"It's not that difficult! The ability of fate is really powerful!"

Xu Changsheng said with satisfaction.

You know, he was prepared to get hurt or even die on this trip.

Unexpectedly, he succeeded without any obstacles along the way! As expected

, although Bai Ze's ability of fate has many limitations, its practical effect is incomparably powerful.

Xu Changsheng glanced at the seal formation again, and after confirming that the seal was intact, he felt relieved and prepared to leave Xieyuan.


Suddenly, strange sounds came into Xu Changsheng's ears from all directions.

His body stiffened, and without any hesitation, he commanded Zhulong to flee upwards.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Changsheng and other beasts had rushed out of the evil abyss and arrived in the air.

He lowered his eyes and saw countless evil spirits jumping out of the evil abyss and running away.

These evil spirits, which should have been still developing, suddenly woke up for some reason!

Although they were not fully developed.

But each of them had the strength of a low-level broken star!

Even Xu Changsheng could faintly feel that in the huge tide of evil spirits, there were a few breaths that made him tremble.

That was definitely Hao Moon-level evil spirits.

Or even higher levels!

Xu Changsheng's scalp tightened, and he commanded Zhulong to rise into the sky again.

He hoped that no evil spirit would discover his trace.

Fortunately, Bai Ze's ability was really strong.

Among tens of thousands of evil spirits, not a single one looked up to find Xu Changsheng.

They just ran out frantically, as if attracted by something or driven by someone.

Seeing that no evil spirits found him, Xu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to use Dijiang's ability to teleport himself back to the imperial capital.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed.

Carefully observe the direction in which the evil spirits are moving.

After a moment, horror suddenly covered Xu Changsheng's face, and he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"How is it possible! How could these evil spirits know this route!"

The target of each evil spirit was the black crack.

In other words, the exit of the evil abyss!

Tens of thousands of evil spirits, with the same goal, without any commotion or trampling.

Like the most perfect army, they attacked the target.

Xu Changsheng had no doubt.

The target of the evil spirits was definitely the creatures in the beast world and the beast control world!

These things were pure fighting machines born for killing and plundering.

Their birth goal was to kill!

However, according to the beast god.

These evil spirits were not stimulated too much before they were fully hatched. , will never wake up early!

That will cause their lifespan to plummet, from almost immortal to only surviving for ten days!

And after waking up, they will fall to the bottom of the evil abyss by themselves, sink into the seal, and provide a breeding ground for other new evil spirits.

Therefore, the Beast God will set the seal array fifty meters away from the evil abyss.

But now the actions of the evil spirits.

Completely broke Xu Changsheng's only understanding of them.

The only thing Xu Changsheng knows now is: the evil spirits must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! Let’s not talk about the beast world for now.

In the world of beast control, adults There are only a few beast masters at the Broken Star level.

They are simply unable to resist the tens of thousands of evil spirits in front of them!

After all, each of these evil spirits has the strength of the Broken Star level.

Even just one is enough to destroy a small or medium-sized country.

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up and he ordered Dijiang to use his spatial ability.

As Dijiang's realm improved, it can now carry everyone to carry out a small range of spatial movement.

However, the more units are teleported, the more physical energy is consumed.

The consumption of Xu Changsheng and several beast masters is definitely not big but not small for Dijiang.

More than twenty consecutive spatial teleportations.

Xu Changsheng and all his beast masters have already arrived at the vicinity of the crack.

Dijiang's chest rose and fell slightly, and turbid air emanated from his mouth and nose.

Such continuous use of spatial abilities is obviously a considerable consumption for it.

And the speed of this spatial teleportation is naturally much faster than the movement speed of the evil spirits.

Even so, Xu Changsheng could still feel that the ground under his feet was shaking wildly.

This also indicates that it will definitely not take long for the evil spirit tide to approach.

"Dijiang, use [Space Ban】!"

However, Xu Changsheng now no longer cared about Dijiang's fatigue and gave the order directly.

After all, a slight mistake could cost the lives of millions of people!

Hearing Xu Changsheng's order, the spatial fluctuations on Dijiang's body suddenly exploded.

Countless black cracks spread out from him.

In an instant, dense black cracks appeared in the space of a thousand meters in radius, like pure black eyes staring at all the creatures present.

At the same time, indescribable spatial fluctuations swept wildly within this thousand-mile radius.

This fluctuation, like a tornado, tried its best to destroy all the space within its ability.

Then, the fluctuation suddenly stopped.

The extreme movement suddenly turned into the extreme stillness.

This drastic contrast made Xu Changsheng feel like vomiting.

He suppressed the discomfort in his body and looked at the crack at the exit of the evil abyss.

In the crack, the light that was originally flickering had gone out.

Even this crack was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it continues at this speed, this exit will be completely sealed in less than ten minutes.

Of course, once the effect of [Space Ban] ends, the cracks will reappear.

"As expected!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng felt relieved!

This crack was indeed a teleportation array. The current [Space Ban] temporarily made it ineffective, and the evil spirits naturally could not pass through the crack to the outside world.

At this moment, a wave of evil spirits swarmed in!

They rushed to the slowly closing crack, and there was no longer the strict discipline before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of muffled sounds that sounded like a headache fell into Xu Changsheng's ears.

He saw that these evil spirits seemed to have lost their minds and crashed into the cracks.

Some evil spirits did not stop even after their skulls were cracked, until they completely lost their lives!

The black mucus mixed with the smelly blood turned this area into a hell.

In half an hour, thousands of evil spirits lost their lives.

However, Xu Changsheng was not happy at all.

【The space ban is about to expire! These evil spirits are about to come to the outside world!

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