Xu Changsheng activated the [Eye of the World], and dazzling golden light flashed in his eyes.

As his strength level increased, the effect of the [Eye of the World] became more and more powerful, and the vision under its full activation became more conspicuous.

At this time, two violent golden lightning flashed in Xu Changsheng's eyes, giving people a huge sense of shock.

He stared forward.

Suddenly, a few pure white lines were outlined on the empty ground in front of him.

Then the white lines became more and more obvious, and then many details such as Bai Ze's hair and muscles reappeared in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: no matter what, Bai Ze's concealment ability still couldn't escape his SSS-level talent.

Although his own beast would not hurt him anyway.

However, Xu Changsheng's SSS-level talent is his reliance for survival. It is also his magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Even for Shen Wuyan and others, Xu Changsheng just told them that he could see through the evolutionary route of the beast.

As for exploring the information of all things in the world���The ability to see through the concealment effect and other effects were not revealed.

If Xu Changsheng cannot even see through the concealment ability of the Sun-level Beast Tamer Bai Ze now, it would be a huge blow to his confidence.

This will cause Xu Changsheng to be unable to completely believe in his own innate abilities.

As a result, he will be suspicious and timid in battle, unable to go all out.

After all, the enemies he faces now are different from before. Almost all of them have the strength of the Broken Star rank or above.

Even ordinary Broken Star rank beasts.

Xu Changsheng does not take them seriously at all.

In the future, there may be things that the [Eye of the World] cannot see through at all.

After his concerns were dispelled, Xu Changsheng put away the golden light flashing in his eyes and directly ordered:

"Come out!"

Bai Ze's hidden ability, it can naturally be controlled at will.

And Xu Changsheng fully activated the [Eye of the World], which consumed a lot of his physical strength. Naturally, he would not always observe Bai Ze in that state.

With Xu Changsheng's order, Bai Ze's figure quickly appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

He stared at it, frowning slightly.

In terms of appearance, Bai Ze seemed to have changed, but it seemed that there was no change.

Xu Changsheng could only feel that Bai Ze now had a bit more unclear temperament, ethereal and uncertain, and difficult to describe.

However, this is obviously a good thing.

Xu Changsheng did not pursue it too much.

The top priority at the moment is naturally how Bai Ze's ability has improved after the evolution.

With this thought, Xu Changsheng stared at it.

Bai Ze's specific information soon appeared in his eyes.

First of all, it was an improvement in realm. Bai Ze directly went from Platinum Level 2 to Platinum Level 6, spanning four small levels.

Moreover, the duration of the two skills [Change Fate Against Heaven] and [Isolate Fate] has increased.

The former can now impose up to two months of bad luck or good luck.

Compared to before, it has doubled.

And the effect of [Isolate Fate] has changed from the previous twelve hours to thirty-six hours.

A three-fold increase.

Obviously, the improvement of both skills is huge!

And Bai Ze's most important skill [Slash Life] has also been greatly improved.

The consumption of each use of [Slash Life] has been reduced from 1% of lifespan to 1/1000.

Moreover, the current [Slash Life] can already cause damage to mythical beasts!

In other words, even when facing a mythical complete opponent, Bai Ze has the opportunity to seriously injure it, or even exchange life for life!

This is undoubtedly a huge increase in Xu Changsheng's explosive power.

Moreover, after the completion of this evolution, Bai Ze has an extremely heaven-defying ability, Devour Life!

【Life Devouring: Whenever a creature dies around the beast, the beast will absorb one ten-thousandth of its original lifespan. Fifty percent of the absorbed lifespan becomes the beast's own lifespan, and fifty percent becomes the lifespan of the master. 】

What does one thousandth of lifespan mean?

A diamond-level beastmaster has a lifespan of about five hundred years, while the lifespan of a beastmaster of the same level is often more than a thousand years.

And a star-shattering beastmaster.

Each one has at least a lifespan of thousands of years.

In other words, every star-shattering enemy that dies around Bai Ze will automatically increase its lifespan by a few years, and will also increase Xu Changsheng's lifespan by a few years.

A few years may not seem like much.

But what if it's hundreds of years?

Just like in the previous battle, Xu Changsheng directly killed more than three hundred evil spirits.

Even if the minimum lifespan of the star-shattering level is two thousand years, this battle at least increased the lifespan of Bai Ze and Xu Changsheng by three hundred years each!

And will there be fewer such battles?

Absolutely not!

As time goes by, the two worlds get closer, and Xie Yuan's actions will become more arrogant.

By then, let alone three hundred.

Xu Changsheng might face the encirclement of thirty thousand or even three hundred thousand evil spirit invaders!

That's thirty thousand or three hundred thousand lifespans!

Xu Changsheng felt terrified just thinking about it.

No one has ever been able to live for tens of thousands of years.

And he, Xu Changsheng, might be the longest-lived human in the future!

Moreover, [Life Devouring] and [Life Cutting] can cooperate with each other.

Although [Life Cutting] cuts off Bai Ze's lifespan in thousandths.

However, is one thousandth of three hundred thousand years the same as one thousandth of a thousand years?

If Bai Ze's [Life Devouring] ability can absorb enough lifespan.

Then even if it uses the skill nine hundred and ninety-nine times, the remaining one thousandth of lifespan is enough for it to live freely for a thousand years!

This also makes Bai Ze have fewer worries when using his abilities.

""Not bad!"

Xu Changsheng gave Bai Ze an admiring look.

He was very satisfied with Bai Ze's evolution.

After Bai Ze, it was naturally Di Jiang's evolution.

Last time, Xu Changsheng forgot about Di Jiang's evolution because of mental fatigue.

Now, he would not make the same mistake again.

Xu Changsheng waved his hand slightly, and a faint space fluctuation appeared in front of him.

Then, a slightly distorted black hole appeared in front of him.

Di Jiang's strange figure with four wings and six legs jumped out of the black hole like a flash and threw himself into Xu Changsheng's arms.

""Okay, okay, go evolve."

Xu Changsheng looked at the wings and six legs on the back of the Emperor Jiang, and for a moment he didn't know what to do, so he stroked its head and said


Dijiang screamed strangely, and with a flap of its four wings, it instantly disappeared from Xu Changsheng's sight.

Along with it, the materials Dijiang needed also disappeared.

Xu Changsheng couldn't even see Dijiang's movements clearly, and it swallowed the materials into its stomach.

The movement ability of the space-based beast is indeed weird.

""Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly, the space around Xu Changsheng cracked like a mirror, and the black cracks directly surrounded Xu Changsheng. The strong spatial fluctuations even distorted Xu Changsheng's vision, and he couldn't focus on a specific location at all.

He didn't even know where Dijiang evolved to cause such a drastic change in his beast control space.

However, this kind of spatial tremor came and went quickly.

In just half a minute, all the strange phenomena disappeared.

The broken spaces were also restored to their original state in a breath.

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