If the deadline was only one year, then the thousands of seal stones would not be used.

However, since the Beast God had prepared so many, there must be a purpose.

Anyway, Xu Changsheng's beast control space was large enough, so he put all the seal stones into his beast control space.

Then Xu Changsheng's eyes flashed with golden light, and he used the [Eye of the World] to look through the house from beginning to end. After making sure that nothing was missed, he left with peace of mind.

Pushing open the stone door, a woman's sobbing sounded faintly in his ears.

Xu Changsheng followed the sound and found that the crying person was Hu Dingjin, who had been kneeling to him before.

At this moment, she was being dragged forward by two black-haired strong men on the left and right.

The originally white and active fox tail dragged weakly on the dirty bluestone slab, stained with circles of stains.

Hu Dingjin herself lowered her head without any resistance, as if this was her fate.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng wondered what crime Hu Dingjin had committed to be treated like this. And why would the Beast God let a person who had committed a crime be his guide?......

As if he had thought of something, Xu Changsheng's face suddenly darkened and he called out to the two black-haired strong men:

"Stop right there!"

Xu Changsheng had once curiously asked the Beast God what his position was in the Beast Realm.

The Beast God's answer was: equal to Him.

In other words, in the Beast Realm, besides the Beast God, he, Xu Changsheng, was the greatest.

Now that the Beast God had disappeared, Xu Changsheng's position was naturally the first in the Beast Realm.

It was no problem for him to give orders to two black-haired strong men who were only high-level Star Breakers.

Sure enough, after hearing Xu Changsheng's rebuke, the two two-meter-tall strong men turned around and shouted without any hesitation:

""The destined person, what do you want me to do?"

The voice was so loud that Xu Changsheng's ears trembled slightly.

Seeing the two men stop, Xu Changsheng stepped closer and pointed at Hu Dingjin and said:

"What did she do wrong?"

What surprised him was that before he even approached the two men, they knelt down on their own, their movements were extremely smooth, as if they had knelt thousands of times.

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng asked again:

"You two, why are you kneeling down again?"

Hearing his question, the two strong men looked at each other, then lowered their heads and said:

"Hu Dingjin is very disrespectful to you. According to the law, he should be exiled to a forbidden place forever and cannot leave. He cannot commit suicide, otherwise his family will also be exiled to a forbidden place."

"As for us kneeling, it is because the inferior cannot look down on the superior in any form or for any reason, otherwise it will be treated as disrespectful."

This explanation really exceeded Xu Changsheng's imagination.

He did not expect that in the beast world, the gap between the superior and the inferior would be so huge.

If the tall people were at the bottom, wouldn't they kneel down when they saw someone?

What disrespectful behavior did Hu Dingjin have towards him?

You know, although she is tall, she is not taller than Xu Changsheng.

And when she was leading the way, she didn't even dare to look directly at Xu Changsheng. All her actions were simply impeccable.

How was this disrespectful?

"When a superior expresses gratitude to an inferior, it is also a blasphemy to his own status. If this happens, both the superior and the inferior should be executed together to serve as a warning to others. The black-haired strong man who spoke raised his head carefully, glanced at Xu Changsheng, and then immediately said:

"It's just that your status is too noble, and we have no right to deal with you, so we can only deal with Hu Dingjin."


Hearing this explanation, Xu Changsheng couldn't help but suck his teeth.

Is there such a thing?

People of noble status can't even express gratitude to those of lower status?

What a distorted world this is!

Originally, he thought that the forced reproduction of humans in the beast world was anti-human enough, but he didn't expect there was such a trick.

It seems that under the rule of the beast god and the oppression of the evil spirits.

The beast world has formed an absolutely clear hierarchy. Anyone who tries to break it, no matter whether he is in a high position or a low position, will not escape the fate of death.

Unless......That person has lived forever and has become the creator of identity.

"How do you judge a person's status? Family background or something else?"

Xu Changsheng continued to ask patiently.

Now, he is at least half the controller of the beast world, so he can't be as ignorant of it as before.

"It depends on their strength and potential."

The black-haired man continued, but this time his voice was a little proud:

"The most respected ones are naturally powerful warriors and people like you who have the power to end the chaos."

"Hu Dingjin, who relies on her beauty to survive, is the most lowly, the most vulgar, and the one with the lowest status."

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng sighed and waved his hand:

"Ignorance is not a crime. I don't know the rules here, so it can't be considered a crime. Hu Dingjin was implicated because of my ignorance, so let it go this time."

Hearing this, Hu Dingjin suddenly raised his head, which had been hanging down all the time, and looked at Xu Changsheng with his watery eyes with great gratitude.

This expression of pity and sadness really made people feel pity.

However, Xu Changsheng naturally did not help her because of her cute appearance.

In fact, Hu Dingjin was implicated because of his mistake and should not have suffered this disaster.

And as Xu Changsheng's strength increased, he could feel the cause and effect in the dark more and more.

If Hu Dingjin died in vain because of himself, I am afraid that at some stage in the future, it would greatly hinder the growth of his strength!

This is also an important reason why he seems to be meddling in other people's affairs.


Hearing this, the two dark-faced strong men looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

On the one hand, there were the rules they had believed in for many years, and on the other hand, there was the order of the legendary destined person.

It was really difficult to choose between the two.

During the stalemate, a heavy footstep came from the side, and then a familiar voice sounded in Xu Changsheng's ears:

"Listen to this lord, let Hu Dingjin go."

Xu Changsheng looked sideways and found that the person who came was the deputy city lord, Zheng Jianyan, who had brought him to see the Beast God in the first place.

He was still wearing heavy armor.

There was even blood on the armor that had not yet dried. It seemed that he had just returned from the battle on the front line. His whole body exuded an unapproachable coldness and bloodiness.

Even though the deputy city lord spoke, the two black-haired burly men still knelt on the ground, but their heads lowered deeper, and their foreheads were almost touching the ground.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changsheng was not surprised at all.

After all, if a higher-level person can completely exempt the punishment with a light word, then what is the point of this law?

It is simply a toy for the superior.

However, Zheng Jianyan's next words made the two black-haired men feel like they were struck by lightning, and they hurriedly took away the hands holding Hu Dingjin.

"The city lord has said that after he leaves, the city lord's position will be temporarily replaced by a destined person. His orders are the city lord's orders!"

Zheng Jianyan's words were loud and clear, like a sharp blade stabbing at the two big men.

They quickly pulled their hands away as if they were pierced by a needle.

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