At this moment, the alien space that was originally filled with various resources had been completely emptied by Xu Changsheng. In such a large space, only Xu Changsheng and a few beasts under his command were left, which seemed a bit desolate and lonely.

He looked around and did not find any strange things.

Everywhere he looked, there was a white light, without any characteristics.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in Xu Changsheng's mind:

"If you hear my voice here, then I'm missing"

"Xu Changsheng, don't try to find me, and don't think about finding any information related to my disappearance"

"At this level, even a tiny thought can attract the attention of that being."

"All you can do is become stronger! Become stronger! Become stronger! Do your best to resist the disaster that will come one year from now!"

"And the items here are my last help to you!"

This voice slowly echoed in Xu Changsheng's mind.

Xu Changsheng was very familiar with this voice!

It was the Beast God!

After all, who else besides the Beast God could suddenly transmit the sound into Xu Changsheng's mind?

This method of sound transmission requires the receiver to be completely relaxed physically and mentally, or the strength of the person transmitting the sound far exceeds that of the receiver.

Looking at the two worlds, only the Beast God has such strength!

The voice paused, and continued to sound in Xu Changsheng's mind:

"Xu Changsheng, you must go to the Evil Abyss every month to reinforce the seal formation, otherwise the evil spirits may come out at any time."

"The sealed item will be delivered to you once you leave the palace."

"By the way, I have taken away the strongest evil spirit under the throne, so you don't need to worry."

"If you still have the energy to spare, I hope you can take care of the people in the gathering place of the beast world. After all, their ancestors, thousands of years ago, protected humans with me!"

After these words were spoken, the voice in his mind fell completely silent.

After Xu Changsheng digested the words of the Beast God, he stood for a long time without saying a word.

He stood in the white alien space, alone and extremely lonely.

If you look closely, you can even see Xu Changsheng's hand on his side, trembling slightly.

Now, he is really fighting alone and has no one to rely on.

When the Beast God was still there, no matter what happened, it would always be the first to resist.

Even if there is danger affecting him, it will not be fatal.

But now, the responsibility and burden of maintaining the survival of humans in the two worlds is no longer blocked, and it is directly pressed on his shoulders.

This feeling......It's really hard to describe.

After a while, Xu Changsheng took a deep breath and smiled:

"What's there to be afraid of? When a person dies, birds fly to the sky. If a person doesn't die for ten thousand years, it's over. What if I can't live without the Beast God?"

A thousand years ago, when the evil spirits first came to the world, didn't the Beast God rely on his own strength to continue the flame of mankind?

Then, a thousand years later, what can't he, Xu Changsheng, do?

With this thought in mind, Xu Changsheng did not pause and strode towards the exit.

The dark purple wormhole twisted and rotated, still as it did at the beginning.

Xu Changsheng took a step forward.

After a brief dizziness, the familiar dark purple palace appeared before his eyes again.

He walked down the stairs and then came to the outside of the palace.

Just as the Beast God said, there was already someone waiting outside the door.

""You are here, my destined one." said a tall and hot woman with a pair of fox ears on her head.

She was different from the others whose faces were covered with black hair. Her face was very smooth and pretty.

""I'm Hu Dingjin, please."

Seeing Xu Changsheng coming, the guide bowed slightly and then made a gesture of giving directions.

When she turned around, Xu Changsheng discovered that behind her buttocks, there was a furry fox tail.

As she moved, it swung back and forth, which was very cute and pleasing to the eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng's depression caused by the disappearance of the Beast God faded a little.

It seems that the Beast God knows his character and specially arranged such a pleasing guide for him.

The two of them walked in silence, one in front and one behind, and turned a few alleys. Suddenly, the view became clear.

A tall house made entirely of black stone bricks appeared in front of Xu Changsheng. From the surface of the house, faint spatial fluctuations came spontaneously.

However, unlike the spatial fluctuations of the teleportation array, the spatial fluctuations here were to isolate other spatial behaviors and thus protect the items inside to the greatest extent.

This was somewhat similar to the forbidden sky stone in the world of beast control, but it was more advanced and probably more expensive.

Of course, for the Beast God, the value of the item was naturally not within His consideration. As long as it was useful, it was fine.

"Please. According to the instructions above, only one person is allowed to enter this room."

Hu Dingjin bowed slightly, and then very respectfully presented a stone key with both hands and handed it to Xu Changsheng.

She didn't even dare to look directly into Xu Changsheng's eyes all the way to now, and only dared to look at the bluestone bricks under her feet. Even though she was taller than Xu Changsheng.

I don't know what kind of education she received since childhood

""Thank you."

Xu Changsheng took the key from her and thanked her softly.

This thank you almost scared Hu Dingjin out of her wits. Her graceful body trembled, and then she knelt down and said hurriedly:

"Destined person, but what did my little girl do wrong? Please give me some advice!"

Seeing her in this state, Xu Changsheng was puzzled and helped her up again and again:

"It's nothing, I'm just saying thank you normally."

However, no matter how hard Xu Changsheng tried, Hu Dingjin just knelt on the ground and wouldn't get up.

It seemed that only in this way could Xu Changsheng comfort her for her mistakes.

Even if Xu Changsheng forcibly pulled her up, she would immediately kneel down and be extremely humble.

Seeing this, Xu Changsheng also put away the idea of persuading her.

Maybe this is the etiquette of the beast world. The customs and behaviors of the two worlds are different, so there is no need to force it.

He walked to the stone house, took out the key, and turned it towards the lock.

The stone door opened with a bang.

The objects inside came into Xu Changsheng's eyes.

A sister's dark purple seal stone was neatly placed on the stone shelf.

Looking around, there were at least thousands of them.

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