As time passed, tiny cracks appeared on the surface of the sky-blue beast egg.

""Crack, crack~"

From time to time, the crisp sound of cracks expanding fell into Xu Changsheng's ears.

Finally, a green figure slowly crawled out of the beast egg, with a lot of mucus on it when it was just born.

Then, this mucus was frozen into ice by the cold air on the newborn beast at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Perhaps because it was just born, its body was very small, probably only as big as an ordinary person's head.

Xu Changsheng picked it up from the ground:

"According to convention, you will be called Xuanwu! Go, take a bath!"

As he said this, he flicked his hand and threw the newly born beast directly into the mythical blood pool.

With a splash, Xuanwu fell into the water, splashing a lot of waves.

About ten minutes later, a ferocious snake head slowly emerged from the bottom of the water.

The snake head shook slightly, shaking off all the water droplets hanging on its body.

Then, Xuanwu's whole body emerged from the mythical blood pool.

The body, which was originally only the size of a human head, was now almost the same size as Zhulong under the infiltration of the mythical blood pool!

You know, Zhulong had already evolved into a day-level beast, and had experienced various battles with Xu Changsheng before growing to this point.

And now Xuanwu is just a Haoyue-level beast, but it has such a huge body.

At this moment, Xuanwu has dragged its huge body to Xu Changsheng.

Its body, Blocking the sun above Xu Changsheng's head.

Shadows replaced the sunlight and fell on Xu Changsheng's handsome face.

He looked up and carefully observed the current appearance of Xuanwu.

Unlike the shells of ordinary turtles, Xuanwu's shell is covered with raised spikes.

These spikes appear cold and transparent, not like flesh, but more like eternal ice.

Full of extremely violent beauty.

The body inside the shell is a hideous and huge green snake.

The snake's tongue spits out from time to time, giving people a chill.

After the evolution, Xuanwu is not the honest, reliable shield meat image that Xu Changsheng imagined, but rather like a brave berserker charging.

This aroused some interest in Xu Changsheng.

A faint golden light flickered in his eyes.

The specific information of Xuanwu soon appeared in front of him.

【Race: Ice Giant Turtle (Water attribute)】

【Qualification: Haoyue High School】

【Rank: Gold 9th Rank】

【Talented skills: Shield of the North (Legend), Crazy Roar (Legend), Ice Penetration (Legend), Protection of the God of Hell (Legend)】

【The only evolutionary route, water attribute direction: after one evolution, it can be advanced to the Immortal God Turtle (Sun Level). After the second evolution, it can be advanced to the Black Tortoise (Myth Level)】

【Shield of the North: Passive skill. The tortoise shell of the beast can resist external attacks and form a recoil force.】

【Crazy Roar: The beast will emit a sharp and piercing roar, forcibly attracting the enemy's attention】

【Ice Penetration: The ice on the turtle shell falls off and attacks the enemy, causing penetrating damage and freezing effect to the enemy. Under the freezing effect, the enemy's mobility will be greatly reduced】

【Note: If you use this skill, the beast's defense will decrease.】

【Protection of the Underworld God: The beast summons the shadow of the Underworld God, which grants it a special status. In this status, the defense and recovery of the beast are greatly improved.】

【Note: This skill can only be used once a day.

Four legendary skills are good for a Haoyue-level beastmaster, but Xu Changsheng was not surprised.

If others knew Xu Changsheng's thoughts, they would probably be jealous of him.

You know, the skill strength in the beastmaster world can be roughly divided into seven levels: ordinary, excellent, rare, excellent, epic, legendary, and invincible.

And legendary skills are second only to invincible skills.

Most ordinary beastmasters have only two or three skills, and the skill strength is usually between ordinary and excellent.

If you have a rare skill, you can be considered good.

If you have an excellent skill, this beastmaster can be called a boutique.

And if a beastmaster has one or two epic skills, then in the eyes of most people, even in the eyes of countless disciples of aristocratic families, it is the best of the best.

But now Xuanwu, as soon as he was born, has four legendary skills.

If this kind of beastmaster is spread out, I'm afraid it will be snapped up by the world!

But Xu Changsheng just thinks it's just average?

It can only be said that people really cannot be compared with each other, otherwise it will easily make people angry to death.

But to be fair, Xuanwu's skills can be called a perfect meat shield.

It combines defense, control, taunting and recovery.

But its strength and qualifications are still too low, and it can't help Xu Changsheng in actual combat.

However, if it can evolve again, its defense will definitely be greatly improved.

By then, even for Xu Changsheng, it will be of great help, and he will be able to stand in front of him and resist all attacks for him!

And this day will definitely not be too far away!

Because the Chinese official has now begun to do its best to search for various evolutionary resources for Xu Changsheng's beasts!

Although the help of the Chinese official cannot guarantee that every beast will be promoted to a myth.

But it is not a problem for all of Xu Changsheng's beasts to be promoted to the Sun-level talent. After his consciousness came out of the beast space and returned to his body, Xu Changsheng always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

"Blood Shadow Evolves, Black Tortoise Incubates, what else?"

He was thinking, and suddenly a bright light flashed through his mind.

Xu Changsheng slapped his thigh and said in annoyance:

"How could I forget to let Dijiang evolve!"

The shock brought by Xueying's evolution to a mythical beast, coupled with the mental fatigue caused by Xu Changsheng's almost sleepless nights for more than ten days, actually made him forget about Dijiang's evolution.

Now that Dijiang and Xueying have gone to the beast world, Xu Changsheng will naturally not summon them again.

""Forget it, I'll wait three days to evolve with Bai Ze."

He thought to himself.

All the things that had been accumulated for a long time were solved at once.

Xu Changsheng's tense nerves finally relaxed.

A strong sense of sleepiness surged into his heart.

He was even too lazy to take off his clothes. He came to the bed and leaned back.

His whole body sank into the soft mattress.

After a while, a slight snoring sound came from the bed.

Xu Changsheng's brows, which were slightly wrinkled because of his worries and responsibilities, finally relaxed at this moment.

He really needed a good rest to cope with the subsequent battles!

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