Hundreds of gazes, filled with murderous intent that was almost condensed into substance, rushed towards Xu Changsheng.

If an ordinary person was stared at by so many beast masters at the same time, he would probably find it difficult to even move, let alone resist. But facing such a huge formation.

There was no panic on Xu Changsheng's face.

If it was before, he might still find it difficult.

After all, ants can kill elephants.

So many diamond-level beast masters and hundreds of beast masters behind them attacking at the same time were simply not something he could deal with.

But now, it was different.

Ants can kill elephants, but can they kill a giant dragon soaring in the sky?

The two groups of people looked at each other without any nonsense.

Terrifying energy fluctuations appeared from the followers of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult.

Various offensives constructed from pure energy.

In just a moment, they rushed towards Xu Changsheng.

Light pillars, fireballs, hail......

Hundreds of substances mixed with terrifying power attacked like sharp arrows.

This scene alone made people feel deeply suffocated and unable to have the slightest desire to resist.

In order to completely kill Xu Changsheng.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Sect has invested a lot of money this time.

Even the elusive leader has come out in person, and all the diamond-level masters who can arrive have come out in full force.

The leader was different from the people around him, wearing a snow-white robe.

There was no pattern on the clothes, just the purest white.

This white formed a sharp and strong contrast with the ugly black hair exposed on his body.

He did not rush to attack, but stood on his flying beast with his hands on his chest.

A pair of eyes looked down at Xu Changsheng, the man who had caused them heavy losses since he woke up.

Excitement and cruelty flashed in his bloodshot eyes.

Finally......Finally, Xu Changsheng can be torn into pieces!

Seeing that hundreds of attacks are about to touch Xu Changsheng, the emotions in the leader's eyes are becoming more and more obvious.

At the same time, he is concentrating on every move of Xu Changsheng and even his beast.

He is standing here, of course, not for meaningless pretense.

But to completely block all of Xu Changsheng's retreat!

He knows that Xu Changsheng's beast can control both time and space at the same time.

If you don't pay attention, even if there are more people, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop him!

However, to his surprise.

Not only did Xu Changsheng not move, but even the beasts around him didn't react at all.

It was as if they were scared silly by this terrifying offensive!

Seeing this, a trace of disdain flashed in the leader's eyes.

The so-called genius is nothing more than this.

These geniuses have not suffered any major setbacks since they were born and awakened.

Once they encounter an enemy that they cannot defeat, their performance is not even as good as that of ordinary people!

When he thought of this, he felt a little regretful:

If he had known this, he could have come alone, why would he have brought so many people with him, wasting the resources of the church in vain?

""Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, a loud noise exploded beside his ears.

The leader's pupils shrank, and all the disdain in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a deep shock.


On the ground, the shadows of the materialized energy attacks were squirming wildly.

In just a blink of an eye, these shadows flew into the air.

And the attacks themselves collided with each other.

Moreover, the power of these shadows was not weaker than the attacks themselves, and even stronger.

Hundreds of attacks were completely offset by their own shadows.

After Blood Shadow reached the Diamond rank, the control range of [Shadow Devourer] was no longer limited to living humans or even beasts.

Even the shadows of the attacks could be controlled and countered!

The terrifying energy fluctuations exploded in the air.

From a distance, a huge mushroom cloud slowly evaporated in the Devil Volcano Group, like a punishment from heaven.

"what's the situation?!"

"I knew this guy was no ordinary guy!"

"Keep attacking. I don't believe this kid can keep using this terrifying counterattack!"

The Ten Thousand Beasts Cult members on the ground were also extremely shocked.

They thought of countless ways for Xu Changsheng to counterattack.

Either run away directly, or use their beasts to resist this terrifying attack.......

But no one could have imagined that the attack they had been planning for a long time would be solved by Xu Changsheng in such a strange way!

After all, they had been through many battles, and in just a moment, they regained their spirits and prepared for the second round of attack.

But suddenly, the mysterious time fluctuations enveloped everyone present.

Their movements, thoughts, and even souls were all frozen, unable to react.

However, the leader who had been standing on the edge of the sky was not affected at all.

He showed a grim smile on his face:

"I've been waiting for this move of yours!"

Then, the equally mysterious time fluctuations spread downwards with him as the center.

The fluctuations were so fast that it didn't even take half a second for everyone to be freed from the control of [Time Control].

However, Blood Shadow's movements were even faster!

Shadow energy surged around him like a tide.

Blood Shadow seemed to have completely turned into the incarnation of darkness, controlling the shadows of everyone present.

In an instant, the shadows under the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult believers were completely controlled by Blood Shadow.

These shadows twisted and deformed, and then pounced on the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult and others like giant wolves.

Without any fancy moves, the shadows went straight to the heart of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult and others.




The sound of blood flowers exploding spread all over the volcanoes.

Shadow held the beating hearts in his hands.

The blood dripped like rain, emitting a foul smell.

At the same time, the leader's countermeasures finally took effect.

However, it was too late.

"Aaaaaahhh! My heart!!"

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

Countless ghost-like roars echoed in the volcanoes.

For a moment, this area seemed to be the incarnation of the legendary hell.

All those who were enemies of Xu Changsheng were punished by having their hearts ripped out!

These people from the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect had already been baptized by beast blood, and their minds were not very clear.

Their beast-like intuition also made them more aware of pain.

Therefore, the pain of having their hearts ripped out was almost unbearable for them.

For a moment, everyone lost their ability to fight!

Moreover, Blood Shadow's [Shadow Devouring] was not only effective against the Beast Tamer. The one standing behind the Beast Tamer... Hundreds of beasts were also ripped out of their hearts by their own shadows.

They also collapsed on the ground like their masters.

The bright red blood dyed the ground blood red.

Hearts of different sizes were thrown on the ground at random, like the most useless garbage.

Without a heart, even the strongest person would lose the ability to fight back.

For a moment, everyone present, except Xu Changsheng.

The only one still standing was the leader of the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult!

He was not controlled by [Time Control].

Therefore, when his shadow changed, he reacted immediately and avoided the fatal blow.

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