But even so, the beast god did not even make a single cry.

This kind of perseverance shocked even Xu Changsheng, who was a bystander.


Suddenly, countless snowflakes flashed before Xu Changsheng's eyes.

It was like a TV screen in the old days.

When his vision recovered

, a dark and deep light circle suddenly appeared in front of the Beast God, and a strong space fluctuation came from it.

"This is a brand new world! A world without the pollution of evil spirits!"

The beast god said excitedly.

In front of him was a huge number of humans, tens of thousands of them.

However, these were all the people still alive on this planet.

"We are the cursed people!"

The Beast God waved his hand and pointed behind him.

Xu Changsheng's sight also moved back.

He saw countless people with black hair and different shapes standing silently behind the Beast God, without saying a word.

This shape is exactly the appearance of everyone in the Beast Realm.

"We will not go to the new world! Otherwise, the evil spirits will come too!"

The Beast God continued, if they were not there to stop the evil spirits.

Even if these survivors moved to a few more worlds, they would still be invaded by those omnipresent guys.

"However, you must ensure the tribute of raw food. Only in this way can we suppress the evil words in our hearts."

At this point, the tone of the beast god could not help but be stained with a trace of sadness.

Yes, after he was invaded by the black blood.

He also became crazy and bloodthirsty. If he did not devour flesh and blood from time to time, he would also face the risk of losing control.

"You! You! You! And you! You protect these people and their survival in the new world!"

The Beast God pointed at a few people and asked them to blend in with the crowd whose appearance had not changed.

However, the appearance of these orcs was different from that of ordinary people.

Some people even took a few steps back when they saw these orcs approaching.

They seemed to be afraid of their existence.

Suddenly, all the images were cut off.

The thick darkness like ink enveloped Xu Changsheng.

In a trance, he seemed to hear the sounds of countless reptiles mixed with wet mucus rushing towards him.

It was the voice of the Beast God that pulled him out of this state.

""How is it, do you understand?" the Beast God asked calmly.

Xu Changsheng was still frightened and remained silent for a long time.

After sorting out his thoughts, he asked in a hoarse voice:

"Are you saying that it is you who protects this world and even the world of beast control?"

The Beast God chuckled:

"This is not what I said, it's the truth"

"What you call killing lives is just my way of staying sane."

"The lives of only a thousand people every year, compared with the survival of two worlds, what does it matter?"

Xu Changsheng was stunned, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

From a rational point of view, what the Beast God said does make sense.

"Moreover, I don’t necessarily want to kill people. I am willing to kill all creatures. It’s just that those idiots in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect think that I like humans."

The Beast God added

"So why don't you correct them?......"

Before Xu Changsheng could finish his words, he was interrupted by the Beast God.

"Because I don't care. Whether it's human, beast, beast or other life, it's all the same to me."

"Why do you think that humans are more noble than these lives?"

"Or, do you think, am I still a human being? Are we the same kind?"

"My obsession is nothing more than suppressing evil spirits! That kind of thing is my only enemy."

This was the first time Xu Changsheng heard the Beast God say so many words at once.

At the same time, a strong pressure came from the throne.

The black and purple mist seemed to feel the anger of its master, baring its fangs and claws, wanting to bite someone.

But after a moment, everything returned to its original state.

It was as if it was just Xu Changsheng's illusion just now.

"What about the evil spirits? Where are they now?"

Xu Changsheng continued to ask.

It was not easy to receive such a secret, so he had to hurry up and learn more about it.

"Under my ass."

The beast god responded

""Squeak, squeak, squeak~"

Suddenly, a tooth-grinding gnawing sound came from the direction of the throne.

Along with it came a hideous and evil aura of death.

Xu Changsheng had never felt such an aura before.

This kind of creature seemed to be born purely for destruction.

There was no other meaning.

Even if it was suppressed by the Beast God for a thousand years, it still did not die. No one knew the source of its energy.

"Those beasts are products of your world. However, they were brought here as tribute by the Ten Thousand Beasts Cult."

"As for my so-called seal? It's just a joke. It's just that the evil spirits riot every few years, and I expend a huge amount of energy to suppress them."

"Therefore, I need a lot of blood to maintain my sanity."

"Otherwise, do you think that I can destroy you in a snap of a finger?"

The Beast God seemed a little tired, and told Xu Changsheng everything he was curious about.

"By the way, the speed of time in this world is different from your world. At the beginning, the gap between the two worlds was even tens of thousands of times."

"But as time goes by, the speed of time in the two worlds tends to be the same."

The Beast God added. This once again explained why the Beast Taming World has a history of tens of thousands of years of beast taming.

And the history of this world, since the outbreak of the evil spirit, is only a thousand years.

"Moreover, I have a hunch. If the speed of time in the two worlds is exactly the same, something extremely terrifying will happen."

The voice of the Beast God carried a rare solemnity:

"This is why I want to see you. My power comes from evil spirits. No matter how talented I am, I can't surpass them by much."

"And your power system is brand new, and it is possible to completely exterminate the evil spirits!"

"And you are the most talented beastmaster I have ever seen in the past thousand years."

""Become stronger. I have a feeling that we only have one year left at most!" Xu

Changsheng touched his chin.......To receive praise from the Beast God was probably something that all Beast Tamers would never dare to think about.

The other information in the Beast God's words made him look even more serious.

One year!

Only one year!

The Beast God allowed him to reach the same level as him within one year!

"However, it seems that we still have some old accounts to settle?" Xu Changsheng had not yet recovered from the huge information stimulation.

The Beast God's slightly cold words fell into his ears.

The temperature of the hall suddenly cooled down.

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