Xu Changsheng stood there, watching Michelle and the others leave quickly, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

When the figures of these people completely disappeared from his sight, he also had a plan in his heart.

Giving up this opportunity is absolutely impossible.

If he gives up this time, he doesn't know when he will meet a treasure like the Night Spirit Pearl next time.

Xu Changsheng will not gamble on his luck.

It won't work to call other helpers.

When exploring the beast world, the diamond-level masters will not play any role, but will become a burden to Xu Changsheng.

By then, he will have to take care of those people, which is not worth the loss.

As for the peerless masters of the broken star level.

Xu Changsheng only knows about Shen Wuyan and Allen.

As the pillar of the Huaxia Federation, Shen Wuyan naturally cannot spare three days to accompany Xu Changsheng to explore the secret realm.

Otherwise, the national strength is empty, and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect in other countries or even in China is likely to take advantage of the opportunity.

By then, Xu Changsheng will really become a sinner of China.

Moreover, the exploration of the beast world is extremely dangerous.

Even if Xu Changsheng and Shen Wuyan explore together, they dare not guarantee 100% safety.

If Shen Wuyan dies in the secret realm, the overall strength of China will probably drop sharply!

After all, the top powerhouse is the most important strength of a country.

The same is true for Allen.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng does not want the Americans to share this good thing.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng plans to explore alone!

The Night Bird is now in his hands.

Xu Changsheng can let Fuyao hang on to its life.

Wait until seven days later, and then completely unseal it.

As for the seven days, Xu Changsheng plans to slaughter all the devil volcanoes.

Let the blood shadow kill unscrupulously to improve his realm and blood concentration.

He wants the blood shadow to become the sharpest sword in his beast control, piercing all the enemy's defenses.

And Xu Changsheng is confident.

If all the beasts of the devil volcano group are killed.

The strength of the blood shadow will at least reach the diamond level, and the blood concentration will definitely be more than 50%.

If he found the remains of the Night King,

Blood Shadow could evolve on the spot and become Xu Changsheng's first mythical beast.

With this thought, Xu Changsheng could no longer suppress his excitement.

He commanded his beast to move towards other parts of the Devil Volcano Group.

The slaughter began!......


A black giant ape as tall as a mountain was beating its chest in anger.

Its two arms as thick as buckets were protecting its vital parts.

Suddenly, a black lightning flashed across its chest.

The giant ape's body stiffened, and its arms protecting its chest drooped weakly.

His huge body shook twice, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Dust rose in front of Xu Changsheng's eyes, but it could not block his sight.

Blood was seen gushing out from the giant ape's heart like a spring, dyeing the ground beneath him blood red.

And the blood shadow was standing on the giant ape's body at this moment.

The wolf claws, which were shining with cold light, were stained with sticky blood, and a heart as big as a human head was hanging on the claws, which looked very scary. It was extremely terrifying.

With just one strike,

Blood Shadow took out the heart of the giant ape at the top of the diamond rank.

Its speed and strength have increased several times compared to before!

Blood Shadow swung its wolf claws, and the still beating heart was ruthlessly thrown away.

Under Xu Changsheng's deliberate training, all his beasts had no habit of eating raw flesh and blood, and only liked to eat natural treasures containing huge energy.

Blood Shadow raised his wolf claws slightly, and a huge blood ball emerged from the giant ape's corpse, and then merged into its body.

At this time, his body had also expanded several times.

The silver-white hair under normal circumstances, at this moment, also turned into the purest black.

As the blood ball merged into the body, the aura on Blood Shadow's body quickly grew stronger.


The substantial air wave spread out in all directions with Blood Shadow's body as the center.

In an instant, the light in the sky seemed to dim.

Blood Shadow seemed to have become a black hole, madly devouring everything, even the sunlight.

The terrifying power came from Blood Shadow's body.

A huge black shadow emerged behind Blood Shadow, like a ferocious giant wolf.

The phantom and the Blood Shadow's body echoed each other, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, all the strange phenomena disappeared.

Blood Shadow had jumped off the giant ape's body at some point and came to Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng looked at Blood Shadow.

At this time, it was all black, without a trace of stray hair.

Even the eyeballs turned into the purest black.

The whole wolf seemed to be the incarnation of the night.

At this time, Blood Shadow had already reached the diamond level, with thick blood. The speed has already exceeded 50%, reaching a terrifying 60%!

The so-called mythical evolution conditions.

Blood Shadow has already met them.

After seven days of tireless killing, Blood Shadow has already been reborn.

It just stood there, and it gave everyone a huge pressure.

Not only Blood Shadow has improved.

Several other beasts have also been improved by one or two levels in the fight.

It’s just that this level of advancement is not worth mentioning compared to Blood Shadow.

As Xu Changsheng’s earliest contracted beast, Blood Shadow has finally reached the forefront of all beast realms and strengths, showing the style of a big brother.

Suddenly, a pure white beam of light came from a hidden corner and attacked Xu Changsheng directly.

The speed of this beam of light was so fast that it took almost only an instant from the time Xu Changsheng noticed it to the time it arrived in front of him.


Blood Shadow reacted very quickly, and its huge wolf body blocked Xu Changsheng.

The pure white light column fell on Blood Shadow's pure black body, showing a strong color contrast.

If Blood Shadow was attacked before, he might have been injured.

But now, this light column did not even scratch Blood Shadow's skin.

A majestic aura came from Blood Shadow.

Its wolf head���Ang, the pure black pupils seemed to be able to penetrate the space, looking towards the direction where the light column came from.

I saw countless people in blood-stained robes slowly walking out from the corner.

Their sleeves were all embroidered with intricate gold edges.

These people were all high-ranking members of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult!

I don’t know what method the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult people used to chase Xu Changsheng here!

More than 20 Ten Thousand Beasts Cult members slowly approached him, black hair appeared on the exposed skin, and bloodshot eyes.

The hundreds of beasts they contracted had completely blocked all of Xu Changsheng’s escape routes!

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