"You still remember the evil octopus, right? It was a pet I loved very much and brought me a lot of food."

"I release it in the cracks of space to kill the evil spirits that accidentally escape."

"But it is naughty by nature, and occasionally wants to go out and play, see the outside world, kill some people, and have fun......."

The Beast God paused halfway through his speech.

Xu Changsheng seemed to feel a cold gaze falling on him.

He seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Xu Changsheng's offense to his pet.

When Xu Changsheng heard the words of the Beast God, he felt a huge sense of absurdity.

It turns out that the so-called seal is just bullshit!

It is not the seal that restrains the evil octopus, but an order from the Beast God.

In the eyes of the Beast God today, human life in the real world is so cheap that it can be killed at will for fun by his pet.

Perhaps, the Beast God thousands of years ago really cared about the common people.

He was even willing to sit on the throne for thousands of years to suppress evil spirits for the sake of human reproduction.

But as time passed.

Under the dual erosion of the divine power of the years and the blood of the evil spirits.

The humanity of the Beast God slowly faded, replaced by animality and divinity. He acted recklessly and despised everything.

If it were not for the long-cherished wish to suppress the evil spirits that restricted the Beast God, the Beast Taming World and the Beast Realm would have long been the Beast God's playground.

No, even now.

If the Beast God wanted to unify the two worlds, it would only take a few minutes.

But as He said, He didn't care at all! He didn't care about the world's evaluation and speculation about Him, didn't care about the survival and continuation of mankind, and didn't even bother to be the only king in the two worlds. His cold eyes swept back and forth over Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng just stood there without any movement.

He couldn't escape anyway, and resistance was useless.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng was very calm at this moment.

Moreover, according to what the Beast God said, He still needed Xu Changsheng. He would definitely not kill Xu Changsheng so impulsively, nor would he damage Xu Changsheng's talent.

Even, the Beast God would help Xu Changsheng become stronger and provide him with various resources.

Hey, although I provoke you, you can't touch me, and you even have to help me.

This is the relationship between Xu Changsheng and the Beast God at the moment.

Although Xu Changsheng's strength is far inferior to that of the Beast God, between the two.

It is precisely him, Xu Changsheng, who takes the initiative.

Just as Xu Changsheng was thinking.

A black and purple object came whistling and hit Xu Changsheng right between the eyebrows.


The skull and the object collided, and a muffled sound echoed in the main hall for a long time.

Intense pain spread from the center of his eyebrows to all of Xu Changsheng's limbs.

This blow was not just a simple physical injury.

It also caused extreme pain to the soul!

A blood hole the size of an eyeball suddenly appeared between Xu Changsheng's eyebrows.

The object actually penetrated his skull directly and merged into his mind.

"Admit your mistakes!"

On the throne, the majestic and noble voice of the Beast God came clearly into Xu Changsheng's mind.

He was so domineering!

He wanted Xu Changsheng to admit his mistakes on the spot!

Deep in his soul, there were waves of tearing pain.

Xu Changsheng's eyes suddenly widened, and the tears secreted by the human nerves subconsciously protected his eyeballs and made his vision blurred.

However, he still opened his eyes as wide as possible.

Fierce golden light burst out from the depths of his pupils, penetrating the mysterious and strange black and purple mist.

Xu Changsheng seemed to see that the Beast God was sitting on the throne, surrounded by countless tentacles.

And at the corner of his mouth, there was a disdainful smile.

Xu Changsheng's face was hideous, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth dripped unconsciously because of the severe pain.

Deep in his mind, the tearing pain became more and more intense.

His soul and even his body were wailing in pain.

But, he couldn't admit defeat!

Even if his spirit was close to collapse, his body had long been overwhelmed.

Xu Changsheng didn't make a sound.


A crisp sound came from Xu Changsheng's mouth.


Then, Xu Changsheng bent over, and the sound of violent vomiting resounded throughout the main hall.

A large pool of blood mixed with several almost broken teeth was vomited out by him.

Even in such pain,

Xu Changsheng remained silent.


Seeing Xu Changsheng being so tough, the Beast God snorted coldly.

In an instant, all the pain quickly receded from Xu Changsheng's soul and body like a tide.

If he continued to torture like this, Xu Changsheng's soul and origin would inevitably suffer irreparable injuries.

This was not conducive to his plan.

After the pain faded, Xu Changsheng also collapsed on the ground like a deflated ball.

His head tilted, and then he fainted.

There was silence in the hall for a while.

There was only the heavy breathing of Xu Changsheng.

After an unknown amount of time, a black and purple light slowly approached Xu Changsheng and wrapped him in it.

The bright light washed his body.

Countless black impurities were discharged from the pores of his body.

The fishy smell filled the entire hall.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed.

Xu Changsheng and all the dirt on the ground disappeared.

It seemed that everything was just an illusion


A strange humming sound came from the throne.

In the ferocious fog, a blue figure appeared at some point.

If Xu Changsheng was here , he would definitely recognize it. Isn't this the evil octopus that he had imprisoned in the special secret realm before?

However, the evil octopus now is not as ferocious as before.

Its body has shrunk countless times, and now it is like a puppy, waiting for its master's love.

"Don't worry, this guy has some skills, maybe he can help me with my great cause!"

The voice of the Beast God came from the black and purple mist.

Then the mist changed and condensed into a big hand, soothing the evil octopus back and forth.

Thousands of years of loneliness and repression.

The only ones who accompanied the Beast God were these cute little animals.

The lifespan of those half-orcs was too short after all!

The Beast God only took a nap, and those people had changed generation after generation.

Only these fierce beasts have a long lifespan and can accompany him for a long time.

Therefore, the Beast God has some feelings for the evil octopus.

However, these little animals are at least fierce beasts of the Sun level. They are only particularly docile in front of the Beast God. In the Beast Taming World, outside the border of the United States, on a road.

A caravan of dozens of people was moving slowly.

Suddenly, a cute female voice exclaimed from the front

""Dad, look, there's a dying person here!"

For a moment, the team was in chaos, and everyone was on high alert.

Various beasts surrounded them, protecting all the supplies in the center.

And Xu Changsheng also woke up in this huge noise.

He slowly opened his eyes.

What came into view was a pretty girl about 18 or 19 years old, with a pure and moving appearance.

It gave people the feeling of first love in youth.

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