After Xu Changsheng finished speaking, he strode out of the hall.

The sticky darkness outside the hall also faded away. The bright sunshine appeared again, as if the previous darkness was not just an illusion.

Only under the round table, the incomplete skeleton of the old man in a tuxedo told of Xu Changsheng's cruelty and ruthlessness just now.

However, who said that among so many people, he was the one who shouted the most?

Xu Changsheng had just arrived in the United States through [Space Jump] and found the place where their meeting was held, and he heard the shameless words of the British representative.

So, if Xu Changsheng didn't use him as a scapegoat, who else could he use!

And Xu Changsheng's experience in the past six months told him that it is often only after absolute violence that people will become obedient.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng took his life directly.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey is nothing more than this.

As for the effect, as he expected, it is naturally as good as it can be.

Look, as soon as he mentioned the conditions, others didn't even dare to fart!

After Xu Changsheng's figure completely disappeared from the hall.

The others dared to breathe a sigh of relief and put down their hearts that had been raised to their throats.

When Xu Changsheng was there, they really didn't dare to breathe, and they didn't even dare to look directly at Xu Changsheng.

They were afraid that if they were not careful, they would end up like the representative of Daying Country, dead and gone, and even not even a complete corpse could be left!

They looked at each other, and saw shock and fear in each other's eyes.

What's funny is that they had confidently discussed how to deal with Xu Changsheng before!

Such strength, how could it be resisted by the accumulation of numbers?

However, Xu Changsheng's conditions were too outrageous.

Not only do you have to hand over 70% of the treasury resources in the initial stage.

After that, every month, you will have to hand over another 50% of the monthly income!

This is an extremely high price for any country.

It will even seriously affect the survival of a country's people.

After an unknown amount of time, someone said in a hoarse voice:

"Maybe we can discuss this with him. This request is really......"

"Yes, yes, we are a big country after all, so there is still room for negotiation!"

"Yes, let's negotiate, maybe Xu Changsheng will back down."

However, their tone was not as confident as before, and even a little guilty. Would someone with Xu Changsheng's personality really give them room for negotiation?

Sure enough, Allen's next words were like a basin of ice water, directly cooling their newly ignited hopes:

"As far as I know, the small countries that surrendered at the beginning only asked China to hand over half of the national treasury resources and 30% of the resources every month."

"Xu Changsheng has improved so much this time, it must be to warn us!"

"If we still don't appreciate it and even want to negotiate with Xu Changsheng on an equal footing, then these demands will definitely be raised again!"

Alan and Xu Changsheng have known each other for a long time, and it can even be traced back to the Ten Thousand Nations Competition a few months ago.

He is the one who knows Xu Changsheng's character best among this group of people.

He is vindictive, ruthless, and moody.......

Character labels flashed in Allen's mind, and he had a deeper understanding of what he had just said.

He looked at the hesitant people and pointed to the skeleton under the round table and said:

"Do you also want to be like him?"

This sentence completely shattered everyone's hesitation.

Yes, if they go to negotiate again, they might even lose their lives.

Is it worth it?

No matter how much China exploits their country, the lives of these top figures will never be the same as before, no matter what!

"Thank you, Brother Allen, for your advice!"

As the saying goes, once a thought arises, the world becomes wider. After figuring this out, these people not only did not show any pain or sadness on their faces, but instead bowed to Allen.

There was even a hint of joy on their faces, as if they were glad that they had saved their lives.

Allen naturally saw their expressions.

As a leader of a country, he naturally understood clearly what these people were thinking!

He even had such thoughts in his own heart.

It was at this moment that he finally understood why Xu Changsheng did it so desperately.

Because in times of crisis, there must be a most authoritative and powerful person to be the supreme leader of all mankind and guide the actions of mankind.

Only in this way can the greatest power of mankind be unleashed in desperate situations!

Otherwise, ordinary people will definitely only think about how to save themselves!

Even... There will be high-level officials who secretly communicate with foreign enemies just to save their own lives!

But the premise for doing so is that the top leader like Xu Changsheng must put the interests of mankind first and must not have any personal feelings.

Can he do this?

Various thoughts flashed through Allen's mind.

Suddenly, he smiled.

In any case, Xu Changsheng's leadership position has been established at this moment. All he can do is obey.

Anyway, the worst result is the demise of all mankind.

As for surrendering to evil spirits?

As one of the world's famous masters, Allen naturally has his own pride.

He has never thought about such a thing.

On the other hand, Xu Changsheng has also returned to the imperial capital through [Space Leap].

This time he came ahead of time and attacked suddenly, and the main purpose was to catch people off guard!

Doing so will not only save trouble and worry, but also benefit Maximize.

After all, under the fear of death, everything becomes negotiable.

Moreover, before he dealt with Cui Zhihao and other troublemakers, he had already expected that an old power like the United States would never succumb to him easily.

Violent means can never be avoided.

This kind of single-person raid is also the way with the least casualties. As for the soldiers guarding the gate, Xu Changsheng just let them fall asleep in the darkness created by the blood shadow, and did not hurt their lives.

In this trip, the only one who was really injured and killed was the representative of Daying Country.

While the thought was flashing, Xu Changsheng had already arrived at the gate of Imperial Capital University.

Hundreds of human skins fluttered in the wind like flags.

Let the Imperial Capital University, which was originally full of youthful vitality, have a bit more eerie and murderous aura. There are also fewer pedestrians on the street than in the past, and at a glance it is not There were only two or three people.

Xu Changsheng had already spread the news that the evil spirits were coming and the deadline for the war was less than a year.

Now everyone was in danger, and everyone was seizing every opportunity to practice madly in order to gain a greater chance of survival in the last minute.

Xu Changsheng told Shen Wuyan and others about the surrender of major countries such as the United States and left on his own.

Although he is the current top leader of China, Xu Changsheng's most important task at the moment is still to improve his own strength.

After all, he is the highest fighting force against the evil spirit tide.

Other trivial matters should be handed over to veteran administrators such as Shen Wuyan and Yan Hua. They are already very familiar with such things and can do them with ease.

In the past few days, except for appearing when conquering other small countries, the rest of the time was spent on hard practice.

Xueying and Dijiang were still released by him to the beast world to kill and grow on their own.

Zhulong was madly devouring the hearts of evil spirits to purify his own blood.

Moreover, with the increase in the number of evil spirit hearts devoured, Zhulong's digestion has improved a lot compared to the beginning.

Purifying one percent of the blood has been reduced from three days to half a day!

In just a few days, there were only a hundred evil spirit hearts left in Xu Changsheng's hands, not even enough for Zhulong to devour in two days.

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