Shen Wuyan looked at Xu Changsheng for a long time, and the words stuck in his throat were finally swallowed by him.

Yes, the times have changed!

Their generation was born when China was insignificant, and they finally got along well with all countries and seized opportunities. Now that China is almost the world's largest country, they no longer have the heart to explore, and they only think about how to keep this land.

Instead, they have lost the intention of sharp acquisition and reform.

Now, it is a time of great chaos that has not been seen in ten thousand years, so naturally, Xu Changsheng, a talented person, should make the final decision.

Thinking of this, Shen Wuyan nodded, and those words of dissuasion were thrown behind him.

An hour later, China held an emergency meeting.

Five hours later, Yan Hua, the chief governor of China, abdicated, and Xu Changsheng, at the age of eighteen, became the new governor and took charge of China.

When this news came out, China and the whole world were shocked!

And Xu Changsheng also became the youngest governor in the history of the world! One day later, the news that Xu Changsheng had summoned various countries to hold a meeting spread all over the world, causing a global sensation!

���A secret meeting was held.

Three days later, representatives of some small countries came to the imperial capital to express their submission.

Five days later, representatives of the big countries expressed their willingness to cooperate and said that they would cooperate with all actions of China to the best of their ability.

Xu Changsheng vetoed and said:

Those who do not submit will die!

On the other side of the world, in the United States, a secret meeting was being held in the Congress Hall.

On the round table, the flags of different countries were placed.

The Giant Bear Country, the Great Ying Country, the Fa Country......

Looking around, several major countries in the world, except China, are all present.

This is unbelievable under normal circumstances!

However, the representatives of these major countries sat upright in their seats, frowning, and no one spoke.

The atmosphere was so depressing that it seemed like water could drip out!

"How to deal with China's affairs?"

The United States, as an old power and the only country that has the strength to confront China head-on, spoke first.

The American representative swept his eyes across the faces of the representatives like a wolf, and said in a deep voice:

"Cooperation is not an option! All we can do is surrender! This is simply, incomprehensible!"

"I think, why not just surrender? It's actually not a big deal."

The representative of the French country continued.

As soon as he said this, representatives from various countries immediately cast sharp eyes at him.

He shrugged and stopped talking. He was very disdainful of these people in his heart:

If they really wanted to resist, they would have resisted long ago! Why do they need to discuss it so carefully?

Isn't it because they are afraid of the power of China!

Now, they just want to gain greater benefits.

However, with China's tough attitude today, how can it easily compromise?

It's better to surrender early!

The atmosphere fell into stagnation again.

"Xu Changsheng, you are going too far!"

After a long while, an arrogant old man in a tuxedo snorted coldly.

He was obviously dissatisfied with Huaxia's behavior for a long time!

As soon as this was said, it immediately attracted the echo of others.

"But how can we resist Xu Changsheng?"

The representative of the Fa country spread his hands and asked a soul-searching question.


According to legend, Xu Changsheng's strength is at least above the high level of Haoyue!

Killing a Shattered Star Beastmaster is as easy as killing a dog!

And some of these so-called great powers have not even produced a Shattered Star Beastmaster.

The huge gap in strength can be seen!

"It's just a rumor! Have you seen it? And, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than our army of hundreds of millions?"

The old man in the tuxedo glanced at the French representative with disdain. He was very disdainful of this kind of surrender.

Allen stood behind the American representative. When he heard this, his lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something.

But due to his own position, he swallowed his words.

After all, he represented the United States, so he naturally couldn't dampen his spirit.

""Okay, I'll show you today."

Suddenly, a cold male voice came from the entrance of the hall.

Everyone's faces showed incomparable surprise, and they turned their heads to look outside.

It was originally daytime here, but for some reason, it was as dark as ink outside, so dark that not even a trace of light could be seen.

And a slender figure was slowly walking out of the darkness.

""Tap! Tap! Tap!"

He was not walking fast, just a little faster than an ordinary person who had not practiced.

However, every step seemed to fall on their hearts, making them tremble with fear!

How could these representatives not know that the unimaginably young and handsome boy in front of them was the legendary Xu Changsheng!

As cold and stern as the legend! As handsome as the legend!

As powerful as the legend!

He could even easily deal with the heavy guards outside the door without them noticing.

This kind of strength gap can no longer be made up by numbers!

"Xu Changsheng?! What are you doing! Don't we still have two days?"

The old man in the tuxedo suddenly stood up and slammed the table and shouted angrily.

If it weren't for the fact that his legs were still trembling slightly, he would have looked very imposing.

"Oh? Who gave you the right to call me by my name?"

Xu Changsheng said calmly.

Then he raised his left hand.

In an instant, the sticky darkness behind him seemed to have life, attacking the old man in the tuxedo and wrapping him up.


A shrill scream sounded from the darkness.

After a second, it stopped abruptly.

The darkness receded, and the place where the old man in the tuxedo had stood was empty.

Everyone's eyes moved slightly downward.

Under his seat, a completely broken skeleton was lying there without dignity!

The representative of Daying Country was killed by Xu Changsheng just because he called out his full name!

What a violent character!

What frightened them the most was that they didn't even have time to react.

The person who had just been discussing countermeasures with them died in front of them!

"Does anyone else have anything to say?"

Xu Changsheng stopped and said with interest.

However, the screams of the envoy from Daying seemed to still faintly echo in their ears.

How dare these people have any more objections?

"If not, I will regard you as surrendering. Remember, 70% of the resources in the national treasury must be handed over! Half of the various resources collected every month must also be handed over. These resources will then be distributed by China."

Xu Changsheng turned and left, his voice slowly echoing in the hall.

The voice was not loud, but it contained full of tyranny, and no one would be allowed to question it!

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