"Swish!" accompanied by a fierce sound of breaking through the air.

The hand grew bigger and bigger in Xu Changsheng's pupils until it filled his entire field of vision.

This slash seemed to split time, space, and fate!

Xu Changsheng wanted to hide!

But he found that he couldn't move at all, and there was no need to move at all.

Under this blow, no matter how he moved, he couldn't escape the fate of being hit!

So Xu Changsheng simply closed his eyes and calmly waited for death to come.


The faint voice sounded again in Xu Changsheng's ears.

He suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had no injuries on his body.

At the same time


A thunderous sound came from behind Xu Changsheng.

He turned around stiffly.

The space around him seemed to prevent him from performing this simple action. The boundless force was like glue, sticking to his joints.

""Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of bones tearing continued to be heard.

The piercing pain came from all over his body.

However, there seemed to be an inexplicable voice in his heart:

Look! You must see it! You must see it!

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng burst out with a huge force.


There was a crisp sound of bones crackling.

Xu Changsheng's head tilted on his shoulder at a strange angle.

He twisted his head off with too much force!

However, Xu Changsheng's mouth revealed a smile, and his eyes burst into amazing brilliance: he saw it!

It was that hand that split the originally connected planets into two worlds, the Beast Taming World and the Beast Realm!

This matter was indeed man-made as he and the Beast God had guessed!

Then, the existence of the evil spirit was also very likely caused by the owner of this palm!

After so long, Xu Changsheng finally figured out who his real enemy was.

Even though he only saw a palm


The mysterious voice echoed in Xu Changsheng's ears again.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the beast control space.

Xu Changsheng twisted his neck, which was very flexible and without any signs of injury.

As for the scene just now.

Xu Changsheng guessed that it was the time fluctuations caused by the evolution of Zhulong to a mythical creature that disturbed the flow of the long river of time.

It allowed him to see the images of ancient times and truly understood the origin of the beast control world.

It turned out that all the sources were just a palm.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng also clearly saw that there was a round green mole the size of a grain of rice growing at the base of the palm.

"This strength......"

Xu Changsheng recalled the previous scene in his mind, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

Just a casual palm can split a planet.

What kind of realm has the owner of that palm reached?!

Needless to say, he is several times stronger than the Beast God!

No wonder even a powerful existence like the Beast God has to pin his hopes on himself

"However, Beast God, do you think too highly of me?"

Xu Changsheng smiled bitterly in his heart.

With such strength, even if a hundred of him were tied up, they would not be enough to defeat one of his fingers.

"Forget it, the boat will be straightened out when the time comes. Maybe I will also have such a powerful strength when I reach the legendary realm?"

Xu Changsheng comforted himself in his heart, and then put the matter deep in his heart, and no longer thought about it.


Xu Changsheng suddenly exclaimed.

He didn't know when his strength had made another huge breakthrough. He went directly from the fifth level of Diamond to the first level of Star Shattering!

He crossed four small levels and one large level!

Sure enough, the advancement of the Beastmaster still depends on the Beastmaster!

If Xu Changsheng relied on hard work alone, these four or five levels would probably take him at least a month.

After all, with the improvement of his realm, the energy required for each advancement is several times the original.

It is conceivable how difficult it is for a high-level Beastmaster to advance!

And Zhulong's evolution can save him a month of hard work!

With this thought, Xu Changsheng looked at the other Beastmasters eagerly.

It seemed that they were not Beastmasters, but experience babies that could add infinite cultivation to him.

"Go, go, go, devour the evil spirit hearts. Devour the red ones first, and then devour the blue ones after the blood concentration reaches 40%."

"When the blood concentration reaches 49%, come to me. I will give you the golden evil spirit heart and other advanced resources!"

Xu Changsheng waved his hand and sent the beasts that were just working hard to practice.

At this moment, he was looking for the specific information after the evolution of the candle dragon.

【Race: Zhulong (time attribute)】

【Qualification: Mythical!】

【Rank: Star Shattering Level 1】

【Talented skills: Lord of Time (invincible), Book of History (invincible), True Body of Candle Dragon (invincible), Four Seasons Punishment (invincible), Backtrack (invincible), Time Stop (invincible)】

【The only evolutionary route, time direction: evolution is complete!】

【Lord of Time: This beast is the embodiment of time, immune to all time attribute attacks. At the same time, the damage caused by other attributes to the beast is reduced by 80%】

【Book of Time: The beast controls time and can manipulate the long river of time, and select a large number of strong people from it to use for its own purposes.】

【Note: The strong ones include beast masters, beast masters, and fierce beasts, and they have most of their memories before they died.】

【Note: Each strong man can only be summoned once, and the existence time cannot exceed 24 hours】

【Note: The strong ones refer to those at the Haoyue level and above.】

【Time Warp: The beast has the ability to control time. When this ability is activated, the lifespan of enemies within a kilometer of the beast will be decelerated at a hundred times the speed until they die or leave the range of the ability.】

【Zhulong True Body: The beast can enter the True Body state at any time. In this state, Zhulong's physical fitness is improved to five times the original, but the physical consumption is slightly increased.】

【Four Seasons Punishment: The beastmaster will force an enemy to experience the extreme suffering of the four seasons for eternity until the enemy's soul is exhausted.】

【Backtrack: The beast can forcibly disturb the river of time and turn back time to a maximum of 24 hours ago】

【Note: Frequent disturbance of the river of time is extremely dangerous, please use it with caution】

【Time Stop: The beastmaster can freeze time and apply a time stop effect to enemies within any range. The stamina consumed by this ability increases with the range.

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