After all the scales of the green snake fell off, the water droplets quickly wrapped around the bloody muscles of the green snake.

The originally extremely corrosive liquid seemed to have completely changed its properties at this moment and became extremely soft. The mysterious icy air mixed with the majestic vitality and rushed into the body of the green snake.

In just a moment, the scales on the green snake's body grew again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The regrown scales were no longer green, but showed a simple black color.

It was an interweaving of black and red, a dual symbol of hardness and life.

After the snake's scales had completely regrown, the tortoise shell of the black tortoise was also shrouded by this wonderful fluctuation.

In an instant, the tortoise shell also turned black, and countless complex patterns appeared on it.

Just looking at it, there is a feeling of being dazzled.

Xu Changsheng looked at the evolved black tortoise.

At this time, its whole body was a mysterious black color interwoven with black and red, harmonious and natural.

The black tortoise just stood there, giving him a feeling of indestructibility.

This feeling immediately aroused���Xu Changsheng was curious.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and the [Eye of the World] was slightly activated, and Xuanwu's information appeared in his eyes.

Xuanwu's rank has reached Platinum Level 5. Coupled with its high-level qualifications, it can barely participate in the battle of the Shattering Star level.

Its various skills have also been greatly improved.

The defense of the passive skill [Shield of the North Sea] has been greatly improved.

The most important thing is that the current recoil force can reach 1.5 times the attack.

What is the concept? If the enemy attacks Xuanwu, then it will have to withstand 1.5 times its own offensive!

Coupled with Xuanwu's invincible defense.

Ordinary enemies may be killed by the recoil before they can hurt Xuanwu!

【Crazy Roar] is directly transformed into [Call of the Underworld], becoming Xuanwu's first invincible skill!

When the skill is activated, if the enemy does not attack Xuanwu, they will be judged to be dead.

The level of taunting of this skill has been raised to more than one level!!

If the enemy could ignore Xuanwu's roar because of his strong willpower before.

But now, no matter how strong his willpower is, it is impossible for him not to attack Xuanwu under this skill.

After all, if he does not attack, he will die!

Of course, the so-called instant death judgment is only relative. However, beasts of the level of Haoyue Yaori may not die immediately under the judgment, but they will also suffer huge trauma.

【The skill of [Ice Penetration] disappeared along with the transparent ice spikes on the shell of the Black Tortoise.

As for [God of Hell's Protection], it changed from only improving the defense and healing effect of the Black Tortoise to covering all friendly units within a range of 50 meters.

It is also a considerable improvement.

Xu Changsheng was very satisfied after browsing the information in front of him.

The current Black Tortoise has changed from a beast that can attack and defend both to a completely defensive beast.

The defense and protection capabilities have been improved by many times compared to before the evolution!

And what Xu Changsheng lacks most now is this type of beast.

After all, in terms of attacking ability, beasts such as Bifang, Blood Shadow, and Candle Dragon are completely sufficient for daily combat use.

At present, all beasts that have not evolved have been promoted to Sun-level gifted beasts.

Now Xu Changsheng has seven beasts under his command: Blood Shadow, Bifang, Candle Dragon, Fuyao, Dijiang, Bai Ze, and Black Tortoise.

They correspond to the seven attributes of darkness, fire, time, wood, space, destiny, and water respectively.

Now, Blood Shadow is a mythical beast, and the other six beasts also have the talent of the Sun level.

If this beast configuration is spread to the outside world, I don’t know how many people will be scared to death!

After all, a broken star beast is rare enough to be kept in the treasury of a country.

It is impossible to be contracted by anyone without great contribution.

And now, the talent of any beast of Xu Changsheng is two levels higher than the broken star level.

How can this not shock the world?

He has already reached the diamond level, and he has been busy these days and has no time to contract a new beast.

Now is naturally a great opportunity.

He glanced at the four beast eggs in front of him.

Finally, Xu Changsheng focused his eyes on a green egg, and a strange fragrance was emanating from this beast egg.

It was the poison attribute beast egg he had looted from the US treasury before.

Poison attribute beasts are rarely contracted by beast masters.

This is not because they are rare.

It is because these beasts are too harmful!

Their poisonous gas often causes wide-area damage, and it is very easy to accidentally injure civilians in combat.

In addition, when beastmasters advance or evolve, they often have the worst control over their own abilities.

The poisonous gas of poisonous beastmasters is also likely to leak out when they advance, causing irreparable disasters such as plague.

Therefore, the laws of various countries stipulate that only beastmasters of diamond rank or above or with specific poisonous beastmaster talents can contract poisonous beastmasters.

The beastmaster space of diamond rank beastmasters is already enough for beastmasters to evolve or advance.

Even if the poisonous gas leaks, it will not affect other people.

Beastmasters with poisonous attributes can control their beastmasters to the greatest extent and minimize the harm caused by beastmasters to others.

Even so, these low- and middle-level poisonous beastmasters must advance or evolve their beastmasters in a special room of the Federation.

It can be said to be extremely troublesome.

This also makes poisonous beastmasters extremely rare.

Xu Changsheng has never even encountered one since he grew up.

However, he has encountered many naturally grown fierce beasts.

Xu Changsheng has already reached the second level of diamond, so he naturally meets the conditions for the contracted poison attribute beast tamer.

This type of beast tamer often performs well on large battlefields.

It is just right for Xu Changsheng now.

With this thought in mind, he no longer hesitated.

His consciousness turned into a dagger and he quickly cut his wrist.

Blood gushed out like a spring, quickly soaking the beast tamer egg.

In an instant, the strange fragrance became several times stronger, almost completely knocking Xu Changsheng unconscious.

As the fragrance entered his brain, an indescribable pleasure extended from the deepest part of his brain to his limbs.


Xu Changsheng took a breath of cold air and shivered a few times.

How can this feeling be described with just one word: cool?

The pleasure came quickly and went away quickly, but between breaths, the numbness quickly faded from the body.

Only a faint aftertaste made Xu Changsheng have endless aftertaste.

At this time, the beast containing the divine beast"Fei" broke out of the shell.

According to the"Divine Beast Records":"Fei, its shape is like a cow with a white head, one eye and a snake tail, and its name is Fei. If it moves, the water will dry up, and if it moves, the grass will die. If it is seen, there will be a great epidemic in the world."

The first sentence describes the appearance of this divine beast.

The second sentence reveals its ferocity: if it sees water, the water will dry up, and where it passes, no grass will grow. Once Fei appears, there will be a catastrophic plague in the world, which shows how fierce its toxicity is.

However, poisonous beasts also have a characteristic.

That is, after they are contracted, no matter how strong their toxicity is, they will never cause any harm to the master and other beasts of the same master!

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