Although he only took one step and passed through the crack,

Xu Changsheng felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a dizzy feeling came over him. The tingling sensation all over his body made him regain consciousness.

Xu Changsheng looked down and saw that his body was covered with hideous wounds of various sizes.

The wounds were black and purple, and Xu Changsheng could even smell a fishy smell from his wounds.

This kind of injury did not seem to be just now.

It seemed that it had been injured for a long time and was about to rot.

Seeing this scene, he did not dare to be arrogant, and directly summoned all his beasts to protect him.

No matter what, the physique of the beasts was always much stronger than that of him, the beastmaster.

What's more, Xu Changsheng's beasts all had mythical blood, and their physical fitness was even stronger. The reason why he did not summon the beasts in advance was because Xu Changsheng had a vague feeling: if he and the beasts crossed the crack together, when they woke up again, they would definitely be scattered in different places in the evil abyss!

By then, it would be even more difficult to reunite!

The unique terrifying aura in the evil abyss attacked Xu Changsheng and his beasts like a tide.

Soon, all the beasts except Blood Shadow were soaked in blood.

Their wounds, like Xu Changsheng's, were black and purple, filled with a foul smell.

Even if Fuyao pushed his ability to the extreme.

The rich green light wrapped Xu Changsheng and other beasts tightly, it could not completely block the scouring of this terrifying aura.

Xu Changsheng could even see that the black aura that had condensed into a substance was trying to penetrate the green light and hanging on himself and others like a sharp knife.

Of course, Fuyao's ability would not be completely useless.

At least, Xu Changsheng, who was wrapped in the green light, could really feel the blood and flesh at his wounds surging.

A trace of new buds surged, and his injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then new wounds appeared on Xu Changsheng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fuyao's healing ability and the damage caused to him by the terrifying aura in the evil abyss formed a strange balance.

The sour feeling of the wound healing and the severe pain of the new wound made Xu Changsheng feel like he was being tortured.

Needless to say, that kind of pain.

However, under the severe pain, Xu Changsheng did not shout or make any other movements.

His face was calm, and he recalled the specific location of the seal array that the beast god told him in his mind.

""Let's go."

Xu Changsheng whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

He was not an iron man, so he would naturally feel pain.

This pain like being cut by a thousand knives made him want to turn around and walk back at all times.

But Xu Changsheng couldn't.

He was a beastmaster, the master and backbone of these beasts.

If even Xu Changsheng himself showed such a cowardly behavior.

How could those beasts continue to move forward?

Under the command of Xu Changsheng, the team moved forward quickly.

Bai Ze had already blessed Xu Changsheng with good luck to reduce the risk of this sealed journey.

The environment of the evil abyss is very strange.

There is no sun or moon, but it is filled with a strange purple Light.

Everything around looked particularly evil and twisted.

The land under his feet was dark red, as if it had been soaked in blood for many years.

Under the illumination of the purple light, the soil that should have been lifeless actually gave Xu Changsheng a sense of wriggling.

It was as if something was living in the soil!

He had tried to dig out some soil and carefully analyzed the components inside.

But, nothing was found!

These soils, except for the color, were no different from ordinary soil!

Moreover, from the time Xu Changsheng officially entered the Evil Abyss until now, there was not even a single thing that could be called life.

Plants, insects, animals......


Not to mention the legendary evil spirit!

Xu Changsheng didn't know whether it was the nature of the Evil Abyss or the good luck that Bai Ze had bestowed on him.

But his vigilance was already at its maximum.

Something must be wrong when things are abnormal.

Following the route given by the Beast God, Xu Changsheng and a group of beast masters continued to move forward.

Ten minutes later.

Xu Changsheng's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He looked solemnly and looked forward.

A crack suddenly appeared on the originally flat land.

This crack stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

Xu Changsheng looked far away, but he couldn't see the end at all.

He knew that he had finally really touched the Evil Abyss.

He walked carefully to the edge of the Evil Abyss, stood still, and looked down.

One by one, black creatures, like face huggers, attached to the steep wall of the abyss.

They were densely packed, giving people a creepy feeling.

Their bodies secreted a kind of black mucus every minute and every second.

The mucus fell due to gravity, flowing on the cliff like a waterfall, spectacular and disgusting.

Xu Changsheng took a quick glance and saw at least tens of thousands of evil spirits!

They seemed to be dormant and had no idea of Xu Changsheng's arrival.

"The seal formation is about fifty meters below this cliff."

The words of the beast god echoed in Xu Changsheng's heart.

For him now, these fifty meters are indeed a distance that can be reached in the blink of an eye.

But you have to know that these evil spirits are just dormant, not dead!

Any action of Xu Changsheng may wake up these tens of thousands of evil spirits.

At that time, he will be like a fish on a chopping board, letting them bite him.

"Now that we are here, let's just do it!"

After some psychological preparation, Xu Changsheng mustered up his courage.

He looked at Bai Ze, who understood and directly cast [Destiny Separation] on Xu Changsheng and all the beasts.

A wonderful feeling enveloped Xu Changsheng again.

Without any hesitation, he sat on the back of Zhulong and swooped down.

Fuyao and Dijiang stood steadily on his shoulders.

One provided him with healing effects.

The other allowed him to leave the battlefield immediately when he encountered a dangerous situation.

Bifang followed closely behind Zhulong, and on its back sat Blood Shadow, a mythical beast.

Blood Shadow looked up with his wolf head, facing tens of thousands of evil spirits, without any fear, but as proud as a king.

In an instant, Xu Changsheng had seen the so-called sealing formation.

The bright blue sealing light, unlike the black and purple in the evil abyss, was full of vitality.

However, this bright blue light was sometimes bright and sometimes dim, and it seemed that it would be completely extinguished in a short time.

By then, unimaginable disasters would inevitably befall the two worlds!

""Hiss~ Hiss~ Hoo!"

Unlike the quiet evil spirits above, the evil spirits below the blue seal array were like possessed, attacking the seal array frantically.

They were larger and more ferocious. Their eight legs were as tall and long as spiders, but they were full of muscles and extremely strong.

These muscles were as hard as rocks, with black blood vessels interspersed in them, as if they were about to burst. When the body was half grown, it suddenly twisted and extended upwards, forming a human-like upper body.

Even the collarbone was clearly visible!

On the back, a pair of ferocious bone wings stretched out, which was not only a weapon for attack, but also could protect their vital points when danger came.

At the same time, it also gave the evil spirits the ability to fly.

Their heads were like poisonous snakes. It was a normal triangle with almost no extra organs, only a pair of eyes and an extremely hard skull!

The body of the evil spirit was simply the highest combination of violence and beauty. They seemed to be born for violence and killing! It gave people a strange sense of shock.

Under their invasion.

The light of the seal array became even weaker.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng did not dare to delay, and the seal stone in his hand fell off.

He rushed straight to the seal array.

In an instant, the blue light was strong.

The rich light made Xu Changsheng close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the blue light was so rich that it formed a substance, firmly sealing all the evil spirits underground.

No matter how crazy they were, they could not shake the seal array at all!

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