When Xu Changsheng woke up, it was already noon the next day.

He slept for nearly twenty hours, which was terrifying.

But the feeling of waking up can only be described in four words: refreshed!

He has never felt so good as he did today.

After stretching and washing up, Xu Changsheng walked towards Shen Wuyan's office.

He would use the [Eye of the World] today to open up a new and stable evolutionary route for all the beasts in China.

With Xu Changsheng's current strength, this journey would naturally not take too long.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

Xu Changsheng knocked on the door of the office, and after receiving a positive response, he pushed the door open and walked in.

However, the scene that came into his eyes really surprised him. He saw that the originally simple and elegant office had been completely emptied.

A pair of solid wood tables and chairs were placed in the center of the room.

A faint fragrance came from the tables and chairs.

Xu Changsheng's nose twitched slightly, and the refreshing fragrance made him feel refreshed, as if his brain and thinking were more active.

"What a big deal!"

Xu Changsheng exclaimed.

He had already smelled that the solid wood table and chairs were made of a kind of spiritual wood.

This kind of spiritual wood was originally used as the raw material for aromatherapy and appeared in important places of various families.

It has the unique effect of invigorating the spirit, strengthening the soul, and removing fatigue.

Even a dozen grams is worth hundreds of thousands of federal coins.

And now, such a large solid wood table and chairs are made entirely of this spiritual wood.

The total value is probably tens of billions!

"Come sit down. For you, it is worth it no matter how much we spend."

Seeing Xu Changsheng coming, Shen Wuyan greeted him with a smile.

"Just write the beast control route in the notebook. Later, someone will come with various beasts. You will have to work hard during this period."

Shen Wuyan pointed to the notebook on the solid wood table and said.

Seeing Xu Changsheng sitting down, he gave a few more instructions and left in a hurry.

After learning that humans only had a one-year deadline, the giant Huaxia Federation began to exert its terrifying power.

As one of the rulers of Huaxia, Shen Wuyan was naturally very busy.


Soon after he sat down, the door of the office was pushed open.

Xu Changsheng looked up, wanting to see where the first beast he had seen today came from.

However, it was not a beast at all.

Instead, it was two young women in cool clothes with hot bodies.

One of them even held a palm leaf fan in her hand.

"What is this?"

Xu Changsheng's eyes flashed with golden light.

He was very sure that these were two genuine human women with pure blood, and they were definitely not human-shaped beast-controlling succubi or something like that.

"Master Yan was afraid that you would be tired, so he specially arranged for us two sisters to fan and massage you."

A woman lowered her eyebrows and said.

Her voice was as clear as pearls falling on a jade plate, which made people feel good.

"This Yan Hua......"You are disrespectful to the elderly."

Xu Changsheng complained in his heart, but still waved his hand and said:

"Then you two come here."

It's not that Xu Changsheng is lustful, but it's really impolite to rashly reject other people's kindness.

And Xu Changsheng, who came from the best university in China, pays the most attention to etiquette and civilization.

Soon, a pair of soft and boneless little hands climbed onto Xu Changsheng's shoulders and began to massage him.

The other woman stood beside Xu Changsheng, waving a cattail leaf fan in her hand.

A wisp of virgin fragrance mixed with the breeze blew into Xu Changsheng's nose.

If other men saw this scene, they would probably be jealous to death.

However, this is what he deserved.......

"Flamebird, a mid-level gold talent beast. It has three evolution opportunities, and can reach the highest level of star-shattering talent. The resources required for each advancement are......"

"Earthshaker, a high-level gold talent beast. It has four evolution opportunities, and can reach the highest level of the Moon Star talent. The resources required for each advancement are......"

"The Sky-Erosion Demon Dragon is a Platinum-level mid-level talent beast. It has three evolution opportunities, and can reach the highest level of the Haoyue high-level talent. The resources required for each advancement are......"

Xu Changsheng wrote down the priceless evolutionary routes quickly.

The beastman race that could only reach gold and platinum in their lifetime, under the influence of Xu Changsheng's talent, all have the qualifications of broken stars and even bright moons!

This improvement is extremely terrifying.

If there is enough time, it is not a problem for the overall strength of the Huaxia Federation to triple or quadruple.

But the problem is that the most lacking thing for humans now is time!

However, Xu Changsheng still tried to improve the overall strength of humans as much as possible. After all, when the evil spirits invade, he alone will definitely not be able to protect the entire human race.

At that time, they will have to protect themselves!

One beastman after another was pushed in and out, and time was passing quickly.

In this way, Xu Changsheng worked in this room for two days without rest!

During this time, Shen Wuyan, Yan Hua and others couldn't bear it, and personally brought food to Xu Changsheng, telling him to take care of his body.

But Xu Changsheng just ate a few bites randomly, and as for sleeping, it was impossible.

Now there is only enough time for him to have the luxury of sleeping last night.

What's more, with his current physical condition, two days is no problem at all. Moreover

, Fuyao is beside him, constantly infusing Xu Changsheng with vitality and clearing away the fatigue of his body and soul.


The door was pushed open again.

Xu Changsheng subconsciously looked up, and dazzling golden light burst out from his eyes, exuding endless majesty.

Due to the intensive use of [Eye of the World] in the past two days, the golden light in his eyes became more and more dazzling.

"Hey, Allen? Have you discussed this with Principal Shen and the others?"

After seeing who was coming, Xu Changsheng asked directly.

He not only provides evolution routes for the beast masters of the Huaxia Federation, but also for the beast masters of other countries.

However, if it is for foreign masters, it will cost a very high price.

As for the specific negotiations, Xu Changsheng would not be in charge of them personally.

He did not have the time!

Instead, Shen Wuyan was responsible for arranging them.

But Xu Changsheng did not expect that the first foreign master to find him was Allen.

This once second strongest man in the world...

"It's a deal."

Thinking of the things he paid, Allen felt a little painful:

Shen Wuyan and his people are really black!

Just to see Xu Changsheng, they asked for three rare resources from the US federal treasury.

They said that Xu Changsheng was the country's greatest treasure. Every time they met with outsiders, the Chinese Federation had to protect Xu Changsheng's safety and pay a huge manpower consumption.

This is almost a lie!

Xu Changsheng's strength, do you still need their protection?

But people are under the eaves, Allen had to bow his head and pinch his nose to pay the money.

As the second strongest man in the world, when has he ever suffered such grievances?

What's more, every evolutionary route of each beast will have to pay two additional rare resources from the treasury!

When Allen thought of this, he felt his heart bleeding!

This high price discouraged many foreign strongmen!

However, now there is only a one-year deadline, and there is no point in keeping so many treasures.

In addition, the United States is indeed rich and powerful.

Therefore, he Allen, still came!

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