Time passes by bit by bit

【The duration of the Space Ban is about to end.

The number of evil spirits, which originally numbered tens of thousands, has been reduced to only a thousand.

Moreover, these evil spirits have more or less scars on their bodies, and some even have their bone wings completely broken, losing the ability to fly.

However, the evil spirits that are still alive are definitely the best among this wave of evil spirits.

Even with injuries, their strength is definitely above the middle level of the Broken Star.

Xu Changsheng even saw three evil spirits that are different from other evil spirits.

On their muscles as strong as dragons, there are red scales growing one by one.

Under the shining of the bloody sun, they emit a cold light.

These three red evil spirits are more than twice as tall as ordinary evil spirits.

The bone wings behind them are fully opened, just like the gods and demons in mythology.

The breath is strong and cold.

Moreover, these three evil spirits did not rush to the cracks like other evil spirits without thinking. Instead, they fluttered their wings, stood in the air, and looked down coldly at their mentally handicapped counterparts.

Xu Changsheng could even see an emotion called arrogance in their triangular eyes.

Obviously, these three evil spirits are definitely highly intelligent! They may not even be inferior to humans!

But the strange thing is.

These three evil spirits just stood in the air, with their eight legs crossed, watching their own kind continue to die like watching a play, without any movement to stop them.


Xu Changsheng suddenly realized:

Maybe, this kind of red evil spirit probably doesn't regard those black evil spirits as its own kind from the bottom of their hearts.

At most, they are just low-level creatures that look a bit like themselves!

Just like humans, would they regard monkeys as their own kind?

【The duration of the 【Space Ban】 overlaps with Bai Ze's 【Destiny Separation】.

Even because Bai Ze had used his ability before, the power of destiny that enveloped Xu Changsheng even disappeared before the space seal of the crack!

Even so, none of the crazy evil spirits on the ground even looked at Xu Changsheng!

Even the red evil spirit in the air just glanced at Xu Changsheng with indifferent eyes, without any movement.

It was as if there was something more important waiting for them to do!

This matter even suppressed their fear of death and desire for meat! When

Xu Changsheng discovered this, he thought about it.

Then a bold idea came to his mind.

Since these evil spirits are so eager to go to the outside world, they don't even care about his existence.

So, does it mean that Xu Changsheng can take advantage of this time to attack or even kill the evil spirits?

Even if the evil spirits react and attack Xu Changsheng later.

He can also use Dijiang's 【Space Jump】 to return directly to the imperial capital or the beast world.

As for the remaining evil spirits, the beast god must take action.

After all, even now, he could never resist the crazy attacks of thousands of Shattered Star-level warriors alone.

What's more, there were three powerful evil spirits of unknown rank watching! Anyway,

Xu Changsheng had done this, and he thought he had done his best.

After all, he had reduced the number of evil spirits from tens of thousands to about a thousand with his own strength.

Even if the Beast God came, he would be shocked and praised for this achievement.

With this thought in mind, Xu Changsheng no longer hesitated and ordered his beast to attack. In an instant

, countless sky fires fell from the sky like meteors.

The flames of the Bifang ruthlessly invaded the bodies of the evil spirits.

As soon as the sticky liquid on their bodies came into contact with the sky fire, thick pungent white smoke came out.

The wanton burning flames suddenly stagnated, and the temperature dropped sharply.

After all, they were evil spirits that gave the Beast God a headache. If they were divided according to the qualifications of the Beast World.

The innate qualifications of these evil spirits were definitely not lower than the Shattered Star level.

Now Bifang's realm is too low, so naturally it can no longer kill the enemy as easily as before.

However, the sky fire is ruthless and tenacious. Although it is hindered, it still burns the surface of the evil spirit unyieldingly, bringing it endless pain.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng's beast is not just Bifang!

Looking around, other beasts are also showing their magical powers, and the entire battlefield is full of attacks of various attributes.

A scorching sun appeared out of thin air on the battlefield, emitting dazzling sunlight and high temperature, reducing the enemy's physical strength.

The wonderful time fluctuation quickly enveloped the battlefield.

For a time, the speed of all evil spirits suddenly slowed down, and even the secretion speed of mucus on the surface of the body was stagnant.

Zhulong also exerted its strength!

The most eye-catching one is naturally the blood shadow, which is a mythical beast.

I saw that the thick darkness, with the blood shadow as the center, quickly enveloped the entire battlefield.

At the same time, the sound of dark and obscure music echoed in everyone's ears.

Tens of millions of materialized notes, like the sharpest arrows in the world, pierced the evil spirit's song.

Each note could scratch a deep scar on the evil spirit's hard muscles.

At the same time, phantoms of ferocious beasts of various shapes jumped out of Blood Shadow's body.

In the darkness, the phantoms quickly materialized, forming a body formed by the gathering of pure dark energy.

These phantoms of ferocious beasts were the painless army created by Blood Shadow himself.

They only knew to obey and ignored death!

And the number of these phantoms, Xu Changsheng took a quick look.

There were actually three or four hundred of them!

And each of them had at least the strength of a high-level diamond!

There were even nearly a hundred phantoms that exuded the unique fluctuations of the Broken Star rank!

The Blood Shadow army alone was enough to flatten all the countries in the Beast Taming World!

After the phantom was completely solidified, Blood Shadow's body began to swell huge, and his muscles were as big as if they were inflated.

In just a blink of an eye.

Blood Shadow's body expanded from the original two meters to dozens of meters.

There was a flickering light in his pure black eyes, and he was like a king who made it impossible for people to see through his mind.

The next second, Blood Shadow's figure shuttled through the battlefield like a ghost.

With every strike, an evil spirit lost its life!

At this moment, Blood Shadow fully demonstrated his powerful fighting power as a mythical beast!

The other beasts also used their own unique methods to fight the evil spirits.

These thousands of ordinary evil spirits actually felt that they were not invincible when Xu Changsheng made his full effort!

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng realized that his strength had reached such a terrifying level.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of evil spirits died!

Of course, Xu Changsheng's beasts were also covered with wounds of varying sizes. Fortunately, there was Fuyao's excellent healing ability and the high shared vitality provided by [Life and Death Link].

This level of injury, for the beasts, was not even a minor injury!

As for the three evil spirits, they were still leisurely in the air.

But there was a hint of amusement in their eyes.

It seemed that the battle between Xu Changsheng and the evil spirits was a good show for them!

At this moment, the duration of the [Space Ban] was completely over.

The restrictive effect of prohibiting all space fluctuations disappeared.

The crack leading to the real world opened again!

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