Xu Changsheng's muscles tensed.

The beasts around him were ready to go.

A faint spatial fluctuation came from Dijiang.

If the situation was slightly wrong, it would immediately use [Space Jump] to teleport Xu Changsheng back to the imperial capital.

"Don't be so nervous."

A faint voice came from the throne.

If you listen carefully, you can still feel a slight smile.

It seems that this legendary city lord is in a good mood.

Xu Changsheng raised his eyes, wanting to see the real appearance of the city lord.

However, a group of hideous black and purple mist was brewing and entangled around the throne, blocking his sight.

Even if Xu Changsheng activated the [Eye of the World] to the strongest, he still couldn't penetrate the strange black mist.

Xu Changsheng was shocked.

This was the first person he couldn't see through since he awakened his talent.

Not to mention getting his real information, he couldn't even know what he looked like.

However, the next sentence of the city lord shocked Xu Changsheng's heart and soul, and he could no longer control his expression.

"Actually, you know me, too. My name is Fang Shou. Of course, you can also call me the Beast God."

Beast God!!!

The legendary Beast God who dominates the two worlds and dominates the world for eternity!

Hearing the last two words, Xu Changsheng's hair stood on end. Without any hesitation, he immediately ordered Dijiang to use [Space Jump] to escape from this hellhole.

This level of enemy is not something he can deal with now! The violent space fluctuations enveloped Xu Changsheng.

In an instant, a black crack appeared out of thin air, swallowing Xu Changsheng and even Bifang and other beasts into it.


However, the Beast God said a word lightly in the main hall.

Although the voice was light, it sounded like a huge bell in Xu Changsheng's ears, shaking his internal organs as if the sea was overturned.

At the same time, the crack disappeared, and the spatial fluctuations suddenly stopped.

Even Xu Changsheng and others who had been swallowed into the spatial crack were dragged out.

"Why are you running? I want to kill you, do I need to use any other means?"

The voice of the Beast God floated from the throne and fell into Xu Changsheng's ears like the wind.

He could not tell whether it was sad or happy.

Xu Changsheng touched the blood that flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his heart calmed down. The

Beast God almost seriously injured him with just one simple word.

Even Fuyao's green light could not heal him.

This gap could never be made up no matter how hard he tried.

Therefore, it would be better to listen to what the Beast God was planning.

Kill or chop, it's all up to you!

"Not bad."

Seeing Xu Changsheng calm down so quickly, the Beast God's voice was filled with appreciation:

"He is indeed a talent that those rubbish cannot take down."

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng's heart sank.

Those rubbish......Without a doubt, he was referring to the people of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

In other words, the actions of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect were all seen by the Beast God.

Even, perhaps the actions of everyone in the Beast Taming World were all known to the Beast God!

So, what was he or"him" planning?

Seeing that Xu Changsheng didn't speak, the Beast God didn't get angry and said to himself:

"Xu Changsheng, if I say I am a good person, do you believe it?"


Hearing this, Xu Changsheng almost couldn't hold it in and hummed unconsciously.

You, the Beast God, are a good person?

Then, in the real world, over thousands of years, what are the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people who died because of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect under the Beast God?

If He is a good person, then there is no such thing as a bad person in the world.

"Well, words are not enough."

The beast god sighed.

The sigh echoed in the huge main hall, filled with loneliness and helplessness.

As his voice fell, a dark purple light rushed straight to Xu Changsheng's forehead.

The speed of this purple light was so fast that Xu Changsheng could not move at all, and it merged into his body.

Countless complicated memories suddenly exploded in Xu Changsheng's mind.

These memories rushed around, as if to tear Xu Changsheng's soul apart.

When he opened his eyes again.

In front of him was a modern laboratory with a cold metallic glow.

"I traveled through time again?!"

A thought flashed through Xu Changsheng's mind. Before he could figure out the situation further, a capable female voice came into his ears.

"Dr. Fang, the analysis of the evil spirit liquid has been completed"

"This liquid seems to be able to stimulate the potential of human blood to the maximum extent, making the body unlimitedly stronger, even to the point of fighting against evil spirits."

The female voice was crisp and capable, containing a strong sense of excitement.

At the same time, a series of pictures flashed in Xu Changsheng's mind. In

2032 AD, evil spirits came to the world and wreaked havoc on the world. In just half a year, Japan, India, and South Korea fell one after another.......

In 2033 AD, humans were horrified to find that all the high-tech equipment they were proud of had become ineffective under the erosion of the evil spirit.

For a time, among the human group, only the two superpowers, the United States and China, were still struggling. In

2035 AD, a team led by Chinese scientist Fang Shou took the lead in analyzing the blood of evil spirits, and the resistance began!

But humans at that time did not know: the nightmare also began.

Fragmented information flashed in Xu Changsheng's mind.

Then the picture flashed, and the cold laboratory appeared in front of him again.

The violent shaking under his feet and the screams of men and women around him made Xu Changsheng subconsciously want to find a safe place to hide.

However, his legs did not listen to him at all.

Now Xu Changsheng finally understood:

This is the Beast God, who transmitted everything he had experienced before into his mind.

He, Xu Changsheng, was just a bystander and could not control the progress of things at all.


The loud noise of the door collapsing was clearly heard by the beast god Fang Shou.

He looked back in horror.

He saw reptiles wrapped in black mist rushing towards him frantically.

Wherever they crawled, they left some kind of black body fluid.

Even the metal as strong as the laboratory was corroded by this body fluid and left big holes.

This is the evil spirit that makes the entire human race helpless!

They suddenly appeared on this planet one day and began to kill crazily.

There was no purpose, no reason.

It was impossible to communicate and unable to resist.

In just a few years, humans were almost extinct!

""Huff, huff!"

A heavy breathing sound came from the mouth of the Beast God.

A trace of ferocity flashed across his face, and he turned quickly and injected a tube of thick black liquid on the laboratory table into his heart.

The dark liquid was highly corrosive, and it rotted all the muscles around his heart, revealing the beating heart inside.

Before this, they had conducted thousands of human experiments.

Only one percent of people could survive this fierce liquid, and their physical fitness was greatly improved, and even some incredible abilities appeared.

But these people, without exception, would explode and die within a month.

These people were injected with black liquid that was diluted thousands of times. But now the Beast God was injected with the original liquid!

Just after the liquid was injected into the body, the evil spirits swarmed and surrounded the Beast God.

Then, the chilling biting sound echoed in the laboratory for a long time.

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