Black blood like petroleum slowly drips from the black bird's neck

""Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Every drop that fell on the ground could burn a hole as big as a bowl.

The blood of this strange black bird actually had such a strong corrosive ability.

Michelle and others looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces were filled with shock.

They could never have imagined that this beast that was so powerful that it could easily force them into a desperate situation was actually slaughtered by Xu Changsheng's beast control!

If it weren't for Blood Shadow's deliberate restraint, it would be difficult for this black bird to even have a complete corpse.

However, Xu Changsheng didn't even look at the broken body of the black bird, and asked anxiously:

"What did you say? Where is the body of the King of the Night?"

Xu Changsheng couldn't help but be anxious.

He had been searching for several days, and now he finally got some news that the beastmaster could evolve to the mythical level. Naturally, he was very excited.

As Xu Changsheng asked.

Blood Shadow's eyes were as red as blood, staring at Michelle and others indifferently.

There was also a trace of desire in its eyes.

The blood deep in its body���, all of them were ready to make a move.

This look made Michelle and the others tremble all over.

They had just seen with their own eyes the terrifying combat power of Blood Shadow.

They couldn't even deal with Black Bird. Not to mention Blood Shadow who could easily kill Black Bird.

Therefore, Michelle lowered his head and took out something like a night pearl from his arms.

Unlike ordinary night pearls that are bright and shiny, this bead is all black, like the darkest night.

The moment this black bead was taken out.

Xu Changsheng instantly felt that his vision darkened, as if the sunlight in front of him was absorbed.

However, this feeling soon disappeared.

At the same time, Michelle's extremely respectful words came together.

"Sir, this is the orb I found by accident."

"It is said that if you bury the orb in the heart of the Night Bird, the overlord of the Devil Volcano Group, for half an hour, you can open the passage that contains the remains of the mythical beast, the Night King."

"Michelle, you!"

After hearing Michelle reveal all of their biggest secrets, the other two were shocked and angry.

"Shut up!"

Michelle turned and shouted:

"If it weren't for this lord's protection, you and I would have become corpses like them!"

He pointed at the corpses on the ground with a sad face:

"Don't you know it? With our strength, we are not worthy of this gem."

The two of them paused when they heard this, but they didn't say anything else.

In fact, it was not Michelle's words that had an effect.

It was just that at the moment they spoke, an extremely cold feeling surged from the depths of their souls.

It seemed that as long as they said another word, the sharp and cold wolf claws would mercilessly cut their necks.

Looking at the blood shadow's eyes that were red as if they were about to bleed, the two did not doubt their feelings at all.


Xu Changsheng saw that Michelle was so sensible, so he didn't waste his life saving them.

He reached out and took the black gem that Michelle handed over with both hands.

It was very warm and smooth, and the texture was like a precious jade.

Xu Changsheng looked down, and his eyes flickered with a faint golden light.

【Night Spirit Pearl (half-sealed): A treasure that opens the gate to the beast world. It can be opened by soaking it in the blood of a beast or fierce beast that contains the blood of the Night King.】

【Note: The Night Orb is in a semi-sealed state. If the seal cannot be completely lifted within seven days, the Orb will be scrapped.】

【Note: After the seal is completely lifted, the Dark Night Pearl can maintain its spiritual power for three days. During these three days, the user can open the gate between the two worlds at will. After three days, the spiritual power is exhausted and the Dark Night Pearl is scrapped.】

【Note: The beast world is extremely dangerous, please open the seal as appropriate】

【The Eye of the World is worthy of being an SSS-level talent. Under Xu Changsheng's full urging, the information of this black gem can be seen at a glance.

Xu Changsheng not only got the method to remove the seal, but also various special notes that ordinary people can't know at all.

If others rashly use the Night Spirit Pearl without knowing its characteristics, it is easy to waste this treasure.

Moreover, if they think that after removing the seal, they can solve the problem once and for all and directly take the remains of the King of the Night, then they are wrong and may even pay the price of their lives!

After all, the beast world is not a good place.

That is where all the extremely powerful beasts exist!

And the beast god is sealed in the space gap between the beast world and the beast world.

The so-called special secret realm is also in the gap between the two.

The cultivation seal of the beast world not only limits the rank of the beast master.

At the same time, it also limits the powerful beasts in the beast world, and cannot descend into the beast world by any means. It is a kind of protection for the real world!

Therefore, the powerful beasts that were not seen in reality in the past, or even heard of, are here.

In the beast world, they are everywhere.

The diamond-level beasts that have almost reached the pinnacle in the real world are only a little bit strong in that place.

As for the more powerful star-breaking and even bright moon-level beasts.

Not to say that they are everywhere, but the number is definitely not small.

Even Xu Changsheng doesn't dare to do whatever he wants in the beast world.

The teachings of the theory teacher of the Imperial Capital University echoed in Xu Changsheng's mind, and his face was as gloomy as water.

The key now is that this gem is already in a semi-sealed state.

If it is not unsealed within seven days, it will be scrapped immediately!

After unsealing, the gem is only valid for three days.

In other words, Xu Changsheng only has ten days to prepare.

"Have you tried to unlock this orb before?"

Xu Changsheng asked.

Michelle nodded and said:

"We previously soaked the orb with the blood of several dark diamond-level beasts, but it was of little use."


Xu Changsheng yelled in his heart.

If it weren't for these people's stupid actions, he wouldn't have fallen into such a dilemma.

But considering that they didn't know the specific situation, Xu Changsheng didn't say anything.

It was just that his face looked a little ugly.

And Michel carefully observed Xu Changsheng's expression.

He could feel that since Xu Changsheng took the orb, the mood of this strong man seemed to have changed for the worse in an instant!

This discovery immediately made him tremble with fear that Xu Changsheng would be unhappy and kill them all.

Fortunately, Xu Changsheng was not that kind of person.

He took a deep breath, waved his hand and said:

"You guys go back, this is not the place for you to come."

Hearing this, Michelle and the others felt as if they had been pardoned.

They had long wanted to leave this damn place.

Now that they had received Xu Changsheng's permission, Michelle and the others bowed and turned to leave.

Before they had taken two steps, Xu Changsheng's cold voice suddenly came from behind:

"Wait a minute!"

Michelle's body froze. Could it be that Xu Changsheng had changed his mind and wanted to kill him to silence him?!

Fear was like a vine entwined around his heart, making it hard for Michelle to breathe.

He wanted to escape, but his reason forced him to suppress his fear. He turned around and smiled reluctantly:

"grown ups......"


Before he finished speaking, a space ring fell accurately into Michelle's pocket.

"Take it, as compensation for your Night Spirit Pearl."

After hearing this, not only Michelle, but also the two survivors behind him were shocked.

They never thought that Xu Changsheng would be so kind.

At the same time, Michelle felt guilty. He actually judged others by his own standards!

He wanted to say something else, but when he saw Xu Changsheng waving his hands impatiently, he gave up. He just bowed deeply in the direction of Xu Changsheng and left.

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