As soon as Xu Changsheng said this, everyone present was horrified.

One of them was so pale that he looked like a dead person, and his legs were shaking so much that he couldn't even stand steadily.

His body swayed from side to side involuntarily, and he seemed to be about to fall.

However, when his teammates who were on the same front with him saw him like this, not only did no one reach out to help him.

Instead, they retreated in panic as if they had seen a ghost. It was as if this man was carrying some extremely terrifying germs.

In an instant, in the originally cramped circle of fire, a vacuum zone was forcibly opened up with him as the center. It was strange and abnormal.

""Haha~ Good! Very good!"

Seeing that everyone was so ruthless, the man's staggering steps miraculously stabilized, and he let out a mocking laugh.

He strode forward, knelt in front of Xu Changsheng, and said hatefully:

"Sir, I can point out to you the main organizers of this event. I don't ask for a way out, but I ask these people to���Those who don't fall, all of you will go to hell with me!"

This person's voice was very loud, and the hatred in his tone was so strong that it was difficult to dissolve.

Hearing this, the troublemakers suddenly made a noise, and some of them couldn't help but take two steps forward:

"Ah Xibayo! Cui Zhihao, do you know what you are talking about!!!"

Cui Zhihao turned his head and looked at the man who spoke, laughing miserably:

"You were unkind first, so don't blame me for being unjust!"

He pointed at a few of them and shouted:

"That's them! What's the meaning of wealth and glory! Haha! Don't you think that China, as a superpower, will not allow us to bully you at will! Ridiculous, I was deceived by your sweet words at that time!"

Cui Zhihao's eyes were full of bloodshot, and his eyes were wide open.

He didn't hate Xu Changsheng, he hated those treacherous people who instigated him, and hated those who had vowed to form an eternal alliance but abandoned him at the last moment!


Seeing that Cui Zhihao actually betrayed them, the leaders of these troublemakers were furious and their faces turned red.

But due to Xu Changsheng's presence, no one was moved for a while.

They looked at Xu Changsheng's stern face, not knowing what to do.

Xu Changsheng sat sideways on the chair, watching the good show in front of him coldly.

Suddenly, he stood up, clapped his hands, and praised:

"Good show! Good show! You are indeed a guest, and you put on such a good show for me!"

Then he changed the subject and looked at Cui Zhihao:

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to spare their lives. But, don't even think about going to hell with you, I won't let you die!"

Just as he was speaking.

The circle of fire began to shrink suddenly, and the red sky fire was extremely aggressive.

As soon as it touched their skin, it dispersed into countless tiny flames that were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and penetrated into their bodies.

The flames were running wild in their blood vessels, muscles, and meridians.

Within a few seconds, although these people looked normal on the outside, their insides had already been burned into ashes by the fierce flames!

Their skin, due to the lack of bone support, twisted and limp and shook on the ground.

The smell of burnt stench immediately filled Cui Zhihao's nose.

He watched helplessly as the people he had worked with died completely under the erosion of the Bifang sky fire without even a scream!

And those who fell to the ground Hundreds of skins gave him a great visual impact.

In an instant, he felt that his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

Xu Changsheng looked at the scene in front of him that could be called a picture of hell, and nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, he wanted to tease these people, as a bit of fun in his boring life.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhihao suddenly appeared halfway and staged a big show, which satisfied his interest in watching fun.

Therefore, when Xu Changsheng took action now, he was naturally decisive and merciless.

Only blood can make those who bully the weak and fear the strong really terrified!

And Xu Changsheng spared Cui Zhihao's life, naturally not out of kindness, but for his own purpose.

He looked down at Cui Zhihao, who collapsed on the ground due to a mental breakdown, and said indifferently:

"Collect these skins and hang them on the gate of Imperial University as a warning."

"Moreover, send a message to all countries to come to the imperial capital for a meeting within seven days. Otherwise, the country will be destroyed!"

After this battle, Xu Changsheng understood it thoroughly.

Treating human beings as creatures, blindly being kind and compromising is of no use at all!

Only true iron and blood can bring out the maximum potential of all human beings!

At that time, he will surely suppress the world for a short time, condense the power of all people, and burst out the last light of mankind!

This kind of tyranny, if it continues for a long time, will inevitably lead to a large-scale uprising.

People at the bottom don't care whether humans will become extinct in a year.

They only know that their days are getting worse day by day.

After all, in wartime, a large amount of resources must be given priority to people with potential and strength.

Correspondingly, the resources of ordinary people will be greatly reduced.

But Xu Changsheng doesn't care!

As long as humans can survive, it's fine!

As for the future?

What? No matter how violent the riots are, will anyone dare to trouble him, Xu Changsheng?

First consider how many lives you have to die!

Hearing this, Cui Zhihao trembled, he looked at Xu Changsheng in disbelief, and murmured:

"Destroy......Destroy the country?"

He couldn't believe that Xu Changsheng could be so cruel!

"Do I need to repeat it a second time?"

Seeing Cui Zhihao did not move, Xu Changsheng said coldly, his eyebrows and eyes were full of murderous intent.

"I dare not."

Cui Zhihao shuddered, and stood up, rolling and crawling, collecting the human skins scattered on the ground for Xu Changsheng.

His hands trembled to the extreme, picking up the human skins one by one, and the desire to retch came from his stomach.

His fear of Xu Changsheng reached its peak.

Perhaps, he had angered Xu Changsheng.

The destruction of a country is not just talk!

Ten minutes later, hundreds of human skins were hung on the gate of the Imperial Capital University by Cui Zhihao, like hundreds of flesh-colored flags.

This extremely brutal behavior naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Those Chinese who had been paying attention to the situation here for a long time, seeing this scene, were not afraid or frightened, but applauded:

"Well done! Riots must be stopped with blood! Do you really think we Chinese are easy to bully?"

"Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions! I also think it’s a good job!"

"Damn, those foreigners, I've been annoyed with them for a long time! It's better for them to die!"

In the world of beast control, the people are tough and it is very common to see bloodshed and even death.

Even ordinary people have seen a lot of blood.

Faced with this scene, they just felt that they had let out a breath of anger in their hearts and praised Xu Changsheng's behavior.

As for other bad thoughts, they would not appear at all!

Shen Wuyan jumped down from the five-clawed golden dragon. He looked at Xu Changsheng, who had a murderous face, with a worried look on his face, and his lips moved slightly.

However, before Shen Wuyan could speak, Xu Changsheng took the lead and said:

"Principal, times have changed!"

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