Within the snow mountain.

Xuenv resisted attacks from all directions with one against four.

Not at all down.

During this period, Taotie has been trying to find an opportunity to drag the Snow Maiden into the Taotie's domain.

It's just a pity.

All attempts have failed.

In the end, nothing happened.

If the Snow Maiden can be dragged into the gluttonous realm.

Relying on the suppression within the gluttonous domain.

Then the outcome of this battle will be known.

It's a pity that it didn't work out.

Taotie did not succeed in dragging the Snow Maiden into the interior of the Taotie's domain.

Xue Nu is very wary of Tao Tie.

For all the attacks of Taotie, Xuenv went all out to defend.

The degree of caution far exceeds the defense against the other three beasts.

This made it impossible for Taotie to sneak attack and drag him into the territory of Taotie.

So as to suppress the victory.

In this way, the two sides entangled and fought for seven or eight minutes.

Snow Maiden stopped first and said:

"It doesn't make any sense for you and me to continue fighting like this, what if we just stop here."

"I think we can have a good talk.

Facing Xue Nu's initiative to negotiate peace, Su Qi did not refuse.

The situation between him and Xue Nu is indeed as Xue Nu said.

There's no point in continuing to fight.

What's more, the continuous fighting is somewhat disadvantageous to him.

Needless to say, if she can find an opportunity to pull Xue Nu into the realm of gluttony.

Directly lock the victory.

If not, then consider running away.

After all, the realm gap is there.

The total amount of spiritual power is definitely not as good as Xuenv, so she can't fight a protracted battle for too long.

"What do you want to talk about?" Su Qi asked.

"It's very simple, Bing Po Xuelian, I know that you will definitely not share with me as I said earlier."

"And I don't want much, just two petals."

"Two snow lotus petals, give me and I can get off the pile.

Xue Nu raised two fingers to make a conditional statement.

This is the condition that Xue Nu made after some consideration.

Fully mature snow lotus.

The power of a single flower petal can help her hit the epic level.

Two petals, it must be able to send it into the epic level.

A steady breakthrough to the epic level.

This is also the bottom line of Snow Maiden.

A petal hangs a little.

If you have two pieces, it is stable.

The reason why Xuenv chose to make peace with Su Qi.

Instead of continuing to fight.

The main reason is the fear of leaking the news.

Previously ran a few king-level peak existences.

Those creatures won't rot the news in their stomachs if they run away.

There is a high probability that this news will be spread.

If you can't get it, other creatures can't get it easily.

Snow Girl is also worried about this.

He wasn't sure how long he would fight Su Qi.

It's better if it ends soon.

If it ends slowly, there will be more accidents.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the woman decided to negotiate peace with Su Qi.

Instead of arguing for a lot of interests, you will get nothing in the end.

Xuenv would rather give up a small part of her interests.

At least make sure you get something.

Two snow lotus petals, this harvest is definitely far inferior to the whole Ice Soul Snow Lotus.

But at least there are gains.

It's better than getting nothing at the end.

Listening to Xue Nu's words, Su Qi also fell into deep thought.

Think carefully about what the other person said.

Two snow lotus petals, this request is not too much.

On the contrary, it can be said to be very little.

The ice lotus has ten petals in total.

It can be said that it is easy to take two pieces from it.

What's more, the most precious thing about ice lotus is not the petals.

It was the few three snow lotus seeds.

This is the most precious thing in the entire Ice Soul Snow Lotus.

It is also the existence with the most power.

In comparison, these two snow lotus petals are really nothing.

It only occupies about one-tenth of the power of the entire Ice Soul Snow Lotus.

Use about one tenth of the power of Ice Soul Snow Lotus in exchange for Xue Nu's retreat.

This is undoubtedly a very cost-effective deal.

After all, it's really not a good thing to continue fighting like this with Xue Nu.

No matter how you look at it, it is no good.

It would be best if the fighting could be stopped.

In particular, the price paid for stopping the fighting was much smaller than expected.

"Okay, I can agree to your request, two snow lotus petals."

Su Qi took out the ice lotus and took off two snow lotus petals.

0......seeking flowers...

Send it to Xue Nu with mental power.

After doing all this, Su Qi immediately returned to the Taotie Domain.

Prevent Xuenv from launching a sudden attack on him.

At the same time, it also alerted Taotie and other spirit beasts.

After receiving the petals of the ice lotus and feeling the power in them.

Snow Maiden nodded and said:

"You don't have to be so cautious, my Xuenv family keeps their promises."

"Since I said I chose to trade with you, then naturally I won't regret it.

Regarding these words, Su Qi also listened to them, and didn't take them too seriously.

If so.

Then the previous short-lived alliance between the two sides will not just disappear.

Whether the so-called transaction can go on smoothly.


It's nothing more than to see if the chips for betrayal are big enough.

As long as there are enough chips for betrayal, then anyone can pass a page at a critical moment.

It is a good example that the two sides evolved into what they are now because of the ice lotus.

"Now that you've got what you want, go ahead.

Su Qi transmitted the sound channel through Taotie.

Seeing this, Xue Nu didn't stay here too much.

He took two snow lotus petals and turned into a snowstorm and left the place.

Seeing Xuenv leave, Su Qi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he immediately let Taotie head towards Xueling Pond at full speed.

His snow spirit pool is almost exhausted.

Resupply needed.

Xuenv took two petals of ice lotus snow lotus.

It is estimated that it will break through the epic level.

Su Qi felt that if he didn't do it now.

Then the difficulty of doing it later is undoubtedly much higher.

This should be the easiest time for him to succeed at the end.

We must seize the opportunity to get as much water from Xueling Pool as possible.

Pave the way for the remaining three spirit beasts to break through to the king level.

In the face of Su Qi's sudden return to snatch the water from Xueling Pond.

Xuenv obviously didn't expect it.

When she saw Su Qi appearing beside Xue Ling Pond.

His face was full of astonishment, apparently he didn't expect Su Qi to do this.

But she couldn't stop it.

They could only watch Su Qi pretending to be Xue Lingchi and leaving again.


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