His limbs were sucked into the black hole, and in an instant they were shredded into blood by the terrifying spatial fluctuations.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and he raised his hand to signal Dijiang to stop.

Suddenly, the black hole disappeared.

And because there was no external force, Johari's body fell straight down.

Under Xu Changsheng's instruction, a faint spatial fluctuation flashed along with Johari's body.

And his falling posture also changed from landing on the abdomen first to landing on the head first, which was a sure way to die.


A loud noise came from the ground.

Xu Changsheng looked down and saw that Joe Harry's head was like a ripe watermelon. Once it was hit, it exploded.

The bright red blood mixed with the yellow and white brain matter exploded together.

It splashed on the troublemakers present.

It even fell into the mouths of some unlucky people.

Such a horrible scene shocked everyone for a while.

The originally noisy crowd was as obedient as chickens at this time.

Seeing that his purpose of shocking had been achieved, Xu Changsheng stepped on Bifang and slowly fell down.

The red flames around Bifang���It rose up, creating waves of heat.

Even the air was distorted by the high temperature.

Under Xu Changsheng's control, Bifang landed right in the center of the crowd of troublemakers.

Seeing such a big fireball coming in front of them, all of them wanted to retreat so that they could get some coolness.

However, Xu Changsheng's indifferent voice came from Bifang's back:

"Did I tell you to move?! The host hasn't spoken yet, how dare you guests mess around?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the flames on Bifang's body suddenly rose, forming a hollow fire circle with a radius of about ten meters, trapping all the troublemakers firmly in the center.

In this way, even if these people want to escape, they will never have any chance to escape!

After all, Bifang is now a diamond-level beast, coupled with its high-level talent and qualifications. Its comprehensive strength is probably not inferior to that of a high-level star-breaking beast.

How can these small fish resist the sky fire it summons?

And the most fatal thing is that the fire circle set by Bifang is always It was shrinking inward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If it goes on like this, it won't take long.

Except for Xu Changsheng, everyone will be burned to ashes by the scorching flames.

The danger of death immediately enveloped all the troublemakers present.

They stopped and looked at Xu Changsheng who had already landed on the ground, trying to figure out what tricks he was trying to play.

At the same time, scorching heat came from Bifang and the fire circle behind him.

The flames attacked from both sides, and the high temperature eroded their vitality like a maggot attached to their bones.

Seeing that everyone did not move, Xu Changsheng nodded with satisfaction and said:

"That's right. Guests should behave like guests. What's the point of shouting and yelling? Let's communicate and discuss things properly, right? I'm not the kind of unreasonable person."

His tone was gentle, as if he really wanted to discuss things with these people.

However, Johari's body, with only a torso left, lay there in front of them. The blood spilled from his body had not even cooled down yet.

How could they not hear the yin and yang in Xu Changsheng's words?

But with Johari's foresight, no one dared to be the first to speak this time.

For a moment, no one in the crowd of hundreds dared to respond to Xu Changsheng's words.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng frowned slightly and suddenly shouted:

"I'm talking to you, are you mute?!"

Everyone present was frightened to death by his roar, and shuddered together. Xu

Changsheng's almost unreasonable killing and tyranny made these people unable to resist at all.

They knew that if they resisted, they would really die!

"By the way, I just heard that you want to plunder the treasury of China, right? Who are they?"

Xu Changsheng changed the subject with a faint smile on his face.

With his handsome face, he seemed harmless.

But this simple sentence almost scared several people out of their wits!

They didn't expect that Xu Changsheng would remember their words.

These people lowered their heads very low, as if they were afraid that Xu Changsheng would discover their existence.

Xu Changsheng had naturally talked about this situation a long time ago. He casually took out a chair from the space ring, sat on it and said:

"You don't want to talk, right? It's okay, we'll waste time slowly."

While they were talking, the fire circle, which originally had a radius of ten meters, had shrunk to less than seven meters!

Bifang and Xu Changsheng occupied at least three or four square meters of area.

The troublemakers now had to stick close to each other to avoid being burned by the flames.

There was no extra time to waste with Xu Changsheng!

Immediately, someone pointed out:

"He! He! He! And he!"

The so-called alliance was vulnerable in the face of life and death.

In an instant, four or five people were pushed in front of Xu Changsheng.

Their calves were trembling with fear.

Some even knelt down in front of Xu Changsheng, with pale yellow liquid oozing from their crotch. It was obvious that they were close to collapse.

"What are you afraid of? I will satisfy you. You want to see the treasury, right? Just go in!"

Xu Changsheng kicked the man away and waved his left hand.

A huge twisted black hole appeared in front of everyone. The terrifying suction force and the ubiquitous black lightning showed its terrifying lethality.

"No, no!!!"

These people only had time to let out a heart-wrenching wail before they were sucked into the black hole.


The teeth-grinding sound of minced meat came from the black hole.

This sound made everyone present shudder.

The awe and terror of Xu Changsheng increased even more.

They kept cursing the long-dead Johari in their hearts. If it weren't for him taking the lead, they would never have fallen to such a state!

But now, being completely targeted by a demon like Xu Changsheng, how could they have any chance of survival! For a moment, their hatred for Johari reached its peak, and they even wished he would come back to life and then be beaten to death by them!

"By the way, who else is so smart that he wants me to work for him for free for a month?"

Xu Changsheng's voice spread among the crowd.

Obviously, the reckoning will not end so easily.

Today, he, Xu Changsheng, will let everyone in the world know:

China, do not mess with it!

Dragon power, do not touch it!

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