With this thought, Xu Changsheng no longer hesitated, leaped onto Bifang's back, and flew rapidly in the direction indicated by Fuyao.

Bifang glided in the low sky.

Xu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly. With the blessing of the SSS-level talent [Eye of the World], his vision has been greatly improved.

With full strength, he can also penetrate these strange black dusts.

But after a long time, his eyes will be very sore.

However, with the current flying speed of Bifang, it will only take three minutes to approach the place indicated by Fuyao.

Xu Changsheng looked intently.

He saw billowing black smoke spreading in front of him, covering the sky and the sun.

This black smoke is composed of extremely dense black dust.

This concentration of black dust, if there is no protection.

Let alone a diamond-level beastmaster, even a star-shattering beastmaster would not be able to hold on for long.

Xu Changsheng urged [Eye of the World] to the extreme.

In an instant, it seemed as if a faint golden light flashed from his pupils.

The thick black smoke that originally blocked his vision seemed to disappear suddenly.

The scene inside appeared in Xu Changsheng's eyes without any obstruction.

He saw a strange black bird flying in the sky in a wild manner.

Countless black dust was absorbed by its feathers, and then more dense and sticky black dust was discharged from its body.

Between the absorption and release, the amount of black dust more than doubled!

And the group of people that Xu Changsheng met before, were struggling on the ground under the black bird.

Xu Changsheng looked closely and found that most of them had already lost their lives under the erosion of this high concentration of black dust and were motionless.

Only a few people were still struggling to death.

But the amplitude of their struggle was getting smaller and smaller.

"It seems that this is the source of the strange black dust in the Devil Volcano Group."

Xu Changsheng frowned slightly and immediately commanded Bifang to rush towards the black smoke.

At the same time, the green light on Fuyao's body shook violently, and the range suddenly expanded several times.

Not only did it cover Xu Changsheng and Bifang and other beasts, but it also opened up a pure space of about 500 square meters around him. The biggest attack method of this strange black bird, black dust.

Under Fuyao's green light, it was useless.

However, now of course, saving people is the most important thing.

Bifang swooped down and soon came to the group of people who fell to the ground.

The rich green light was accompanied by the majestic The vitality of Fuyao enveloped these dying people.

The foul smell was cleared, and the cool feeling refreshed them.

The powerful vitality quickly repaired the various injuries inside and outside their bodies.

In just a moment, the three people who were just barely surviving suddenly became full of energy. However, the other few dead people could not be brought back to life even with Fuyao's powerful healing power.

Perhaps, Fuyao, who has reached the mythical level, can do this.

But now Fuyao does not have the ability to revive the dead.

""Cough, cough, cough!"

A violent cough sounded from the leader's vocal cords.

Countless black dust dripped from the corners of his mouth along with saliva and mucus.

Then it was completely cleared away by Fuyao's green light.

The leading man looked around and his eyes fell on his companions who were unable to get up from the ground. Grief and regret were revealed in his eyes.

If they had known that Xu Changsheng had such a powerful ability, they should not have ruthlessly expelled him.

However, it was too late to say anything now!

The leader calmed down and bowed to Xu Changsheng and said:


Thank you for your help."


Xu Changsheng responded indifferently.

He was not surprised that this person could speak Chinese.

As one of the strongest countries in the world today, China's language is the universal language.

Few diamond-level masters can't speak it.

Just now, these people deliberately spoke a language he couldn't understand, just to drive him away.

Seeing Xu Changsheng's attitude, the leader was a little embarrassed.

After all, he had been blind and drove people away before.

It was reasonable for Xu Changsheng to have this attitude.

However, seeing that Xu Changsheng could come to this dangerous place to help them, Michelle determined that Xu Changsheng was definitely not a bad person, so he continued:

"I am Michelle Linga, and these people are my partners."

"We came to this dangerous place to find the remains of the legendary mythical creature, the King of the Night."

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng's pupils shrank, and his originally careless expression also stopped.

The remains of the King of the Night!

Isn't this the key to Blood Shadow's evolution into a mythical beast! It's really a case of searching for something in vain, but it's easy to find it.

Just as Xu Changsheng was about to ask in detail, a fierce black light came straight at Xu Changsheng.

""Be careful, benefactor!"

Michel, who was always paying attention to the strange movements of the black bird, roared.

The terrified expression on his face just appeared.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

The blood shadow blocked Xu Changsheng, and its body was as tall as a mountain.

The muscles all over its body bulged because of tension.

Countless black and red meridians and blood vessels emerged around its body.

It actually entered the [King of the Night] state directly.


The fiercely exploding black light column hit the huge body of Blood Shadow fiercely.

The violent explosion sounded beside Xu Changsheng's ears.

A wound with a diameter of half a meter appeared on Blood Shadow's chest.

This blow was able to ignore Blood Shadow's virtual state!

The sticky blood, as thick as ink, slowly dripped along Blood Shadow's wound.

Blood Shadow's nose flashed with a strong breath.

Steaming white gas emerged from his nostrils.


A sound like a spring suddenly cracked was heard.

Blood Shadow kicked his hind legs and came directly to the black bird in the sky like a ghost. With this jump, he actually jumped across a distance of hundreds of meters.

The black wolf claws flashed with cold light and attacked the black bird's neck.

The strange black bird reacted quickly and immediately gathered thick black smoke to protect itself. However, the defense it was proud of was instantly torn into pieces like brittle paper in front of Blood Shadow's wolf claws.


A stream of blood spurted out from the neck.

The blood shadow wolf claws pierced deeply into the black bird's neck, and then fell rapidly with the help of its own gravity.


A roar like a meteorite hitting the ground rang in everyone's ears.

The originally unruly black bird was now hanging on the sharp front claws of the blood shadow like a dead chicken.

Blood flowed from the wound.

Only the occasional twitching of the black bird's wings showed that it still had a glimmer of life.

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