappearing Sovereign Level.

Whether it's Snow Maiden or other king-level creatures.

There was confusion in his eyes.

too suddenly.

Disappeared too suddenly.

Didn't give much reaction time at all.

Just a black light flashed, and then disappeared.

It was completely beyond the expectations of all living beings.

"Don't panic, guard here, you will definitely not be able to escape, it must be nearby.

"If there is really any powerful means of escape, it should have been used long ago, and there is no need to wait until now.

Xue Nu looked at the space around her and said.

Regarding Xuenv's judgment, the other king-level creatures nodded in approval.

However, the judge was right.

But the final result is another matter.

In the realm of gluttony.

The peak king who was dragged into the gluttonous realm was still in a state of confusion.

After chasing and chasing, he was suddenly dragged into this strange place.

But it has not waited for it to respond.

A violent attack broke out towards him.

The white tiger seal, five-color divine light, and Mo Chongyun rushed towards him.

Facing three mythical attack skills.

This king-level peak naturally resisted vigorously.

And the final result can be imagined.

Resistance is resistance, but it has little effect, and it doesn't have much effect.

It just resisted for seven or eight seconds.

This king-level peak was killed under the siege of the three mythical-level skills.

After a short rest, Taotie left the Taotie domain.

Reappeared in the snow mountain.

Another black light flashed.

The second (ajae) king-level peak was forcibly dragged into the Taotie's domain by Taotie.

You can't forcefully drag in a half-step epic.

But the existence within the king class.

If Taotie wants to forcefully drag him into the Taotie domain.

That's still no problem.

The existence of the second peak king was dragged into the gluttonous realm.

The situation is almost the same as the creature at the peak of the first king.

Revolted, but not of much use.

He was easily beheaded in the gluttonous domain by the combined forces.

Followed by the third, the fourth.

The creatures at the peak of kings were forcibly dragged into the realm of Taotie by Taotie.

Then solve it.

When the first and second king-level creatures were dragged into the realm of gluttony.

The snow girl and other creatures still didn't feel much.

But as more and more king-level creatures disappeared.

This situation has changed.

After all, except for Xuenv, all the people present were king-level existences.

The creatures at the peak of these kings can pass away quietly.

Then so will they.

Under such circumstances, the remaining king-level creatures must be dead.

After all, no one wants to be next.

It's not that they haven't tried to launch a fierce attack the moment Taotie appeared.

Thereby stopping the actions of Taotie.

It's just a pity that they all failed.

There was no sign of Taotie's appearance.

Show up and do it.

From showing up to pulling creatures into the realm of gluttony and disappearing.

The whole process only takes half a second.

The time is too short, even these creatures reacted.

Then it is impossible to form an effective attack.

What's more, there are many who simply don't have time to react.

Under such circumstances.

The Sovereign Class, which was already one of the few, began to retreat and run away.

Run away run away.

Those who were pulled into the realm of gluttony and killed were killed.

For a while, Xue Nu, who had only half an epic step left, still stood still and did not leave.

It is impossible for Snow Maiden to leave.

This Ice Soul Snow Lotus is too important to her.

It is directly related to her path to breaking through the epic level.

Must grab.

If I let go of the opportunity of Ice Soul Snow Lotus.

Well, Snow Maiden wants to break through to the epic level, and it is not known when it will be.

So even other creatures are afraid to run away.

That snow girl can't run away either.

Not only this Ice Soul Snow Lotus is very important to her.

Half-step epic strength also gave her a lot of confidence.

After solving another creature at the peak of the king.

Taotie also resurfaced in the snow mountain again.

Seeing that there was only one Xue Nu left, Tao Tie was a little surprised.

But it also launched an attack immediately.

It is definitely necessary to fight.

Xue Nushou here explains everything.

If you don't fight, it will be very difficult to get out.

Accompanied by the appearance of Taotie.

The Reversing Soul Golden Tiger, Five Elements Sparrow, and Xuanlang Chilong also appeared one by one.

They launched a siege towards Xue Nu in four directions.

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