Xu Changsheng looked around, but still did not find any specific traces of Dijiang.

However, unlike Bai Ze's initial evolution, when there was no trace of him. In Xu Changsheng's perception, Dijiang was everywhere, as if it existed in every space.

This made Xu Changsheng not sure where it was.

However, during the exploration, he found that his beast control space seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

The space here has become extremely stable after being broken and rebuilt.

Moreover, in the spiritual environment of the beast control space, there is a special space fluctuation all the time.

Such fluctuations are conducive to making the environment inside it easier to breed space-based beasts!

You know, the three-system beasts of space, time and fate are all extremely precious!

And their innate qualifications are one or two levels higher than ordinary beasts.

If this continues for a long time, the beasts that grow naturally in Xu Changsheng's beast control space will inevitably breed a large number of high-qualified space-based beasts. At that time, he can even take these beasts out and donate or sell them to the Huaxia Federation to fill the Huaxia treasury.

Such a change is obviously a good thing, and it must be caused by the evolution of Emperor Jiang.

When Xu Changsheng was overjoyed, he suddenly felt his chest sink. He lowered his eyebrows and looked over.

Emperor Jiang had already thrown himself into his arms without him knowing when.

Its four wings spread out, almost completely blocking Xu Changsheng's sight.

The specific information after Emperor Jiang's evolution also appeared in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

【The range of Instant Transmission has been increased from one kilometer to three kilometers, greatly increasing mobility.

【The number of marked locations for space jump has increased from three to seven!

This means that Xu Changsheng can come and go freely in more places.

【The restriction of [Space Ban] has been reduced from once every half a day to once every three hours, and the consumption of physical strength has been greatly reduced.

It can be said that all of Dijiang's abilities except [Space Smash] have been greatly improved.

However, does this mean that Dijiang's offensive ability has not been enhanced after this evolution?

Of course not!

Like Bai Ze, Dijiang also has an invincible skill.

However, unlike Bai Ze's development skills, Dijiang's new skills this time have both defense and attack, which can be said to be an integrated offense and defense, and are extremely powerful.

【Space Incarnation: The beast can blend into the surrounding space. In this state, the beast cannot be harmed by any form of attack. After ten seconds, the beast will control the space and squeeze all units within it!】

【Note: When the beast is integrated into the space, all forms of space abilities except the beast's own abilities are invalid! 】

First of all, there is no doubt that [Space Incarnation] is a defensive skill.

In this state, Dijiang is equivalent to being in a short invincible state and will not be harmed by any attack.

However, this does not mean that the attack strength of [Space Incarnation] is low.

You must know that under the compression of space, a large amount of space will inevitably be broken.

At that time, the suction generated by the space fragmentation and the pressure generated by the mutual compression of space can strangle any living creature to dregs!

No, not even the remains of the corpse will be left!

In addition, in this process, all the enemy's space abilities will be prohibited.

This undoubtedly cuts off the enemy's hope of escape.

The only drawback is that this kind of damage does not distinguish between friend and foe.

In other words, if Dijiang uses this skill during the battle, he must be fighting alone.

Otherwise, it is very likely to kill its own people.

After dealing with the matter of Dijiang's evolution, Xu Changsheng cast his eyes on a huge and ferocious turtle.

Xuanwu seemed to notice Xu Changsheng's gaze.

The green snake body suddenly turned, and its inverted triangle eyes looked at Xu Changsheng.

There was a rare desire in his eyes.

Perhaps it was because Xuanwu was a water-based beast. Although it looked ferocious and rough, its temperament was extremely gentle.

It did not fight or compete, had no desires or demands, and had almost no emotions. Its interactions with Xu Changsheng were also much less than those of other beasts.

However, no matter how indifferent a beast was, it could never resist the desire for evolution.

This was a desire that was rooted in the blood and grew deep in the soul.

Xuanwu took huge steps, rushing towards Xu Changsheng step by step.

With every step, Xu Changsheng seemed to feel that the earth was shaking.

It can be seen how heavy Xuanwu was and how strong he was.

Seeing Xuanwu coming, Xu Changsheng directly threw all kinds of scarce materials that he had prepared in his hand into the sky.


Xuanwu leaped and swallowed the natural treasures needed for its evolution.

Then its huge body fell heavily on the ground with a roar.

Xu Changsheng's body was even shaken twice.

The soles of his feet were numb!

He didn't have time to complain before he was attracted by the changes in Xuanwu. He saw the transparent spikes on its shell melt like ice and snow.

The water droplets formed by the melting spikes did not drip down due to gravity.

Instead, they evenly wrapped the entire shell of Xuanwu.

As more and more spikes disappeared, the water droplets gradually gathered into a stream, flowing along the mysterious lines on the shell to the green snake.


Instantly, the green snake raised its head and stood up, emitting a shocking roar, as if it was greatly stimulated.

Then, the scales on the green snake fell off one by one under the water drops, revealing the bloody muscles inside.

Even behind the scales, bursts of white smoke drifted by.

These water drops were extremely corrosive to the scales of the green snake!

The painful screams continued, and each sound echoed in Xu Changsheng's heart.

Although the contract with Xuanwu was not long ago, the communication between the two was not much.

But the contract engraved in the depths of the soul made Xu Changsheng and Xuanwu The bond between them was very deep.

It was a relationship of life and death.

Seeing Xuanwu in such pain, Xu Changsheng was naturally very heartbroken.

Time passed slowly, and the scales on the green snake fell off.

A blood snake appeared in front of Xu Changsheng.

The land under Xuanwu's feet had long been soaked with blood.

A strange fragrance attacked Xu Changsheng's nose.

It should be said that Xuanwu is worthy of being the water beast god. Its blood alone has great value.

After the green snake lost all its scales, its painful hissing suddenly stopped.

Then, something strange happened!

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